Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Roti Prata Routine

...happens every Sunday morning! Well, it has become so since my army days cos' I just enjoy a quiet Sunday morning reading the news and having some Prata. It's really enjoyable and relaxing, you all should try it, instead of going out all the time.

What a week it has been. First and foremost, I shall talk abt Thursday. Somehow, it just so happened that in my new section, my buddy, had the exact same birthday as me! What are the odds? And somemore he is 1990 de. I guess we are really "Brothers" eh? But that's not the main thing. So what happened was, he was Platoon IC so everyone supposedly knows him. Somehow, my crazy section ppl (who are REALLY a bit psycho) found out his Bday and decided to prank his ass! Could you imagine the string of emotions running through my veins when I heard tt? I was like, "...the hell? OMG today MY Bday too! Should I reveal to them? No, I'll kena also! But hey, nobody will send you wishes and it'll be quite sad! Just tong together with my buddy?" All this while, nobody knew it was my Bday also. So as I quietly listened to their manicical plans, I began to cringe even more. To the point where it was enough, and I told myself, "Nope, not worth it to reveal my Bday for this level of Prank or Blanket Party or whatever." I mean, I don't even know these guys! So I decided, quietly, I'll join in the fun. And boy, was it FUN! LOL! Thinking of it now still makes me laugh. Yea, bit of guilt also, I mean, my fking buddy kena all de crap, and not only did I not (suffer tog with him) help him, but I joined in in messing him up too! WORST, I even told him, "Eh buddy, I tried to help you...but...the odds were really against you." Damn it, Lab, you're screwed up, LOL. So what the whole section did was tie him up, mess him up, took his shirt off, dirtied his ass etc etc. What the hell, in the end he really looked like crap man! Everyone laughed their ass off! Times like these make you wonder, "Should you laugh at or pity him?" Haha...but wasted, no photos taken. However to the best of my ability, this is a rough pix of what became of him after:

Wow. Srsly, THAT could have been me also. *Cringes*

...But, it was all in the name of good fun. At least, he had a LONG shower after that!

Ok, I ain't gonna talk more bout' my MP life, cos' in any angle I talk bout' it, and the things we do there, it will only lead to one word: SLACK. Nope, no joke. MP command is one of, if not THE most Xin Nang Vocations around. Not just that, it's Xin Nang, but it's unfairly prestigious also. Who else gets to wear the TAILOR MADE (yes, really.) No. 3 uniform? Which other MAN gets to don the elusive No. 1 uniform AND Pickcap for NDP which spells GLORY? Which other MAN gets the POWER to impose on higher ranks, even commanders? Which other MAN is so feared and respected? No one else but MP Command. Yes, that's the truth, if you hate your Voc, I can only say, life sucks, suck thumb.

Ai, slack is slack, but the physical trainings are really XIONG de, OK?

If the past week was adjustment week, then this week will definitely not be. In fact, it's more like Midterm week. Guess what we're having on this week? ATP. ROUTE MARCH. IPPT. This week alone. What?! It's only like, week TWO? Bah. But won't complain, as we will bookout on Thurs Night. Why? FRIDAY LABOUR DAY HOLIDAY LO. So this week will be fast and furious...and nervous. I hate range la...I always fail...in BMT I didn't get marksman. I've really acquire a fear for firearms now. Just..detest range so much. Zzz...I'm not even gonna aim for the marksman + $200 bucks tml...just hope I pass so as not to OOC can le...Pray hard. RM, 4km, ok la, no kick. IPPT, still, it's the same old story. Will aim for GOLD, but must see if my "Best Friend" called SBJ allows me to. So much activities. Walao, I'm starting to take back my words liao. MP command is NOT SLACK after all! IT' S XIIIIIOOOOOONNNNGGGGG!!!


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