Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Just when things were flowing smoothly...SHIT HAPPENS.

I was looking forward to Sunday.

I had done my last run on Wednesday, and allowed myself to rest all the way until Sunday. 

I wasn't going to do any dumb extra exercises to jeopardize my condition.

Wednesday passed, Thursday passed.

Friday passed.

My body was healing, healing, resting. It was 100% all the time. I was going to be more than ready for Sunday. Going to hit a PR. Going in with 100% condition and confidence. Even the haze dropped to moderate. Things were looking good. 

Then, just as unexpectedly, SHIT HAPPENS. 

After my first shift today, I accidentally banged my left shin onto the wooden edge of a sofa. *WHAM*! It hurt like F****. But in that instant, I wasn't worried about the physical pain. I was mentally destroyed. The beautiful picture of me running a good race on Sunday was SMASHED, along with the cells in my shin. Just like that, all my storing, all my resting, GONE. 

I pretty much don't feel like typing anymore. 

I can walk, even run. It's the most a blue black but there's an open wound and some swelling. But to do 10K, race pace, for 50 minutes. I don't know. 

I don't even feel like typing AH F*** LA. 

Just my bloody fking luck that this kind of accident happen to me ON THE LAST HOURS to the race. 

But knowing me, I'll still go like a madman tomorrow.

My pride just won't let me admit defeat, will it?

On a last note, glad my 3 days is over. Truth be told, there's NOTHING to be glad about.


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