Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A little Update

Forgot where I left off...yea, I was pretty stressed the past week. Figured some time off from the blog would be good. 

Nothing life changing or blog worthy stuff happened recently.. 

Well, indeed, I have gained weight again, but who cares bout' that? It's getting boring, and I'm getting bored of losing it. Just going with the flow this time guys, but fret not, I am still running. 

Clocked 6K on Christmas and 10K on boxing day. Wanted to challenge 25K on 25/12 as an Xmas themed run...but, well, it is too tough for me now. I am just doing short distances at a blistering pace to retain my speed. My endurance is kinda poor now. 

It is normal to slack off after a Marathon, especially in Dec. But the proper training for my Ultra 2011 will commence soon. 

Am still in the 'dark period'...and hopefully it ends around end of January. As long as the extras are not done, I am still..."SAD". 

All prayers for next Saturday! The first day of the new year! 1/1/2011. Nice number. Why, cos' I may be picked to mount on that day. If so I be counting down 2011 in camp which is ridiculously depressing. The bad news is, chances of me mounting are high, since I'm not on duty Christmas and Change of Guards. Damn...

If it really happens...it would really signify a bad start for 2011...and possibly a horrible next year...

Anyway, keep it positive, it's the final week of 2010! A great year! 3 more duties and HOPE I CAN CELEBRATE THE NEW YEAR IN PEACE. 


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