Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

...Aaaand we're back to REALITY.


Can I start to look forward to ORD now? Haha, in my dreams. Still 1 year 2 months to go...

If not for the military life being so uninteresting, I might just complain less. I mean, going back to that boring schedule...the politics, the overdose of unnecessary and toxic MALE hormones collision... Don't like it, never will. 

We are still on schedule, guys. Today was the continuation of my pre-marathon training after my very first AHM race. Strangely I felt extremely weak and unmotivated today. Should I be worried? Is it just fatigue, or could it be that my body has reseted to square one after not doing >15k for so long? I only did near 9k today at a snail's pace, yet throughout I felt like giving up all the time. 

Whatever the case, I am going to have to hit a new threshold soon. Broke 10k, broke 15k, broke the half marathon, now, it is going to be the peak. The highest mileage recommended to clock before embarking on a marathon. 30 kilometres. The great wall. The longest distance possible for a human to cover before his glycogen level runs out. The distance that determines whether I make it or break it.  

Now, if I am going to do this, I will have to take this very, very seriously. Very seriously. This is not gonna be a walk in the park, no joke here. This is actually going to severely test my level of physicality and mental toughness. If I am going to take this challenge I will have to prepare enough. Be it the progression, be it the route, from the food I eat, to the time I run, to the very detailed aspects such as a complete, proper warm-up before the run. If not...I will fail miserably before I can even reach halfway.

But from now onwards I am going to look at things from the brighter side. Starting with looking forward to the Nicorette Quitter's Run on SAT! Let's put it this way, the faster I end duties, the faster I can enjoy. Remember "ć…ˆè‹ŠćŽç”œ"? The very reason why I am especially reluctant to do tomorrow is mainly cos' I have to do with all the lao jiao. And they are people I absolutely CANNOT click with. They are your clubbers, players, "cool" type of people. I cannot work with them, to be frank. And I hate it. So let's just look forward to tomorrow night when I book out. Thurs is a half day + gym session, so at least I won't be doing consecutive shit. Friday, friday I don't know, *checks duty forecast*, oh, I'll be doing with all my batchmates YEAAA so it will be okay. 



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