Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kids will be Kids.

Seems like there's always some bugger out saying the most irritating things that makes my blood boil. 

I don't care who you are, and you are entitled to your own opinion, and you can say whatever you like. But I can do that too. Seems like just one year gap can make so much difference, it's true what they say, those 91' and after are the 'new gen', the kids, that have had things handed to him all to easily. 

I am particularly bothered by something a person said to me just now, but I don't see the need to host a rebuttal or rant my veins out. This is because kids, will never understand what life is all about. Heck, it's not that, it's people with a child's mentality who will fail to grasp or understand knowledge and experiences beyond their level of comprehension. That is why I will not be angry, because I know, they can't understand why I'm doing what I'm doing, not because they truly think what I'm doing is to quote; "No life". 

Maybe it seems I did rant after all. Well, things could have been worst. Say, I could have exploded on the spot just now.

But I welcome things like this, because if you know me, I will only channel this negative energy into my trainings. Use this as my driving force. Nothing anyone say against me will ever knock me off balance, that is the promise I have made to myself. 

...And it has come in a good time also! Since my way home, I have been nagged by this terrible feeling of having to do H-I-I-T today, 


Oh my god, the pain...pain..and more pain...I swear man, I really hate how much HIIT hurts. 

But no choice, a man's got to do what a man's got to do.

Let's go 200-200 X 6 rounds!

Sometimes, even I wonder why I push myself so hard. 

Maybe it's because I know I have to ability to go beyond what those mere minions can ever hope to achieve. 


Completed the 2.8k HIIT. Yup, it was a routinely fierce workout, but somehow I feel my body can withstand it much better now. If I pushed to death I could have gone 10 times no problem. But since I've not done HIIT for so long, I just went with 7 times. I felt my brain contractions, which was good.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Free as the Birds

How I wish I can be free as the birds.

Look at them, flying gloriously in the limitless skies, in whatever weather conditions, be it rain or shine.

Look at them spread their wings, so magnificently, so gracefully, as they prepare to soar and rise with the wind. 

Look at them, unbounded by territory, unrestricted by rules, effortlessly roaming above the heavy grounds.

Look at them, free, uncatchable, untouchable!

How I wish I can be free as the birds. 

Sometimes I want to be just like a bird. Blessed with the ability to fly and go wherever I want, and do whatever I want. I look at my situation now, and I look to be the exact opposite. I'm TRAPPED. Confined, restricted, with my freedom taken away from me, only merely substituting it with 'personal time' bounded by orders and rules and the like. 

I don't know what it feels like to enjoy total freedom anymore, sadly.

And everyday, I try my absolute best to make full use of my stay out time to personalize it. I guess maybe that's the reason why I'm so devoted to running, training my fitness, writing a blog and such. It's because they give me a sense of belonging. A sense of purpose. A sense of FREEDOM. 

But one day, I know. One fine day, just like a bird stuck in a cage, I will be released. That day will be my ORD date, 031211. 

Right now, this demoralised bird just has to stay in the cage, and endure through.

*Pre-marathon training*

4.8k CPFA, Str training, gym session.


7 days to IPPT. 10 days to Msia!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Houston, we have a Problem. *SOLVED!!!*

I am in serious jeopardy of not being able to make it for Malaysia trip. 

Oh no. 

Let me just link things up for the easier picture.

Planned Msia trip-->Passport expired-->Made a new one-->Supposed to arrange for collection today-->I did a stupid mistake in camp-->PC punishes me with MINUS 3 days off-->Now I don't have any off to take-->Must book out only after 1730 everyday-->ICA CLOSES at 1630-->This Saturday appointment is booked FULL-->SUNDAY IS CLOSED!-->My trip is on the 9th-->So I don't have any possible time to collect my passport-->So I CANNOT leave Singapore-->GOOD GAME.




