Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

So near, yet so far.

Yea, we've only got 6 months till' we become corporals. Yea it's only two months to year end. Yea it's only a few days till' Nike Race. Everything seems near depending on how we look at it. This race for me, though it's this weekend, seems so damn far. 

It's cos' of the 3 days consecutive I must emphasize CONSECUTIVE duties. I know it's going to pass very very slow. Fri and Sat I am dead, I will be doing with all the lao jiao CPLs alone. How's that. It's intimidating, it's pressurizing, and it certainly does not make me feel any better. It's like I have to scale mount everest before I can enjoy my race. 

Seems like there's been talks about new guys from other platoons wanting to switch over to Istana. And bigger news is that supposedly there will be 'sacrificial lambs' from our platoon to be kicked out and replaced. Half of what I say might not be true; I'm just speculating. I was thinking, am I really suited to be in Istana platoon, and lead a lifestyle like that? Two months into it and I still haven't got myself adjusted into the whole system. It's the people, it's the system, it's the work or lack of work we do. Somehow it does not feel normal to be complaining about duties anymore, when I should be accustomed to it already, as my fellow seniors would say. I was thinking, should I request to be transferred to another platoon? Will it suit me more? I am not saying Istana platoon is downright woeful and a wrong decision, but I am having my doubts about it now. 

And don't you MOFOs go spread to people about what I feel, and start to stir up shite that I want to leave. 

Maybe I'm just tired. Or I just need more time to adjust to the system. 

I hope to post again either tml, thurs or fri. But highly unlikely. 

Just take these THREE duties off me already, and let me enjoy my race, will you?


The elder among the men looked deep into 
The fire and spoke loud with pride
Tomorrow is a fine day to die!



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