Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, December 10, 2010

Keep on Transiting...

Alright, say goodbye to the old template! This current one is close to what I had envisioned, and taking into account my lack of HTML skills, I think this should do for now. 

Life after the Marathon has resumed! I have taken a long break, didn't run since Sunday and still resting now. Well, actually I'm supposed to ain't I? 

Guess what, luck or fate has it that the Medical Officer thinks so too! So I went for a check on my foot two days ago (though mainly cos' I couldn't run and do drills), and he gave me more than I asked for -- EX L/L for TWO WEEKS, and a X-ray appointment! My left foot was indeed feeling a bit of sharp pain post-Marathon, but I've recovered from those before. So I was very surprised to get such a good excuse LOL. But still, I think I deserve the free rest after doing a freakin' Marathon man! 

It's time to really take a step back from running for now. I have some unfinished business in other departments of my life, and I intend to fix it sooner than later. My pay has finally come, and I am ready to start work. REAL WORK. But I will need every bit of lesson I learn in the past few months to spur me on, as the journey will be tough and demoralising. Slowly with progress, I will face up to my fear and reveal more...

On camp life, we are back to Istana duties all too soon. I already knew my 'Marathon Leave' would be my last one for this year, and that it will be a rough December ahead. With stuff like duties....punishments (?)...drills....parades....money problems...studies...

Whatever it is, I need to use December as a base to clean up whatever shit left undone this year. I can't afford to bring over unfinished business to the next year...so let's see, we are left ONLY 3 weeks to do it..every single day is precious. 

As the races for 2010 come to an end, I will look back at each and every single one and relief the emotions they have given me. Some good, some bad, most painful, but all are precious memories. I am fortunate to have photos as keepsake. However, I am already looking forward to NEXT YEAR. There's gonna be MORE NEW and EXCITING races, such as the Adidas KOTR and 100K. Damn sure I am going to join those I've missed out like the 100 Plus Passion and Mizuno runs. And one more thing. Damn sure I am going to earn a 4-hours Marathon. 

One year later, Lab, if you're reading this. Pat yourself at your back, because you saw the future come true, and DAMN it's gonna feel good. =D


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