Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, October 1, 2010

A Look into Oct Races

October is gonna be a real busy month for me! I'm actually taking part in THREE races this month, and with the added dutys, parades and stuff, I'm going to find it challenging to properly time-manage. 

That said, however, it's probably going to be the most exciting time of the year. THREE races--Nike city 10k KL, New Balance Real Run 2010, Nike city 10k SG. Three races in three weeks, back to back weekends. It's going to be hectic I forsee, but I am lucky my duty schedules is all properly planned out and if nothing goes wrong, I am going to be well prepared for all of them. 

Nike City 10k Race (Kuala Lumpur) (10K Under 25)

This one is quite an outrageous initiative, but I thought it would be fun. Moreover, I can use this time to go for KL trip also, so we're killing two birds with one stone here. The collection of the race pack served as a problem though, but we're lucky enough to find a kind soul to help us collect it. We should really get some sort of 'appreciation gift' for this fellow runner!. On the race itself, I am wondering if I want to go fast for this. The more I think, the more it seems better not to. I am inclined to the fact that it is quite a tall order to finish 3 races all with PR, so I may have to sacrifice one. NBRR is the priority, as it is THE race behind SCSM I am working on. Nike SG race follows next, since it's the local run. Therefore the least priority is on the KL leg. And not forgetting I'll be having IPPT three days before this, and I may very well not be 100%. For now, the consensus is still to try for PR. 

Race day: 101010; Target: 46-48 mins. 

New Balance Real Run 2010 (15K Mens Open)

All my hard work now is gearing up for this. And if, touch wood, I do not run SCSM, then this would be the biggest race of the year for me. By itself it's still quite a big event, and 15k is no joke. Should I add, 15k including TRAIL is no joke. My aim is simple, to hit top 100. The approximate timing is 1:15:00. That is the sole reason why I've been running almost everyday since end of Sept, as I really want it. I want to see if I can do it. I want to be better than majority. Looking at my schedule, I have duty the day before, so I will definitely not do unnecessary work the day before. Hopefully I heal to 100% after KL race so that I can do my best for this. And yes, collected the Race bib and timing chip at Novena Square today. Seeing the posters and booths is really hyping me up for the big day!

Race day: 171010; Target: 1:15:00

Nike City 10k Race (Singapore) (10K Under 25)

Representing SG in the SG vs KL race! I want to give my best for this too, as I know many friends and acquaintances who have also signed up. The sheer thrill of being able to beat them all gives me unlimited motivation and energy. It would be damn "mah loo" if I suffer a burn out and produce disappointing results on that day, when my 'face' matters the most. For personal pride and the pride for my NATION (why am I sounding so patriotic?), I shall try a PR for this too! =D

Race day: 241010; Target: 46 min


Seems like in the end, I'll be trying PR for all three. What the heck, I believe I can do it! Maybe I'll do 'recovery races'/'priority races' next year or years later, but I'm just a newbie now! There's so much energy, and just like a small boy opening up a gift box ,I'm so excited that I just can't foresee myself not cheonging for all of them! 

...Uh...putting 'KvltTrve' on my race bib is quite inappriopriate...should have just put 'Lab' or something...=,='''


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