Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Nice Surprise!

Wow, I ran the Pandan Reservoir Run 2010 and didn't expect to get Second Runner-up overall! It was 6.2K, a single loop around the Reservoir. I was just looking to clock a personal best for my 5K, since I've never done that before. Little did I know that my timing was enough for a trophy! Of course, this is a small scale and little known neighbourhood event, with only maybe 200 participants, but hey, a trophy is still a trophy!

The weather was excellent. Clear skies, some breeze but not too strong. Perfect for a Sunday morning run. I have not ran since Stan Chart, so I was well rested and ready for a good performance. After the little 'oldies' workout, which was quite useful actually, we headed to the start. 

Immediately after flag off, I went clear of the crowd to check the first runners. Turned out there was only one guy breaking off -- fast, and no there was nobody going after him. I knew this was a good chance to win something, so I went catching the rabbit. As fate would have it, I was reading 'Born To Run' recently and learned a thing or two about drafting. So I stuck constantly behind the leader. Not for long though. Just when I thought this was going to be a two tail race, I heard the chasing footsteps of another runner approaching. And it was coming fast. 

Minutes later, the three of us were more or less on par. Like breaking the ice, one guy had to take the initiative to lead the pack. I was not going to do that. My strategy was clear -- stick behind the leaders all the way until the final surge. Then, the first guy slowed down drastically, and I thought he was done for. From that point, the third guy overtook the lead, and I followed, leaving the original rabbit behind.

But as my limits would bring me back to reality, I felt the blistering pace of the new leader too hot to handle! Little by little, I strayed behind, unable to keep up. He did not slow down; I just could not keep up. So it was second place then! But -- more surprises. Shortly after the halfway mark, as I was struggling the most, the original rabbit came emerging back with a bang. I saw his pace, and I knew, second was gonna be his. I was fooled; he was just tailing back to save energy before increasing pace. Great strategy. Instantly, I turned to have a look behind me. Coast clear. Yup, nobody was threatening my 3rd place. I was quite annoyed to have lost 2nd to the rabbit, but more importantly, I wanted a trophy. So I kept going, knowing that if I kept my pace my 3rd place was secured. 

It wasn't easy, as stitches struck and I had to run with it for a good 2K or so. Thankfully, a MR25 elite ran past me with encouraging words. That was a good morale booster, and I pushed on harder. I was closing the gap on the second guy, but the adrenaline didn't last for long, and I were back to normal pace again. Soon, the end point was in sight. I surged past the line, ending strongly. 3rd place!

Then, at least for a while, I felt what it was like to win a race. Straightaway, photos were taken and I was ushered to the rest area. Lots of congratulations and cheers. However, I had to wait nearly a good hour or so before prize presentation, as we needed to wait for every runner to finish. It felt great to have your name called and having so much recognition. I came in a timing of 25:20, which is ridiculously fast even for myself. That's less than a 10 minute 2.4K run, to put into perspective. BUT I SURE LOVE IT AS I AM STILL IMPROVING AND OWNING MOST OF MY PEERS!! 

                                                                         2nd Runner-up!                                                                


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