Who should I blame? Blame the damn combined arms parade? Blame the damn WITS/Pride day? Blame my PC for punishing me? Blame myself for risking on that day? Blame myself for not foreseeing this, and collecting my passport earlier? Who should I blame?

Guess it's no use blaming anything. 

There are only a few proposed solutions to this problem now. One, I can find the loophole in the system and test it again. If this works, nobody knows, and I can collect my passport for sure.

Or, I could have a little talk with my PC/PS to ask him to let me 'borrow' off to collect the passport. This is the safest method, if he allows then I am not guilty of anything, if he doesn't, my trip have to be cancelled.

Or I could pray for some magical off to appear! Or some other miracle?!

If you guys, ie KY or CH is reading this, get the message. Be prepared I may not join you guys for the trip. And you cannot collect the passport for me because it requires me to go down PERSONALLY with my IC to collect. And need to book appointment also, which I doubt you all can make it. So there you go, unless you have a Plan B or Plan C. 

Update on Pre-Marathon training; squeezed in a 10k run just now, from 1850 to 2000. It is possible to train even with LIMITED TIME if you guys are seriously driven. Tomorrow I heard we will be doing 4.8k run, and strength training. Whatever it is, tomorrow after I book out, I wll be heading to the gym. Hopefully do some quality lifting until it closes.

Just hope to get through this rough period soon~. 


LOL Haha seems like God heard my cries and gave me a little help!!

I went to check Sat's booking again, and apparently some kind soul cancelled his/her appointment on the 12pm slot!! So I Immediately hoot it! YEA, now everything is solved! I will just head for the appointment, 12pm Sat, since whole of Sat I'm free! HENG AR~~~

Look at this, this was the MIRACLE I was talking about!

Monday, September 27, 2010

You just LUURVE me signing EXTRA.

Oh, what can I say. I am most probably going to SIGN EXTRA. 

It's a very long and complicated story...basically, I pissed off my PC by "bending the rules" and in his own words, "breaking the trust". Oh well. I guess me being, me, would normally go into a depression again. Even if you are a normal person you will. First I got 2 days off cancelled by Staff for long hair...now this. But the whole day I was in Istana thinking about this, and I guess I couldn't really be bothered anymore. If you want to pass judgment, I can honestly say I have not committed any procedural offenses. If the PC uses 'malingering' or 'failure to contact' to shoot me, then I just have to take the punishment. =/

From what I heard, minimum he is going to make me sign FIVE extra duties. MINIMUM. For just pissing him off. Hai ya folks..I seriously don't know what to make of this...

One part of me is so pissed off at the SAF...one part of me is just so disappointed that i keep committing mistakes after mistakes and don't learn...

Still waiting for my 'verdict'. Wanted to settle it today and get it over with, but seem like PC is still in a 'Rage' mode. I'm thinking the best is to approach him face to face tomorrow, and tell him my side of the story, and see what he wants to do with me. Even if I kena sign extra, I know, at least I have had my say.

Let's see...rested well today. Wanted to do a short stairs interval, but it was already 10pm. Too sleepy.

Ideally, tomorrow COG rehearsal will end before 12, I will get to cut my hair, I will explain my story to PC, I will be able to take pm off, I will make it for my passport collection, I will meet Mel for application of BBDS BTT course, I will STILL have time to squeeze in a 15k. Ideally. Tomorrow's going be a LOONG day in camp. I'm prep for de worst~~ =(((

*Addicted to Runner's World Magazine*!

QOTD: Obsessed is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Time to $AVE UP!

If there's any time to admit to myself that I've been over-spending, it would be now! I have been using my September pay so quickly that now, my painstakingly well kept '$1000' balance has been tarnished. Some of the money was for necessary spending, the rest of it mostly on new running equipment. Let's see, $180 on the wasted contacts, $50 on New Balance apparels, $40 on M'sia lodging, another $100 on the Mizuno trainers...and not to forget all the travel, food, gym expenses...yea, no wonder my mediocre monthly pay of $500 isn't enough for me to save up.

