Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Seeking Solace through Adversity

Time for fun and games is over. Serious training for next year is starting on Friday and all the junk that I've been gorging will be burned off. It's finally come to and end, 2010. This year I have finally turned myself into a Runner AND Marathoner after much work. 

After the Marathon, I admit, I took it easy and threw away all discipline and motivation to train. But it allowed my body to relax and recuperate. I think that's necessary. However, I think it's about time I got sick of this lifestyle. Eating waste food consisting of empty calories and lazing around isn't my thing anymore. I need to jump back to the sane, familiar 'Runner's Path'. 

So this Friday, 31/12/2010, the last day of the year, I will be doing my last run of the year. After half a year of competitive running and a total mileage of 580 km, I will finish it up with a final 30K. I can't wait. It's been so damn long, since the marathon, that I've done a long one. My body feels good. It is taped, and more than ready. It will be a good start to the new year. 

Now, although it has been confirmed: I am doing 1st Jan, but I just have to take it. Jan's duty schedule is out, and like I said, my guard duty will start. Yes, things are still gloomy for now, but I can only take it one day at a time. 

Hmm, I hope I can summarize the year up in tomorrow's post (if there is one). Friday is the MPEU bowling cohesion @ West Coast and after that I will head for my run. 

Well, I'm short of time now, so allow me to finish my last duty of the year before I try to squeeze in a year end review.!


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