Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Free as the Birds

How I wish I can be free as the birds.

Look at them, flying gloriously in the limitless skies, in whatever weather conditions, be it rain or shine.

Look at them spread their wings, so magnificently, so gracefully, as they prepare to soar and rise with the wind. 

Look at them, unbounded by territory, unrestricted by rules, effortlessly roaming above the heavy grounds.

Look at them, free, uncatchable, untouchable!

How I wish I can be free as the birds. 

Sometimes I want to be just like a bird. Blessed with the ability to fly and go wherever I want, and do whatever I want. I look at my situation now, and I look to be the exact opposite. I'm TRAPPED. Confined, restricted, with my freedom taken away from me, only merely substituting it with 'personal time' bounded by orders and rules and the like. 

I don't know what it feels like to enjoy total freedom anymore, sadly.

And everyday, I try my absolute best to make full use of my stay out time to personalize it. I guess maybe that's the reason why I'm so devoted to running, training my fitness, writing a blog and such. It's because they give me a sense of belonging. A sense of purpose. A sense of FREEDOM. 

But one day, I know. One fine day, just like a bird stuck in a cage, I will be released. That day will be my ORD date, 031211. 

Right now, this demoralised bird just has to stay in the cage, and endure through.

*Pre-marathon training*

4.8k CPFA, Str training, gym session.


7 days to IPPT. 10 days to Msia!


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