Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A New PR, A Reignited Flame.

The story always turns out this way doesn't it? 

When I expect things to go wrong, they turn out to be good. Vice versa. Simply put, things that matter hardly ever happens to what I envision. How very trve for today's race!

For all it's worth, this is probably the most enjoyable race overall. I set a PR, and hit my target of 46 min. The chip time should be 46:00, and they screwed up our results by displaying the gun time. 

First of all I gotta say the atmosphere in SG is NOWHERE near KL two weeks ago. The people were just friendlier, the volunteers just livelier, the music just louder and better, and most of all, the KL MC simply owns Singapore's boring duo of Utt and another girl. There wasn't even the fun warm up we got in KL. Once, the MC asked, "Hey! Why do I see people yawning? Did you not get enough sleep? Or is it I'm too boring" WAKE UP it IS you who is too boring LMAO! Atmosphere and enthusiasm wise, KL beats SG hands down.

The race route was relatively easier. Not much scenery, but not much hills either. There were two, but can't really call them hills since the incline is almost negligible. Biggest complain by almost everyone who would say, who be the inaccurate distance of 9.7K. Garmin, GPS users, and runners alike, all agreed the distance was shorter. Well, some could say it's only 300m, but to others 300m is still a minute or two to add to your real 10K timing. 

In case you're wondering, no, my bruised shin did not act up. In fact, I was making a mountain out of a molehill yesterday. It wasn't that bad! Absolutely did not trouble me, and I managed to run the race problem free. The minor issue was slight stitches and not drinking enough. The haze didn't trouble us either, hovering at a meagre 30 PSI level. The shag part for me was 6-8K. As I said, that is always the toughest part and where you always have to dig in deep to keep your pace. At the 9K mark came the Rock music section, and it was literally God send. I-N-S-T-A-N-T energy+adrenaline boost. You just ran with the hard beat and the loud music just shreds all your pain away and makes you high. Like artificial runner's high. If only bands were everything; imagine how much faster we'd run since we won't feel the fatigue and pain. Made a mistake by not drinking at the last station. I felt I did not needed it, but regretted not taking a final gulp.  Nothing too damaging though. Increased pace at 9K, then the countdown; 750, 500, 250...and *Gasp*! 250 to finish line was like this--------short. I swear it was only maybe 100m? Obviously this was the point where the distance was shortened. But of course, when I saw the end point instinctively I just did a final blast. It was fun! 

Didn't stay for the festivities but there's always next year! I am quite happy with my PR already! 


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