Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, October 8, 2010

And off we go!

I probably should be taking in some sleep now, but somehow I am getting the jitters. 

Anyway, I should be damn lucky once again. Thought today was going to be a ssslow day in camp, since I don't have off to clear and have to stay till' 5pm, but what do you know, we were rewarded FREE time off! It couldn't have come at a better time, and I could never have foreseen this. It's perfect man, gives me the time to slowly go home and prepare for the trip. Sometimes I wonder is this luck or fate...

My stuff is almost ready, and we're just left with a few items to buy. Well, I'd rather be the 'parent' and fuss over what to bring rather than be unprepared when we are in KL, which I know they will be. Sufficient preparation, especially on an itinerary list, is important--this I learnt from SAF.

The case over our race pack has been settled, now we just have to meet up with our friend from KL when we reach. Seems like the race is getting quite the hype, which makes me look forward to it! It's kinda wierd to be representing both KL and SG, but it guess what matters most is to have fun, and not be so serious about 'fighting for the country sort of stuff', you know?

Shit, I cringed at the thought of some 'worst-case scenarios' that might happen! Touch wood, of course I want our trip to be fun, enjoyable and most of all, smooth sailing and we get back safe and sound. But...as we know, some parts of KL is not that safe and with all the stories we've heard about kidnappings, extortion, and even murder (*GASP*), one can't help but be paranoid. Don't be so pessimistic...Lab...!

Alright, the KL race route is here!

Ha...seems like quite a scenic route? I don't really know, but I guess since I'm from SG and don't travel to KL frequently, any race in a foreign country would be 'scenic'. Judging from my 2.4k run in the morning's CPFA, I should be able to go at 4.58 min/km pace if I push at 80% and IF I last for 10k. That said, it is still quite slow. I am going to employ a negative splits strategy for the first 5k then speed up for the next 4k before going all out at the final 1k. Maybe something like this:

2.5K - 11:30; 5K - 23:00; 7.5k - 34:00; 10k - 45:30

My mind is dreaming of sub-40 but that is totally impossible for my level of fitness now. Comparatively the timing I get will still be damn slow if we measure against elite levels, but hey, I'm still a beginner. =0. I will probably hit 47-48, even 50, fi there's congestion. 45-46 if I have a good race. We'll see, we'll see. 



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