Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Block Leave's over -- Back to Serving

T.T. I am feeling that feeling AGAIN. That EMO feeling...what else? It's times like this that I realise how much I need my freedom in order to be happy. But forget it, the very least, I get to book into my new unit tml morning instead of NOW. Phew...

Downloading lots of songs now, so that they'll accompany me towards this next phase of my Army training. Music is de best ok, whenever you traverse to uncharted, unknown territory, hearing some familiar music just makes you feel better.

WHY is everyone using facebook? Facebook is like the most superficial social site ever, yet it can reveal so much about a person's life...Funny. I use Facebook too, but only for the sole purpose of checking on people. If you know me, I'm not active, heck, I don't even have a single photo uploaded! To me, FB is good and bad. Good cos' it can provide lots of entertainment, whether you playing your farmville or wadever, or checking on your crush, you'd agree wholeheartedly it does de job, for that entertainment aspect. But really, FB is just a popularity contest! You see, if you go visit someone's profile, esp ppl you don't really know you will check out his or her profile and stuff, you know, see how their doing. Deep down, what people truly want is a FB account littered with THOUSANDS of photos and THOUSANDS more friends. Only then is it "complete". Only then are they popular. So it is very easy to gauge how a person is doing by just looking at their no. of friends, photos, wall, etc. Of course, that's not to say a person with 1000 friends and photos is super popular and doing fantasically well in their life now. You gotta differentiate the real stuff from the fake, ok? That is for another day. You know, sometimes, I see people's FB with no friends, little updates...nobody even bother to say happy birthday to them. HOW PATHETIC, I mean, how the heck can they live with such a pathetic account, which inferentially meant their life SUCKED? Can you imagine you log in everyday to FB and other ppl are updating all the cool photos and wall stuff etc and you're just logging in for the sake of logging in, and feeling like a complete loser just succumbing to the peer pressure of everyone using FB. I don't understand people like that! It's like your trying to show how pathetic your life is to the world! WHAT?! If you don't have a social life just fking don't use FB la? For me, I will never use an actual FB unless I have got the strong enough social circle and life to make sure that my FB is littered with THOUSANDS of photos and THOUSANDS more friends. But then again, I might find myself on the "fake" side.

Ah jesus, speaking of FB...I forgot to do SOMETHING! DAMn...*Head slumps to the keyboard*.

Fmmmm...I want to watch Crossing Hennessey(For the Chio Bu lead actress only) ! Have to spend $$$ la...can't find online. I want to watch "Until the light takes us" also!!!!! No, I NEED to watch that! Argh...where? How? When? Argh...

Recently, that question started to pop up in my mind more often that ever. *Will I ever stop listening to Metal?*

Fuck you, Lab. Never. And now's not the time for that. Don't crumble. You are on the verge. Don't. Stay. Stay. Stay.

QOTD: I'm not a good person. Does that make me evil?


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