*Watching Bolton-ManUtd*

And don't even get me started on the contacts. I am angered enough already. 

Let's continue logging our Race training, then. *Bolton scores again argh!!*

Completed 21k this afternoon. Today's aim was just to clock mileage, so I went relatively slow. I wouldn't have been able to do 21k at race pace anyway. Besides, the sun was BURNING today, OH my god! It was ridiculous. The temperature in Singapore sucks people, it really does.

But I'm glad I finished without any cramps or any other significant pains, unlike last time (Remember the hellish virgin 24k?). I actually took the timing, to be honest, and it should be around 2hours10minutes. Not bad for such a slow jog, and also taking into consideration the weather. If I can run comfortably for 21k and still clock 2hours10minutes, then I guess breaking 2hours for a real half marathon shouldn't be a problem. *Owen levels things up!!!*

Oh and not forgetting the Mizuno Trainers I ran with. One thing I didn't appreciate was the fact that the US10.5 was the same size as my Adi US11. I really wanted smaller shoes this time. Good thing was it did feel lighter, and I had no problems covering mileage with this baby. Looks like a great steal, at only $100!

Anyway, I have to save up from now, there are still some merchandise I wanna hoot but not with my bank balance anymore. 

Going to book in soon!

Countdown to KL race: 13 days.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

New Hoot!

Finally got a new pair of running shoes! Despite saying that I'd go with the Asics Gel 1150, eventually I got the Mizuno Wave Nexus 3 at $99. The former, at $179, was just way too overpriced for my budget.

This is quite an old model, but like they say, "oldies are goodies". Rated by RW Magazine as Best Buy for Mar 2009. Cheap, good cushioning, tested and raved, but most of all, cheap. That was why I went with it, amongst all the other choices. Yes, maybe, just maybe Gel-Kayano is screaming in my head now, "GET ME!!", but damn it, $269 is just too pricey for me currently. I can't afford such luxury. But hey, some day I hope to get it too! Back to my new Mizuno trainers. Tried them out, boy, they really felt nice. It had a nice snug feel and best of all the US 10.5 fitted my feet perfectly. And oh yes, I got the "wide" variant of the model since it was more spacious in the widths; perfect for my E size feet. If you asked me, I would say I'm pretty darn satisfied with these, and I just can't wait to try them out tomorrow!


Oh my goodness, I just had another extremely dark nightmare this morning. If you would, let me illustrate the horrid dream to the best of my recollection:

It seem to be in the near future. I was in some short of military aircraft. Or was it a spaceship? The vicinity was bounded by thick, steel walls that gave the area a very rigid and mechanical feel. I think I was part of a group of construction workers? The group of us, I believe, wearing helmets and suited with coats, was planting this mini "radio tower" onto the spaceship. The first surprise came; our leader was non other than "HCH", my NPCC Chief back in Secondary School. Why was it him, I have no idea! I do not know how things transited, but in the next scene, we were clinging on to the edge of the spaceship, trying to...do something. Again, it was mostly blur so I couldn't figure out what exactly we were doing. There were boulder like things and I guess we were trying to do some wiring inside them. Our lives were literally hanging by a thread. Or should I say nothing a all. Picture this; the group of 5 people standing, almost hugging to the wall of a very, very high mountain. Somehow all of us knew how risky things were, and we were just letting this one guy fix the wires before we can get back to the top. Then, shit happened. This clearly obese, balding uncle accidentally grabbed a slice of the soil off the boulder while trying to re-balance. I remember him muttering something nonchalantly but nothing exact. The thing was, as his hands slipped off any support, I remembered I instinctively stretched my hands out in an attempt to stabilize the boulder for him. SOMEHOW, the force from my hand nudged the boulder a bit too hard, and fell towards the uncle, who was now helpless, with the bloody boulder inches from knocking him off the edge! I still recall that haunting sight of the boulder dropping and pushing the uncle off the edge. And the worst part, was hearing the bone chilling tortured screams while he was falling to his death. There and then, everyone stopped doing anything in stunned silence, eyes wide open to the tragedy they've just witness, but nobody panicked as every single one knew of the dangers beforehand. But I was guilty. In a way, I had indirectly killed him. I could remember, as he screamed; those cries were directed at me. As if he was cursing me to death with his final breath. 

