Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Great Work Today!

Hmm let's see, today I did a total of 3 different workouts: Intervals, Gym and a (short) long-d run.

Well, I was surprised that this morning's CPFA turn out to be a speed/str training session instead. Had to quickly readjust my plans for the latter part of today but in the end it turned out good. Did a 500m x6 interval sprints at 2min/.5km with 3 mins rest periods. Honestly it was quite shack, as I haven't been doing intervals for a long time. It gave me a throbbing headache afterwards man. But a great workout nevertheless. 

Following the day's activities I headed to Pioneer gym to do some weights training. All the while I was enduring this nagging headache but I just couldn't bring myself to cancel the session. The prospect of me hitting a good timing for all the sacrifice was always motivating and pushing me through. Did the usual stuff, biceps, lats, chest. I figured that the reason I haven't been adding muscle is because of my lack of intensity when I'm lifting the weights. So I tried much harder today, and it definitely felt that I've done more in the end. 

Took a power nap from 1710 to 1815. The hardest part of the day was to drag my corpse-like body up for the evening run. Added to the fact that it was so cooling and comfortable due to the thunderstorm a few hours beforehand, I was so bloody tempted to just lie down and go back to sleep! I don't know how, but I still managed to go for the run. Though I must have looked like a zombie. 

For the run, things turned out to be quite surprising as well. I was expecting it to be hellacious, with my headache and all, even if I had already fixed it to be a super slow jog. But somehow, I didn't feel a single bit of exhaustion after the run. I can actually say that that was arguably the most enjoyable run I've ever had in my life! 

I guess today perfectly exemplifies the chinese saying; "Fight poison with poison"

Less than 20 days to my Msia trip!


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