Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, September 25, 2010

New Hoot!

Finally got a new pair of running shoes! Despite saying that I'd go with the Asics Gel 1150, eventually I got the Mizuno Wave Nexus 3 at $99. The former, at $179, was just way too overpriced for my budget.

This is quite an old model, but like they say, "oldies are goodies". Rated by RW Magazine as Best Buy for Mar 2009. Cheap, good cushioning, tested and raved, but most of all, cheap. That was why I went with it, amongst all the other choices. Yes, maybe, just maybe Gel-Kayano is screaming in my head now, "GET ME!!", but damn it, $269 is just too pricey for me currently. I can't afford such luxury. But hey, some day I hope to get it too! Back to my new Mizuno trainers. Tried them out, boy, they really felt nice. It had a nice snug feel and best of all the US 10.5 fitted my feet perfectly. And oh yes, I got the "wide" variant of the model since it was more spacious in the widths; perfect for my E size feet. If you asked me, I would say I'm pretty darn satisfied with these, and I just can't wait to try them out tomorrow!


Oh my goodness, I just had another extremely dark nightmare this morning. If you would, let me illustrate the horrid dream to the best of my recollection:

It seem to be in the near future. I was in some short of military aircraft. Or was it a spaceship? The vicinity was bounded by thick, steel walls that gave the area a very rigid and mechanical feel. I think I was part of a group of construction workers? The group of us, I believe, wearing helmets and suited with coats, was planting this mini "radio tower" onto the spaceship. The first surprise came; our leader was non other than "HCH", my NPCC Chief back in Secondary School. Why was it him, I have no idea! I do not know how things transited, but in the next scene, we were clinging on to the edge of the spaceship, trying to...do something. Again, it was mostly blur so I couldn't figure out what exactly we were doing. There were boulder like things and I guess we were trying to do some wiring inside them. Our lives were literally hanging by a thread. Or should I say nothing a all. Picture this; the group of 5 people standing, almost hugging to the wall of a very, very high mountain. Somehow all of us knew how risky things were, and we were just letting this one guy fix the wires before we can get back to the top. Then, shit happened. This clearly obese, balding uncle accidentally grabbed a slice of the soil off the boulder while trying to re-balance. I remember him muttering something nonchalantly but nothing exact. The thing was, as his hands slipped off any support, I remembered I instinctively stretched my hands out in an attempt to stabilize the boulder for him. SOMEHOW, the force from my hand nudged the boulder a bit too hard, and fell towards the uncle, who was now helpless, with the bloody boulder inches from knocking him off the edge! I still recall that haunting sight of the boulder dropping and pushing the uncle off the edge. And the worst part, was hearing the bone chilling tortured screams while he was falling to his death. There and then, everyone stopped doing anything in stunned silence, eyes wide open to the tragedy they've just witness, but nobody panicked as every single one knew of the dangers beforehand. But I was guilty. In a way, I had indirectly killed him. I could remember, as he screamed; those cries were directed at me. As if he was cursing me to death with his final breath. 

Then things stopped for a while, I think I had blacked-out and went to sleep? In the next scene, I was back on the platform of the spaceship. As I looked around, I realised I was wounded and that everyone around me had been killed. It seemed like I was in the aftermath of a war. Most of the equipment around me was destroyed, and I was just lying down, with my feet hanging outside a hole in the ship. I could see what was beneath me. As the spaceship moved, I saw a fellow soldier waving at me, as if to tell me that we have won the war.

Cut to yet another scene again, this time, I abandoned the spaceship and went inside a hospital, yes a hospital, on foot. I was greeted by a grim surrounding, it was dark everywhere, and there seemed to be only a lone nurse on the counter. Then the most frightening part of the dream started to reveal. This man, appeared from a corner and started walking around aimlessly. He had a look of hatred and evil. I didn't know who he was, but my instinct told me he was a highly dangerous subject, and might be one of the enemies. As I approached him, he seemed to be just drifting effortlessly, as if looking for something. (Yes, he was drifting, I do not know how) Then I went up to him. At an instant, my fears came true. He immediately took out a large, transparent pistol and got ready to fire a point blank shot that would've killed me on the spot. Then I did a really stupid thing! I actually tired to bend my back to avoid any bullets, similar to the matrix-style. It was so ridiculous because I was SO SLOW, and the man could just lower his aim all the same. IT WAS SO DUMB of an action from me, I knew. I prayed he would not fire off as I desperately bended my back more, like an ass-clown. Then he retracted his outstretched arm, and looked away. I was lucky. But I had to talk. I had to find out just exactly what was happening right now. So I went towards him again, this time face to face. I had strategically back faced towards the nurse, gullibly assuming that he would not take the chance of hitting any innocent civilian accidentally. Yea, what the hell, I know. In the final moments, I remembered telling him I just wanted to talk. He said he spared my life, and was not going to shoot me. He looked away, as if going to walk away. Before I could react, he took out his pistol again and BANG shot me in my right thigh. I was DREAMING, but I could 'feel' the impact of the bullet smashing through my flesh, though there was no pain. I was stunned. And sad for me, he decided to finish me off, and gave me a final blow in the head. BANG! I felt the impact again. 

Things turned black again, and the next moment I realised I was actually watching a horror film and the chaos that ensued was just 2 parts of 3 of the entire film. I was given the option of continuing with the final film, but declined as I was too freaked out. 

And finally, I woke up. Back in my Istana sofa. Back to reality. 

Oh My God someone tell me why am I getting such dark dreams again...WHY? WHY? WHY?

I am drained la, typing this freaking long post. 

I have other things to rant about today, but I shall stop here first. Tomorrow will be going long and hard for the run. 


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