Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, April 30, 2010

Don't Assume Anything

I'm such an idiot lol. I was so looking forward to THURS night book out, thinking tt friday was off in lieu for labour day. Didn't happen! So this week was seemingly longer than normal, which was pretty mindfking, you noe. DON'T ASSUME next time.

I'm back to JC!

Yup, that's right. Only that this JC is called MP command. Srsly, the things we do there, the schedule is almost identical to JC life. Mostly, it's lecture from dust till dawn, eat, eat, eat, and a bit of physical. Life's good...and interesting. As I slowly understand more bout' MP, I realise this voc is really "Multi Purpose" man. Covers everything from drills to policing to conventional stuff. I should learn to appreciate tt I'm lucky enough to get in.

Ranting time. Had ATP and IPPT this week. "Almost" means SHIT when it comes to ATP la. So what if I "almost" tio 29/36? A lot of other ppl did. But fact is I wasn't concentrating enough. And mother luck wasn't on my side. $200 bucks...flew away. =.=. Then IPPT. Start to drop that dumb mindset that you're ALMOST GOLD man! This is your ultimate weakness! You keep on thinking tt you're physical is ALMOST good enough for GOLD, and assume tt your 2.4km will hit 9.44 if you push enough. No chance man. FACT = you are not GOLD standard yet. You are living in your own fantasy world. You're just a HIGH SILVER now, but GOLD is not within your touch yet. So either you do something, or you'll never get the GOLD you so desire.

Week 2 has passed, slowly the bunkmates are learning more bout each other. And so am I. Truly, I sense tt these are a good bunch of guys to hang out with, and even felt part of the group. However, my ears are sharp, and when I heard what they said behind my back, and their rigid behavior towards me, I began to ponder otherwise. Hmm... But, after the dumb experience in BMT, I believe tt it's still better not to make any enemies, as life will be very tough since I have to go through 8 more weeks with them. So, the only way not to make enemies is to make friends with them. The situation is not as drastic as it sounds, just that I think too much all the time. But I am slowly learning to drop my guard. Let's see what happens after a few more weeks. Should be interesting.

Ytd night, went to have supper at henderson market. Slowly waited for de YTF stall to open...and just talk cok to pass time. IMO, everything bout' de YTF stall SUCKS except it's food, which is brilliant. Service like shit, waiting time, CRAZY QUEUE,...etc. BUT for the sake of the best YTF in town, it's worth it. We cheonged a hell lot of food which added up to $25. Crazy! Lets see some pix and we'll realise how much we ordered. But it was proportionate, since we have 5 monsters to gobble all of it up.

Dig in!

Look at the size of that.

Phew, managed to finish it.

Last but not least, I am going to post a photo to show you what I am all about. If you don't believe I am this kind of person, believe it now. (Though this doesn't really prove much and I can go further, but I don't care since it is already out of the norm)

Fk the dumb pose and the ugly shirt...my first corpse paint attempt WORKED.


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