Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Should I go back to Maple? This has been troubling me the whole week. Admittingly, it is mostly due to my new laptop, which is more than capable of ensuring a smooth, lag free gaming experience.

I'm seriously considering...but this time, I am weighing the pros and cons carefully. It is giving me a real headache.

Back in the days, Maple was my No.1 source of entertainment. No, should I say, it was MY LIFE. I have said before and I'll say again, Maple will always stick to my memories and I really can't flush it out of my system. It is really tempting man. To go back to the beautiful Maple world and use my XiaoLab lvl 130 Hero to kick some Yeti ass. And maybe finally get the Zakum helm. I know, time has passed and I'm waaaayyyy behind what is happening le. Now it's VERSION 2.0, with loads of new stuff.

But after careful thinking, I forced myself to conclude that re-playing Maple will only ruin my life, AGAIN. Like it has done so last time. I for one, am totally sure of the fact that if I go back to Maple again, I will get hooked again. It's that simple. I will go back to the life of spending 8hrs per day grinding it out to level up my character. Or should I say, I will go back to having NO LIFE. Come on, I'm an adult now, and I really can't let another game take over me, especially in such a crucial time. It's my transition period, so to speak, and If I make another wrong move, I'll only continue to sink ever further.

So I've decided. Biting my lips, I will NOT play Maple again. As painful as it is going to be, this is a decision I have man. I know, it will only benefit in the future. I don't want to waste my life anymore, man.



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