Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thoughts on this Sunday's AHM

It's Wednesday today, and I'm finally starting to feel the excitement for my first ever race, the Army Half Marathon. It's only three days away! 

All my work, every blood and sweat has and will come to this day. This Sunday's race will reveal where I stand in the infinite world of competitive running and I hope to garner some positive learning ex

I can't really comment on the route as I've never done it before. But in a race like this, my very first one, do you think I'd be thinking about the route? I'm all for a good run and relishing the experience. Hope the weather is good also, as it would really ruin things if it rains ala Yellow Ribbon run. 

With all that said and done, the most important thing to me is still the timing. Let me put it across to myself now that I want to hit below 50 mins for 10k. I would have to run at a 5min/km consistent pace to hit this timing. I know this is achievable, as I clocked at 52 min for the last 10k and I didn't even give my all. Then again, assuming that I will sail through is downright foolish; sub-50min for 10k is still quite a daunting task for the average human being. I have done enough training, and from now till' Sunday I'm just taking time to rest up and heal my slight injury. 

The most exciting thing to me is to be able to pit myself, FINALLY, pit myself against my peers. There are many good runners in MPEU and in Singapore, and on that very day I will be amongst them, and I will be running together with them. And I WILL be challenging them. And I will fight. Yes, some might be faster than me in 2.4k, but over the longer distance, we will see who can endure more. And I will do my best to show them the fact that I'm the new challenge in town, or at the very least, leave an impression. This is my ultimate aim. 

I won't be back until Friday night due to duty tomorrow and Hari Raya Open House at Istana on Friday. Didn't hit the gym today due to time constrains, so Saturday will include a gym session. Will do my final short distance LISS on Friday night when I'm back, provided my injury fully heals. Then on Sunday, it's going to be the real thing. 

I'm going to book in now, see you on Friday night!


Some shots of me doing COG last sunday.


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