Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Same Plot; Time to Fight.

Let's get straight down to it.

Recieved a call from my spec this morning. Guess what? Apparently, he DID NOT KNOW I WAS ON LEAVE ON COG DAY and put me for COG. I was like, what the F***? Well, since the new protocol was to give full strength for all parades, everyone not on duty or leave must do parade. But I was clearly on freaking leave! I had taken 3-7 Dec don't know how many bloody months ago, approved, and now he says I must be recalled back for COG if there's no replacement? Like that's my F***king problem that you don't check whether I was on leave or not? How can a spec, just throw in my name without checking whether I'm on leave that day? And on my side, I had already verbally told him I was on leave on COG date. And it was even written on the office whiteboard. So it's HIS negligience he did not know or bother to check if I was on leave or not. And now he is literally giving me a big 'F*** You' in the face by saying worst come to worst I'll have no choice but to be recalled on COG day? And he claims I did not update the freaking parade state my leave when I did that already LMAO. This is to me just plain laziness on his part. There is NO WAY I am going to be recalled back and I am going by any means to make sure things GO MY WAY THIS TIME. I WILL FIGHT FOR MY LEAVE if he doesn't sort this matter out and find a DAMN replacement, and clean this shithole that he dug himself. I have nothing more to say. Seriously now I know why people hate this guy. To think I'm still ok with him until now. There's no way I'm doing COG. 

In case you don't know, COG clashes with Standard Chartered Marathon. That is WHY I'm so bloody pissed. I had taken in advance, way way advance, in fact this was the first leave I applied for because I want to make sure I could make it for the Marathon. And now last minute this SHIT, uncalled for SHIT happens?! 

Sunday, I've thought about it, is the MOST important day for 2010. It signifys the biggest challenge for my running life. It represents the holy grail, to be honest. From my noble start...the weight loss...5K, 7.5K, 10K, 15K, my races, my medals, my injuries, my long runs..EVERY SINGLE WORKOUT, EVERY SINGLE RUN, ACCUMULATES TO THIS. I have looked forward to this day for half a year. Not a single day has passed without me thinking of the Marathon; it's like an obsession. This Sunday, everything is going to come down to this Sunday.

And to have it taken away from me by a mere spec and his incompetency? 



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