Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, October 18, 2010

An (Almost) Perfect Race

Ahhh...I finally brought myself to blog about the run!!!

First and foremost, I did not manage to hit my target of 1:15:00 or top 100...in all honesty that might not have been so bad if my peers had not gave such tough competition. My target of 1:15:00 was earned by someone else, and I admit, it was quite a surprise. Well, obviously people HAVE been training! 

The race itself was FUN. Definitely the current toughest race to date. Mention the beach part to any participant and you'll know, it was the killer. Like any killer question in an exam, this was it. I, for one, was thoroughly unprepared. Who would have thought the mere 0.4K of sand/beach would be so tough? Not me, at least, how gullible. And I paid dearly! As a result, I had to struggle to run and balance myself, at the same time keep pace while on the sand. It was freaking difficult, I tell you. I lost a whole 5 minutes there. Well, if there is a next year, I will look forward to tackling it with more efficiency and speed...

The trail part was very, very enjoyable. It was effortless to run at race pace for the whole of the trail. A brief summary, just for keepsake. I started and maintained at avg 4:50min/km for until the 10K mark. I was every bit on pace for a 1:15:00 finish. Then after 10K I increased the pace for 1K. Started to feel it after that. I think I was at 53:00? Then the bloody beach portion had to come. After the beach, I knew it was all gone. At 12K I was already at 1:05:00. And I was struggling with the asphalt after the uneven and soft beach terrain. I should take comfort I was able to even finish, and finish strong, because I REALLY wanted to stop after the beach. My time was 1:21:11. "Don't compare to anyone but to yourself"; so I am going to swallow this defeat. But after some time off to reflect upon my performance, I think this was a really great experience, and I just have to train harder like everyone else!

The medal, my first medal, is damn nice! Not because it's my first medal, but the design is just much better compared to previous years', if you go search. Shirt, nothing to shout about. A tad too big; my M was in fact L size. What else was inside the bag...the 30% NB voucher, hopefully it will come to good use, and some other goodies including muscle rubs, cleanser, health products. IMO the fee should only be $30 or even $25, since they already earn so much by the sheer no. of people joining. 

Hope my photos get uploaded soon! 

After the run is over...this is the start of another new week. Well, if last week leading to NBRR was boring, it gets worst. I am going to face the classic D-D-D consecutive wall. 


Wed-Camp, CPFA


So like the old saying goes, "one has to go through hell before they reach heaven"(Ok I made that up), I will have to =( before I =D on Sunday for the NIKE CITY 10K SINGAPORE! WE RUN SINGAPORE I'M READY!


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