Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Getting Closer...

Time for a new post, so let's start things afresh.

Currently into the 8th week of MP basic training...and I'm glad to say it's finally gonna end SOON. 2 more weeks, to be exact. I'm POPing on 22 June...just gonna get through the final days smoothly and hopefully without any shit happening.

The past week was real easy to describe. Basically, it was EMO week. If you read my previous post, you'd know why I was so emo. Coincidentally, most of my bunkmates were also troubling over their girls so I guess we were on the same boat. Nevertheless, we managed to carry on for the week. Most of it was thanks to NINJA for being such a funny ass.

Past week's major event was my P226 live firing! I was damn fun man! Having shot a revolver before, I was quite familiar with pistols etc but still, this was no toy so everyone had to go through the same basic tech handling. On the actual shoot itself, I actually managed to produce unexpected results. Here why; during the practice shoot, I only got a pathetic 20/50 shots hit. Requirement to pass was 25/50. So you'd guess I was pretty disappointed, and succumbed to the fact that I sucked with firearms, again. However, I actually felt different. I actually, genuinely felt that my real shoot would garner much better results. Well, what did you know, for the real shoot, I actually hit a crazy 42/50 for the damn thing! Bet your ass I was happy like fk! Secret to being so zhun? I was dead pissed and focused on the target boards during the real test. Dictus te necare was looping in my brain, and killed off all my nerves. I wanted to kill some target boards, and I did. Oh, and I did held my pistol damn tight too, I must add. Guess it's all in the mind!

I was sorely interrupted ytd night, so had to continue the post hours later.

Hmm let's see what else. Yep, I must say almost ALL of the high key events are over. Looking back, I've really learnt quite a lot for this course. ATP, Thunderbolt, MLM, DB visit, p226...all of them were fun. Now, there's only EX-Confidence left, which is the tear gas thingy. I hate it, but just have to go through like a man.

It's hard to lose weight in this course man. Past week, I tried to eat lesser and work out more, but to no avail. I just managed to maintain my weight. It's ridiculous. IPPT is coming soon and I don't think I can get my GOLD le. Times like this when I really can't do shit man. Bleh...

Oh, and I should get a new notebook next week, during PC show. Finally...after years of torment with the pathetic excuse of a laptop that I have, I finally have the ability to get a brand new one myself. Yea man...imagine the possibilities...

Ok, I'm ending here. Going for my Roti Prata Routine...yea.

QOTD: When am I going to stop hanging by a thread?


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