Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Project: Metal Monster

Hopefully, I'm serious enough abt this to make it successful. I don't care if I look more bulk or wadever compare to other ppl and lose my lean self, I don't care.

Here's the starting stats:

Height: 174cm
Weight: 62kg
BF: ~11%
BMI: 20.5

(I don't have my chest, biceps etc stats...too lazy to do)

Starting Pix (Front, Standing): 16/4/2010

Starting Pix (Side, Standing): 16/4/2010

Starting Pix (Front, Standing): 16/4/2010

Some grocery...a kick start. Wtf a lemon tea in there?!

IPPT Stats

Chin ups: 11
Sit ups: 60
SBJ: 225cm
SR: 10.2
2.4km: 10.20

These are the food that I've bought to kick start this Project. All of them majorly protein based.

  • 4kg Chicken Breast Meat
  • 3l Soya Bean (Almond)
  • 1 Sm Jar Mayo
  • 1 Sm Jar Pasta Sauce
  • Chicken Stock
  • Soya Dessert x12 Packs
These are the Food that I should only eat for this Project. As usual all protein dense.
  • Cai Png w/ Fish/Chicken, Tofu, egg
  • Chicken Rice
  • Mr Bean
  • Soya Bean Drink
  • Tofu & Chicken Breast self cook
  • Eggs
  • Salmon
  • Almond nuts
  • Beancurd Dessert
  • Yong Tau Foo
By Right, I shuld be consuming ard 170g of protein for my daily intake. I will be aiming for that, but not strictly following. As luck would have it, I chanced upon some tips today in a health mag that I should consume more protein on NON workout days and less on workout days. Lazy to explain why, ask me if you want.

So everything looks set and ready to go! I must hit the gym much much more and push my limits. Although I will continue running, and most likely I might return to running tml, I hope it will not become a hindrance me gaining muscle mass...I really don't noe how things will pan out. However if it really prevents me from gaining the weight then I can only moderate things. Erm what other unforseen circumstances will I meet? Yes, I'll be stuck in my new camp again so it might be the ultimate killer to my project since my nutrition and workouts won't be strictly to my own pace/methods anymore. So weeks from now you might even see me ranting abt fking ASSS--@@--EEEFFF stopping me from bulking and making me lose weight again. Who knows? But I've thought of this before, and I've said, just fking start now...if I have to suck thumb in Army and then use bookout days to continue this project then so be it la...bo bian. If I don't start to bulk now, it will be too late. Truth is, I don't have any sensible reason to start this bulk, but I'm just following my heart and my ideology.


Just finished watching SHUTTER ISLAND...wow what a great movie la! Damn nice...The whole movie...the plot...the music...the atmosphere...incredible. This movie is very mindfking, it's like your typical pyschological thriller but just so so so much better than the norm. Plus it has a twist ending that is like BOOMZ and leaves your jaw on the ground la. If you thought the trailer was GOOD, hell, the movie itself WILL BLOW YOU AWAY. And I have to say, Leonardo Dicaprio just turn me into his fan...what a masterclass performance on his part. Damn, guys, SHUTTER ISLAND is THAT GOOD.

QOTD: Is it better to live as a monster, or die as a good man?


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