Then things stopped for a while, I think I had blacked-out and went to sleep? In the next scene, I was back on the platform of the spaceship. As I looked around, I realised I was wounded and that everyone around me had been killed. It seemed like I was in the aftermath of a war. Most of the equipment around me was destroyed, and I was just lying down, with my feet hanging outside a hole in the ship. I could see what was beneath me. As the spaceship moved, I saw a fellow soldier waving at me, as if to tell me that we have won the war.

Cut to yet another scene again, this time, I abandoned the spaceship and went inside a hospital, yes a hospital, on foot. I was greeted by a grim surrounding, it was dark everywhere, and there seemed to be only a lone nurse on the counter. Then the most frightening part of the dream started to reveal. This man, appeared from a corner and started walking around aimlessly. He had a look of hatred and evil. I didn't know who he was, but my instinct told me he was a highly dangerous subject, and might be one of the enemies. As I approached him, he seemed to be just drifting effortlessly, as if looking for something. (Yes, he was drifting, I do not know how) Then I went up to him. At an instant, my fears came true. He immediately took out a large, transparent pistol and got ready to fire a point blank shot that would've killed me on the spot. Then I did a really stupid thing! I actually tired to bend my back to avoid any bullets, similar to the matrix-style. It was so ridiculous because I was SO SLOW, and the man could just lower his aim all the same. IT WAS SO DUMB of an action from me, I knew. I prayed he would not fire off as I desperately bended my back more, like an ass-clown. Then he retracted his outstretched arm, and looked away. I was lucky. But I had to talk. I had to find out just exactly what was happening right now. So I went towards him again, this time face to face. I had strategically back faced towards the nurse, gullibly assuming that he would not take the chance of hitting any innocent civilian accidentally. Yea, what the hell, I know. In the final moments, I remembered telling him I just wanted to talk. He said he spared my life, and was not going to shoot me. He looked away, as if going to walk away. Before I could react, he took out his pistol again and BANG shot me in my right thigh. I was DREAMING, but I could 'feel' the impact of the bullet smashing through my flesh, though there was no pain. I was stunned. And sad for me, he decided to finish me off, and gave me a final blow in the head. BANG! I felt the impact again. 

Things turned black again, and the next moment I realised I was actually watching a horror film and the chaos that ensued was just 2 parts of 3 of the entire film. I was given the option of continuing with the final film, but declined as I was too freaked out. 

And finally, I woke up. Back in my Istana sofa. Back to reality. 

Oh My God someone tell me why am I getting such dark dreams again...WHY? WHY? WHY?

I am drained la, typing this freaking long post. 

I have other things to rant about today, but I shall stop here first. Tomorrow will be going long and hard for the run. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

14 Days to Paradise~

Working hard, running a lot these days. Self clocking mileage in addition to CPFA is not easy, but I'm getting the hang of it. As I've said, duty days will be my resting time so for the rest of the days I'll just have to suck it up. 

After all, I will be able to enjoy to the max during my upcoming planned 4 days off+leave! Hopefully no duty on that Fri so that I can take off before my leave on Sat to Mon. 

Finally did another 13k yesterday, after a long slumber. The Kent Ridge park-Mount Fbr via Alexandra Arch is no joke man, there are a lot of hills and inclines. I admit, I found yesterday's run to be very tiring. Hope that it does the job of familiarizing my legs to the punishing demands of hills. 

