You gotta train harder. Become stronger. Better. Faster. Can't believe how much cutting botak can change ppl's appearance. When you see their FB photos, you can't believe they are actually that kind of ppl. Eg clubbers, pimps. And you understand why they act dao or arrogant in camp. True as the saying goes, never judge a book by its cover. Now that everyone is exposed in their very RAW and genuine self, at least physically, I realised how fucking ugly they are compared to when they have hair. What the FK?! All the fats, all the pimples, all that CRAP. EXPOSED. I've learnt something today. Ha. ha. ha. What a difference. Use this as motivation to bust ur ass more, and sculp that lean 8% body out. You must do it, why? Cos' they are not as good as you think they are. Feed on this fact. You can actually be better than them. KVLT/TRVE...
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