Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

God Damn ULCERS!

It's killin' me...every second, every minute, every DAY..! PAIN, PAIN, unadulterated PAIN that doesn't let me have a break!!!

It's the damn ULCER(S) in my mouth!!! 

I'm seriously gonna be super careful not to brush my lips again...ARGH. People take it for granted when their mouth are free of ulcers but when the damn irritant comes it hits and hurts HARD man! 

Somemore my ulcer is not one but two or three overlapping ZZZZZZZZZZZZ just imagining it makes my hair stand!!! AND! If you roll your tongue and try to feel it, you actually feel how deep the hole is *brain burstsss*!!!! HOLY CRAP...... I can't eat, I can't drink, I can't even sleep properly. And it is definitely affecting my mood so much. I feel so freaking piss-as-shit every second man!!! I get damn moody, and so easily irritable...as if I wasn't easily moody and irritable enough. Geezzzz...

Anyone who has experienced such "mega-ulcers" would know exactly how I feel.

OH man, I hate being an Ulcer-boy. 


16 days left. Here's hoping I get some things done by the end of the year. Can't wait for New Year Eve Countdown...and NEXT YEAR!


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