Hooted some New Balance apparels at the warehouse sales too! The best buy was the XStatic running singlet, which was only for $25; original price $62!. Ahh yes, and took a venture into Funan's 'Running Lab' to have a consultation about my feet type/running style. To my shock, I actually required Stability shoes instead of the neutrals which I've always thought was the best for me! It was due to my arch bending too much when I run. Phew, luckily I realise now if not I would've bought the wrong pair of shoes again. 

So after much research, I think I'll go with Asics Gel 1150 for it's affordabilty, reputation and comparatively light weight. 11 Oz for a stability shoe is not bad. 

Tomorrow is Saturday, which means I'm on duty. Time to rest! I've got a 5K Nike Training Run scheduled on Sunday, which I'm looking forward to. Let's see what goes on in a training run...

QOTD: (         ) can't remember everything, but never forgets to remember. 

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Great Work Today!

Hmm let's see, today I did a total of 3 different workouts: Intervals, Gym and a (short) long-d run.

Well, I was surprised that this morning's CPFA turn out to be a speed/str training session instead. Had to quickly readjust my plans for the latter part of today but in the end it turned out good. Did a 500m x6 interval sprints at 2min/.5km with 3 mins rest periods. Honestly it was quite shack, as I haven't been doing intervals for a long time. It gave me a throbbing headache afterwards man. But a great workout nevertheless. 

Following the day's activities I headed to Pioneer gym to do some weights training. All the while I was enduring this nagging headache but I just couldn't bring myself to cancel the session. The prospect of me hitting a good timing for all the sacrifice was always motivating and pushing me through. Did the usual stuff, biceps, lats, chest. I figured that the reason I haven't been adding muscle is because of my lack of intensity when I'm lifting the weights. So I tried much harder today, and it definitely felt that I've done more in the end. 

Took a power nap from 1710 to 1815. The hardest part of the day was to drag my corpse-like body up for the evening run. Added to the fact that it was so cooling and comfortable due to the thunderstorm a few hours beforehand, I was so bloody tempted to just lie down and go back to sleep! I don't know how, but I still managed to go for the run. Though I must have looked like a zombie. 

For the run, things turned out to be quite surprising as well. I was expecting it to be hellacious, with my headache and all, even if I had already fixed it to be a super slow jog. But somehow, I didn't feel a single bit of exhaustion after the run. I can actually say that that was arguably the most enjoyable run I've ever had in my life! 

I guess today perfectly exemplifies the chinese saying; "Fight poison with poison"

Less than 20 days to my Msia trip!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Forecast to the end of Sept...

22, Wed: Compulsory CPFA 4.8k at platoon (leisure) speed. Strength training of push up variations, lunges, jumping jets, abxercise. All of which I believe are pretty useless. Not taking PM OFF, as I only have one day left and I want to keep it for Thurs and Fri. Going to use MPTS Gym in the afternoon. (?) Complete 8k slow run after book out. 

23, Thur: Booking in in the morning. Take PM OFF. Do a 15k leisure run (Include hills) from 1pm to 4pm/3pm straight to city hall meet CH. Continue with Running Lab's training run of 5k-10k (?). 

24, Fri: 4.8k CPFA again. Take PM OFF to hit the gym. Need to book in at night.

25, Sat: Duty/Rest

26, Sun: Duty/Rest OR Join Nike training run 5k/If not joining 5k run, do another 15k leisure/21k time trial by myself.

27, Mon: Duty/Rest

28, Tue: COG rehearsal in the morning. Take PM OFF. Interval training/HIIT and gym

29, Wed: 4.8k CPFA + "Str traininig". Take PM OFF. Do 15k and include hills. 

30, Thur: 24 MAN parade.

All these are tentative, just a rough guide of what to do for the remaining days of Sept. It's gonna be hard! 

And yes, I've borrowed some Runner's World Magazine today, should be interesting how they are teaching me to clock below 4hrs for 26.2miles. Looking forward to following their training plans! And I should be getting the Mizuno Wave Rider 13 either way. 

