Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Butterflies in my Stomach.

Due to Ky commenting on how I use too much expletives in my speeches, I shall not type any for this post. 

Oh shucks, today flew by too quickly! Done 2/3 of things to do, except for collecting my contacts. Don't know when the optics shop is going to call me, but I don't really look forward to it anyway. =/

This is getting nerve wrecking! It's going to be less than 12 hours to Flag-off tomorrow! The Army Half Marathon! I know many of you are also getting excited since it's going to be quite a large scale event! I was still binging and having fun in the morning, totally forgetting about the run tomorrow. But I managed to come home early today, so as to adjust my mindset and psych myself up for tomorrow. I'm still going for it, a sub-50min timing. *Serious*

Could say I 'carbo-loaded' today. Ate SO MUCH. It was mainly due to food fair at expo today...couldn't resist the temptation, haha. It was too bad I didn't manage to hoot any good running equipment at the Adidas Sales, but at least I didn't waste money on other fanciful items. So today I can say I just let loose and diverted away from normal routines. But it's good. It takes me away from the real world for the moment. At least I followed my plans to hit the gym in the morning.

Ahhh...oh yes, the other thing which was done was the collection of the 'Nicorette Quitters Run' Race kit! It was way more worth it than the price we paid! Only $10 for registration, and we got a whole bag full of useful goodies, including listerine, milk lotion, neutrogena face cream, Acuvue complimentary voucher, and of course, the dry fit T-shirt, which looked awesome! All these for only $10, can you believe! And not forgetting a slot in the race! 

Alright...the sky is dimming, and not before long I will have to sleep. Got to have my 8 hours of sleep tonight. Went through my past photos, and guess what? I chanced upon some Standard Chartered Marathon pix I took as a volunteer last year, which I had totally forgotten about! It was like finding treasure! Although they are poor shots, they just sum up the vibe and spirit of the race! This is good motivation!



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