Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, April 16, 2010

Am I a Failure?

Right now, all that is in my mind is FUCK EEESSSS--@@@---EEEEFFFF la. I am going to state on true fact and that is they only take your ACADEMICS as a SERIOUS deciding factor on whether you go Command School. This society is that realistic. No good A lvl/diploma = no commandership for U! I'm a prime example la. Why did I try so hard for BMT? Why? Just to make sure I don't FAIL in army just like I failed in my studies. But why, why must they take STUDIES into consideration even in ARMY? Look, people I know of personally did worse then me in BMT, ie just passed IPPT and fail SOC and they got into SCS. And only cos' their A lvls got straight 'A's. I burnt my ass trying so hard for SITEST and got silver for IPPT, and people were saying like, "ooo cfm get into sispec at least" and WAD THE FUCK I kena posted to be a MAN. FUCK LA, I'LL SHOW YOU THAT YOU HAVE FKING WASTED A TALENT.

YAY, I failed in JC, failed in A lvls and now come to Army, I still fail.

Please, if you told me to look at the brighter side, you know your just kidding us. Ya, I know, MP is like, hard to get in, slack, easy life still draw combat pay...etc..But if I ask you in your face. If I asked anyone who had the pride and dignity to represent himself as a TRUE MAN, a REAL MAN, "Do you want to be a commander or just a MAN?", WHAT do you think his answer would be? Obviously he would want to be a proud, respected, commander with power, status and all the glory, instead of merely becoming a MAN, right?

...How pathetic. Can I imagine, after end of two yrs, the highest rank I'll attain is just a Corporal. Doesn't get anymore demoralising than this, does it?

What can I do, but just, like the Army taught us. SUCK THUMB lor.

I guess this post is worthy to be a strong candidate for "FML entry of the YEAR!"


"Project Metal Monster"

Coming along fine...re-started self cooking again. Good start, i guess. So now I'm posted to MP, guess I'll have more time for this project!

I have thought long and hard. Not that long and hard anyway.

I want to be RASH now, and do RASH things.

TIME to consume some supplements. Bring it on!


Watched part of WMXXVI today. WTF has Wrestlemania turned into a JOKE? From the looks of things really seems like it. No fking JIM ROSS announcing? Taken over by the JOKE michael cole? His commentary SUCKS TO THE CORE LOL! Taker-Michaels Part 2 was...in truth, blunt and disappointing. They shouldn't have done it. Compare this for last yr's match, this just flunks epicly. And I hate the fact that MC keeps billing it as "...the most anticipated match in Wrestlemania history!!!" FUCK YOU MC. The Rock-Austin WM17 was THE most anticipated match in Wrestlemania history, OK? Dumbass.


Gah. Feels so sucky now. Well, at least I DONT HAVE TO BOOK IN IN SMART 4 ON MONDAY CHEERS TO THAT YEA!
*Edit: Fk, I read wrong. I HAVE to book in in Smart 4 on Mon. Fail~~~~~~~

QOTD: And it's not easy, to be me...


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