Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kids will be Kids.

Seems like there's always some bugger out saying the most irritating things that makes my blood boil. 

I don't care who you are, and you are entitled to your own opinion, and you can say whatever you like. But I can do that too. Seems like just one year gap can make so much difference, it's true what they say, those 91' and after are the 'new gen', the kids, that have had things handed to him all to easily. 

I am particularly bothered by something a person said to me just now, but I don't see the need to host a rebuttal or rant my veins out. This is because kids, will never understand what life is all about. Heck, it's not that, it's people with a child's mentality who will fail to grasp or understand knowledge and experiences beyond their level of comprehension. That is why I will not be angry, because I know, they can't understand why I'm doing what I'm doing, not because they truly think what I'm doing is to quote; "No life". 

Maybe it seems I did rant after all. Well, things could have been worst. Say, I could have exploded on the spot just now.

But I welcome things like this, because if you know me, I will only channel this negative energy into my trainings. Use this as my driving force. Nothing anyone say against me will ever knock me off balance, that is the promise I have made to myself. 

...And it has come in a good time also! Since my way home, I have been nagged by this terrible feeling of having to do H-I-I-T today, 


Oh my god, the pain...pain..and more pain...I swear man, I really hate how much HIIT hurts. 

But no choice, a man's got to do what a man's got to do.

Let's go 200-200 X 6 rounds!

Sometimes, even I wonder why I push myself so hard. 

Maybe it's because I know I have to ability to go beyond what those mere minions can ever hope to achieve. 


Completed the 2.8k HIIT. Yup, it was a routinely fierce workout, but somehow I feel my body can withstand it much better now. If I pushed to death I could have gone 10 times no problem. But since I've not done HIIT for so long, I just went with 7 times. I felt my brain contractions, which was good.


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