Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oh No, Why NOW???

Oh crap. I have been fighting extreme muscle soreness for the past two days, since Sunday night. I could have not done the SBJ and Shuttle Run training, but heck, I believe it would be worst if I didn't! I wouldn't have known the essential techniques in order to do well enough this Thursday...

But they've come at a VERY high price. Meaning, the next day, almost my whole body--lats, arms, core, QUADS (Hurts the most) and even my freaking GLUTES hurt from the effects of the training AND Gym session. I wonder if I've made a mistake by going at such a high intensity of training when it's so near to to IPPT. Didn't expect that my muscles would ache so badly after that. In fact, it's probably the worst aches I've experienced in recent memory. I can't literally move around without looking like an old man! My legs are killin' me. Each bloody step is so damn difficult and the worst part is going up and down stairs. Damn worried whether 'll heal in time for Thursday's IPPT...

How much it would suck if I fail to attain GOLD due to my own excessive and unnecessary over-training...=(

Well, hopefully the 2XU compression tights will really speed up my recovery, I am wearing them to sleep every night already. 

Speaking about IPPT--this is the main event. 

Theoretically I should be able to get gold this time...putting the aching aside, which I believe will heal by then. I am quite confident of all the stations, even SBJ, because of the techniques I learnt. 

Lets see..., Chin Ups? I am 90% sure I can hit 10 standard, even if I struggle. The key is to not be complacent and slowly do. I have to do each one cleanly yet speedily, if not I might fatigue at 8 or 9. Which will be awful. 

Sit ups, Shuttle Run. These are just there for people to grab points. I'm just scared that my muscle aches will be too intolerable for me to sprint my fastest. And the few seconds will make all the difference between PASS and 5 points. 

Standing Board Jump. Another make or break station. This has always been my Achilles heel! I've not been able to hit 234 cm since BMT till' now but this time things will be different. That night, I jumped 6-8 times and was able to hit a maximum 239 cm using the technique I learnt. If I am lucky, I will get this as my last static station. If this is the first one....




Pray to God good luck to me.

And the LAST station, 2.4km RUN!!!!!! Trained for it. Confident of hitting 9:30 again. Somehow I got a feeling this may break my GOLD attempts...I mean, 9:30 is still quite a challenge, if you ask me. Deep down though, I say I can hit 9:00. But during 2.4k runs...things are almost always unpredictable. That's the most crucial factor, and why GOLD is so tough to get. I may kena side stitch. My legs may cramp. My stamina may run out too soon. I mean, so many unexpected things can happen. I am confident if I try my best and push to the max, I will get it. But I hope lady luck is on my side too. 

Enough talk. It's now or never, man. I don't want to drag and keep on living under the shadow of not being GOLD standard. 

I don't want CH to be able to get GOLD for Napfa, Ky Silver, and I'm only IPPT Silver. I want to finally say I got GOLD for IPPT. 

A wise guy told me it's not worth it to risk your life just for that $200. He says when I'm old I will suffer the physical consequences. But I beg to differ. If I don't get GOLD in my life, I will REGRET forever...

So will Labmunstyr finally do it? The answer will be revealed in the next post!


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