Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Houston, we have a Problem. *SOLVED!!!*

I am in serious jeopardy of not being able to make it for Malaysia trip. 

Oh no. 

Let me just link things up for the easier picture.

Planned Msia trip-->Passport expired-->Made a new one-->Supposed to arrange for collection today-->I did a stupid mistake in camp-->PC punishes me with MINUS 3 days off-->Now I don't have any off to take-->Must book out only after 1730 everyday-->ICA CLOSES at 1630-->This Saturday appointment is booked FULL-->SUNDAY IS CLOSED!-->My trip is on the 9th-->So I don't have any possible time to collect my passport-->So I CANNOT leave Singapore-->GOOD GAME.




Who should I blame? Blame the damn combined arms parade? Blame the damn WITS/Pride day? Blame my PC for punishing me? Blame myself for risking on that day? Blame myself for not foreseeing this, and collecting my passport earlier? Who should I blame?

Guess it's no use blaming anything. 

There are only a few proposed solutions to this problem now. One, I can find the loophole in the system and test it again. If this works, nobody knows, and I can collect my passport for sure.

Or, I could have a little talk with my PC/PS to ask him to let me 'borrow' off to collect the passport. This is the safest method, if he allows then I am not guilty of anything, if he doesn't, my trip have to be cancelled.

Or I could pray for some magical off to appear! Or some other miracle?!

If you guys, ie KY or CH is reading this, get the message. Be prepared I may not join you guys for the trip. And you cannot collect the passport for me because it requires me to go down PERSONALLY with my IC to collect. And need to book appointment also, which I doubt you all can make it. So there you go, unless you have a Plan B or Plan C. 

Update on Pre-Marathon training; squeezed in a 10k run just now, from 1850 to 2000. It is possible to train even with LIMITED TIME if you guys are seriously driven. Tomorrow I heard we will be doing 4.8k run, and strength training. Whatever it is, tomorrow after I book out, I wll be heading to the gym. Hopefully do some quality lifting until it closes.

Just hope to get through this rough period soon~. 


LOL Haha seems like God heard my cries and gave me a little help!!

I went to check Sat's booking again, and apparently some kind soul cancelled his/her appointment on the 12pm slot!! So I Immediately hoot it! YEA, now everything is solved! I will just head for the appointment, 12pm Sat, since whole of Sat I'm free! HENG AR~~~

Look at this, this was the MIRACLE I was talking about!


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