Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, September 13, 2010

A taste of the fun times.

Surprisingly, today turned out to be quite fun. It was almost like we were back to the 'sec5/J1 era' where the group of us would just hang out for the entire day and do stuff, and just chill. A day like today are few and far between nowadays, especially with everyone being so busy. So treasure it...

It was weird, cos' both ky and ch said the same thing about each other during our talks about why we were still hanging out with each other even though there is just so much differences and tension nowadays. The answer was simply, '我看开了, 我认命了.' 

Well, if only I could '看开'. 

Jealousy? Bitterness? 

But anyways, just glad that ky lived up to his word and finally made the passport today. I am looking forward to the KL trip! 

Gym session today was great. Did whatever I wanted and more. I am thoroughly aching right now. It's true, doing with ky makes you so much more focused. I think it's because of the pressure removed when ch don't do with me and vice versa.

The chin-up exercise was crazy man, we should do it every time from now onwards. 

Tomorrow is my last off day before duty continues, so gonna use it for a long-d. I'll either do a slow 10k or 15k. 

The races are truly coming in fast and furious! Four more days and it's the Nicorettes Quitter's run! So the most ideal schedule would be to clock mileage tomorrow, thursday and rest on Friday. It is official a fun run, but we will be going for PB for the 7.5k. I'm looking around 36-37 min for this one. 

Alright, see you! 


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