Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, October 15, 2010

Just As Planned.

Just as Aizen used to say, "Just as planned."

Things went well today, and I'm pleasantly surprised everything went according to plan! The run; killed it, the race pack collection; got it, the gym session; better than expected. That is how just a single FREE day can be used so efficiently, with properly planning and diligence. With this in mind, I think it's time I start to cherish my offs instead of taking them for granted. 

I am sorely bitter though, about having to pay $1.50 to print my confirmation slip, and paying $2 for the short bus ride. I shouldn't be throwing money away like that, and both happened because I wasn't prepared. 

Ah whatever. 

Speaking bout' the race pack--it's the SAME as KL's! They only gave extra vouchers which were practically useless since all of them were for beauty and wellness treatments! And a can of 100plus, but how much can one 100plus cost? Same shirt material, meaning the fabric will damage easily. Heard last year's even included a water bottle...yet this year so chui...but we pay $25 SGD. Yea, Singaporeans are so easily ripped off. 

I am lacking a camera right now! I could have shown the KL trip and race photos, and even the collection event @ orchard central just now. This blog can totally use MORE pix. So should I throw away another few hundred bucks to get it? Or just borrow from people? 

Ah...two more races to conclude the end of this month. It's all coming fast and furious, but I like it that way. Makes me more engaged and focused on my goals. Makes time in camp fly faster too. =D


New Balance Real Run 2010 Preview

I seriously hope nothing goes wrong before or during the start of the race. That means I don't get sick, I don't suffer from aches/fatigue, I don't slow down at ANY terrain (Fk the beach part I will just push on like a mad dog), I don't run out of stamina, I don't overpace myself, I don't lack motivation, I don't eat any junk food til then, I don't kena stomachache, I don't be complacent, or any other unforeseen circumstances that may prevent me from doing my best this Sunday. 

I have trained, I have prepared myself for this. All with the aim of hitting 1:15:00 or top 100 place. The long runs, the intervals, the fartlegs, the tempo runs, the hills, gym sessions, everything I know. Truth be told, I still doubt I can run 1:15:00 realistically, but I know it is physically possible for my body. I have it in me. I just have to go out there and run a perfect race. A Perfect race. 

Technically, I will have to hit splits of 5min/km for 75mins/15K. During my tempo runs, I've found that 5min/km is not too hard, maybe 70% of my effort. But to sustain that for distances more than 10K, it is still a BIG question mark. My plan is to pace myself for the first 10K, and hit exactly 50mins, give or take one or two minutes, the most. After that, it will be make or break. I could run faster than expected, who knows. But I plan to up the pace from then, and push all out when I see the finishing line. I am hoping to hit runner's high at 7K, if that is possible...

Whatever it is, this will be THE race right now. Forget about the nike FUN run, salomon Trail run, or even the marathon. The 15K is this Sunday. I know quite a number of MP command Runners are joining, and I seriously want to see where I stand amongst them. 

It's just two more days to race day! I hate going to do duty tomorrow..but I have to. It's a Saturday somemore...=(. No more physical activity till' Sunday. I won't be blogging tomorrow night, since I will be hitting the bed early, at exactly 9pm. Gotta wake up at 0400 and catch the 0500 shuttle bus. 

New Balance 'Real' run you're just a GIMMICK, I'll show you who the REAL runner is!!!


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