Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What a Change of Events~

Sometimes just a single "OK" can change so many outcomes. 

Yesterday was one of the case. Which was also the primary reason for me to blog about. 

Well, TODAY, Wednesday 15 Sept was supposed to be my duty. But no, it occurred that the situation changed and I ended up not doing today. So I was booking in yesterday night with a heavy heart, and the 3SG had to make things worst by asking me if I could cover THURS also, which was NOT my duty. It was to help a platoonmate, he said. In my mind I wanted to say a BIG NO THANK YOU immediately...but..he was quite pressing. So I was like, "Oh shit...I don't have a choice, do I?" 

I told him to let me consider it and provide an answer tomorrow. As the situation was, the duty HAD to be covered by either me or another guy, so I was mentally adjusting to the case. If I was doing THURS also, it would mean THREE consecutive days. It hit me pretty hard. 

Not just that, it would ruin all my plans. It would mean that I couldn't do a last run before NQR. It would mean that my planned half day on Thurs had to be cancelled. It would mean that I had to do an EXTRA duty this month (though that guy would owe me). Basically it will screw my schedule, my well thought out schedule up! I hated it!! 

Reluctant to accept the fact, I went to sleep anyway. 

Minutes later, two platoonmates barged into my bunk. 


They asked the 3SG if I knew about the situation. I answer, saying yes. But I was going to have to consider if I wanted to do thurs. Then one of the guys asked if I was doing Wednesday, and I said yes. Then came the offer; he was willing to cover my Wednesday if I did his Thurs. 

Without even blinking an eyelid I replied, "OK!". 

That was it. Problem solved. Everything was cleared. All of us got what we wanted. My plans were not screwed, in fact it turn out much better! Although it meant I booked in for nothing that night, but it doesn't matter cos' there's CPFA tomorrow! I could go for the run, and take half day! It was sweet as cherry. It was like what I had intended to do in the first place. 

Then after that I couldn't sleep. I was thinking, wow, from such a somber mood to such happiness, how could I sleep now... But of course, many questions left unanswered, which I don't want to get too technical about cos' it would be WAYYY to confusing. 

In the end, things turned out great. Did the 4.8k run today, took half day off today, caught a movie, hanged out with buddies...and yes, I will be doing tomorrow and Friday, but I have zero complains as I will be doing with my batchmates. =) And best of all, I've finished my training for NQR. 

So the next two days, I will just get it done and over with, then go for the NQR on Saturday. 

I am damn lucky. 


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