Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Time To Become A MONSTER!

Argh...Being sick really really sucks la. Have to stay in home these few days just because of this. Come to think of it, it's been a really long time since I was this sick. I guess it's the sudden accumulation of all the viruses that is causing me so much pain and suffering now. Tekong cough+Tekong virus+sleeping naked in air con chalet+breathing in too much BBQ smoke+all that fried food====ULTIMATE liao la...don't know what to say...can't do much except try to recover in the shortest time possible. It's already wednesday...I've already spent the past four days recovering so this short break is really thrown away man. And I'm still not 100%. Wasted wasted wasted.

Okay, so after putting things in perspective, I've decided to start another physical change in my life. It was something that has been on the back of my mind so quite some time now, but never really a pressing issue. However, some part of me just ignited this hidden desire, I also don't know why, but cut the story short, now I just want to do it.

I want to bulk up.

Gain muscle.

Yes, I know, ironically I've always been against "gaining weight" ever since my EPIC "ST 65" last year, but seriously if you compare me to some other guy of my physique, I am really THAT weak! I mean, at 174cm, 64kg, people are taking IPPT for fun and getting GOLD like nobody's business la! This fking strength loss has always, ALWAYS been my problem. And the fact that my legs are larger than normal doesn't help either. It just seems so much better if I bulked up. I mean, if I go to command sch, having a stronger and more muscular body would lessen the work load on my body so that I won't suffer as much or worst, tio any joint injury.

Recently I just looked at everyone's biceps and compare to mine...don't want to say much.

FK IF I built until freaking muscular I can start sparring with my friends la.

Now I don't even dare cos' I'm scared I too skinny and I might just get destroyed!

This is seriously pathetic...me...skinny...fragile...no...I need to do something. I NEED TO PUT ON MUSCLE MASS!

So this is a rough overview of what I'm hoping for. I'm gonna aim to gain 5 kg of muscle. They ideally should be on my back and biceps, not my waist. I will not overshot 70kg. Yea, and I know there will be some consequences that come with weight gain. I might not fit my new clothes. Who know's my IPPT, my running or worst SBJ will worsen. I don't know. I won't know until I reached that status. But ultimately I'm gunning for this increased mass to improve my fitness, not screw it up.

Is 174cm 70kg very fat? I think ok. Quite ok. But it will look damn damn good if it's like 174cm 70kg with only like <11%>

From tomorrow onwards, or when my health returns to 100%, I will proceed with this. I will of course, like my "ST 65", record each and every step as much as I can. I will start with a clearly shot starting photo of my current self and my changes as weeks pass. Regime wise, I haven't done a clear cut plan yet, but I'm just gonna basically eat MUCH more protein and hit the gym like a mad cow. I will take supplements if the natural way doesn't work after one or two months.

Time to bulk up.

I said a change was gonna come, right?

QOTD: If no one is willing to stand beside me, then proudly, I fight alone !


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