Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What is the World coming to?!

It's a weird day. 

First, the haze condition is getting worse by the minute. Reports say that it actually hit PSI 108 in Singapore, the highest ever. The is catastrophic news to runners attending the Nike City 10K this Sunday! How is the race going pan out? Even if it still carries on, you think the experience of forcing ourselves to run in 150-200 PSI will be nice? Worse, there will be no chance of hitting PR! This is bad. Well we can only hope that somehow the haze level drops to below 100 or even 50 so that we can run on Sunday peacefully instead of worrying about the haze causing health problems. 

And is the Haze making people go gaga? 

Apparently, there are more people getting sick and struggling to breath in the thick smog. Even for us Istana Guards, we have to stand during this time. I've known a few have already fell sick due to the haze problem. I for one definitely think it's a good idea to stop Istana mounting during this absurd weather. Are we going to just sacrifice our health for nothing? 

Well, and there were these few crazy "Gin na" Ah lians just now. I am damn pissed. After I alighted from my stop, I decided to run back home since the bus does not stop directly below my house. Halfway, this group of 3 inbreds started to MOCK me with screams of "Woo!" and "Keep running don't stop!" and "Just do it!" (I was wearing a Nike Shirt). I mean how irritating and awkward that was! Obviously, they were loitering about like the typical Ah Lians they are and trying to entertain themselves by mocking passerbys. I had to stop immediately and just kept turning back and stare at those dimwits. Freaking hell one of them even blew an imaginary kiss and I was obviously disgusted and just kept walking towards my house. I wanted to show the finger, but why lower myself to their level. Freaking small 14, 15 year old Ah Lian kids!!! Disgusting.

Uh...it was quite random to me, but I sort of had my future predicted by some kind of computer programme. Yea, you might think it's a load of bull but of course unless one personally hears what the programme predicts, they won't believe anything. It was quite disturbing, but I came to the realisation that this is just another one fine example of how I hate being controlled. In a way, how I see it, having my future being 'fated', is like the ultimate form of being restricted. What, you mean no matter how we decided to create our own future to the best of our interest, in the end it's all useless since our lives are already 'fated'? Get a grip. Take this with a pinch of salt. Believe it totally, and ...all I can say is it's dumb. But what I heard will definitely stay with me. I believe, and I always have, if you try to force me to a corner and dictate what I do, and try to control me, I will spit that notion in the face, overturn it, and make sure it lands on it's proverbial ASS. No disrespect to anyone, or anything.

Crazy things.

It's all due to the HAZE.

*Day 1 of 3 days duty over!*  


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