Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, September 27, 2010

You just LUURVE me signing EXTRA.

Oh, what can I say. I am most probably going to SIGN EXTRA. 

It's a very long and complicated story...basically, I pissed off my PC by "bending the rules" and in his own words, "breaking the trust". Oh well. I guess me being, me, would normally go into a depression again. Even if you are a normal person you will. First I got 2 days off cancelled by Staff for long hair...now this. But the whole day I was in Istana thinking about this, and I guess I couldn't really be bothered anymore. If you want to pass judgment, I can honestly say I have not committed any procedural offenses. If the PC uses 'malingering' or 'failure to contact' to shoot me, then I just have to take the punishment. =/

From what I heard, minimum he is going to make me sign FIVE extra duties. MINIMUM. For just pissing him off. Hai ya folks..I seriously don't know what to make of this...

One part of me is so pissed off at the SAF...one part of me is just so disappointed that i keep committing mistakes after mistakes and don't learn...

Still waiting for my 'verdict'. Wanted to settle it today and get it over with, but seem like PC is still in a 'Rage' mode. I'm thinking the best is to approach him face to face tomorrow, and tell him my side of the story, and see what he wants to do with me. Even if I kena sign extra, I know, at least I have had my say.

Let's see...rested well today. Wanted to do a short stairs interval, but it was already 10pm. Too sleepy.

Ideally, tomorrow COG rehearsal will end before 12, I will get to cut my hair, I will explain my story to PC, I will be able to take pm off, I will make it for my passport collection, I will meet Mel for application of BBDS BTT course, I will STILL have time to squeeze in a 15k. Ideally. Tomorrow's going be a LOONG day in camp. I'm prep for de worst~~ =(((

*Addicted to Runner's World Magazine*!

QOTD: Obsessed is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.


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