Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back To Basics

Phew. What an eventful day. I spent most of my time doing exactly what I wanted to do, which is to me, the best I could ask for, on an off day. 

As I emphasized, I was going to start training again. And I did just exactly that. Today I was going to familiarize myself with the routine workout I always did, so I decided to do both a gym session and a LSD. From how my body is feeling now, I think I've accomplished my aim today. Will be looking to get some dumbbells real soon; I am going to stop going to public gyms for the time being, for personal reasons. 

The run today (10.7k, Home-Jln Buroh-Boon Lay) was quite enjoyable and the pace was relatively relaxing. One very disappointing thing that happened was that my left thigh area suffered a muscle tweak of some sort. It was eating away at my endurance and that was definitely extremely demoralising, after all I've been doing short distances the past few days to try to reel myself back to the harshness of long-d. I don't know why I'm so prone to these small parasitic injuries nowadays. And all of it started after the freaking 24k last month. Did I not rest enough? What went wrong, I wonder. 

Sad to say, I'm going to aggravate the injury even more with tomorrow's CPFA. It should be fine by tomorrow, but if it doesn't heal, then I have to excuse myself from the run, simple as. 

Forecasting, tomorrow I will continue to hit the gym (Yea I just contradicted myself, but tomorrow since I have a companion it's fine) in the afternoon (PM OFF F-T-W***). The countdown is ongoing. Time is quickly ticking away. And my workout days and intensities are increasing. 

No room for shortcuts, no room for laziness. All the way towards my first race, which is the Army Half Marathon on Sunday! 

Interesting tips on running:

QOTD: *Perfect*. 


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