In such as rush to catch some precious sleep time. Glad that I don't have duty till' SATURDAY. =D

Monday, September 20, 2010

Pushing through the Pain.

Absolutely no inspiration to blog recently. It seems that life, after the recent AHM and NQR, has gotten boring again. There is nothing to look forward to, nothing to be excited about. And it doesn't end here. The demanding strings of parades and duties are going to hit again. And this time, they will hit hard. I just recieved news that I would be doing 24 man, 72 man AND Change of Guards. That's 3 out of 4 parades scheduled. Haix. Truth is, even though time inside MPEU seems to have past, and already another new batch has posted in, we are still the 'newcomers' until they get their platoon postings. I guess this hectic life won't end until maybe Feb/Mar, when the next two or three more batches come in. Then we can throw the parades to them. =)

And working with such limited time is challenging. It is harder and harder for me to squeeze in training runs into my daily routine. I won't have time to run if I do duty. I only be left with half the energy if I run on a PM off. That means my distance runs can only be done if I take a full day, realistically speaking. And I haven't done past 10k for God knows how long. It's tough man. Yes, CPFA does help, but 4.8k runs aren't what I am looking for now. I need mileage. Desperately so, as time is ticking away fast. 

But I am trying to see if I can tackle this problem. First step is to build a schedule on my calender so as to organize things properly, ie, duty days, training days, which day would be strategically advantageous to take full day OFF, etc. I have a plan until end of this month, let's see if I can keep at it. 

And by trying to compromise time between camp life and running, sometimes I have to really force my body, even though it is still recovering. Just like today. I am lacking behind a bit, so I did a 5k slow jog in the evening even though I had 4.8k CPFA on the same morning. This is just solely to make up for mileage and endurance. I am doing all these, because I want to get better timings. Currently, the big picture is the New Balance Real (Trail) Run. It might sound ambitious to you, but I will go on the record to say that I am aiming for a top 100 finish. That's approximately a 1:15:00 timing, at a 5min/km pace, according to past results. So I know it is not easy to get that, and that is why I'm putting in extra effort to make sure that at least I challenge for it. 

Went to QW to look for Mizuno wave rider 12 today, but was told it was already phased out. They only have the 13 now. Well, that wasn't what I was looking for, even though it was the same model. Online reviews just raved about how comfortable and efficient the rider 12 was, but I guess it wasn't lucky enough to know of it earlier. Now, I have no idea what to get. Should I just get the ultimate shoe; Asics Gel Kayano 16, or stick to other more budget friendly choices? I am fighting this dilemna. 

Same old thing tonight, gotta book in for duty tomorrow! 

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Nicorette Quitter's Run: Review

Hey, I'm back after a short hiatus. So yesterday we did the 'first ever' Nicorette Quitters run at East Coast park. I thought it was quite well organised and vibrant for such a low profile event. 

Surprisingly, the event drew a larger number of participants than expected. I guess it may attribute to the appealing marketing strategy as well as the low entry fee, which was only $10. Upon receiving the race pack, we thought that the goodies inside was pretty value for money; though I've mentioned that before. 

So onto the run itself. When we reached the gathering area, we were greeted by the eye-pleasing green and white promotional colours from the posters all around. Yes, it was a small event, but they didn't compromise by presenting us with a lackluster event. The placement of booths were strategic and well spread out, but I felt that they could have added in signs so that participants could easily locate them. Eg, water point, bag collection, etc. Also, it'd be better if they had a few temporary toilets, or at least showed where the nearest toilets were. Another thing I found to be quite amusing was; why was the Milo truck located so far away from the race area? It turned out to be extremely inconvenient for runners, who had to walk a distance to get their Milo. And yet again, no guides as to where it was in the first place. I had only managed to stumble across the truck after exiting Billy Bombers, if not I wouldn't even know of it's existence! 

The run started about 10 minutes later, but that was because of a large amount of people arriving late. Pretty straightforward route, with a U-turn at East Coast Seafood centre at the 3.75k mark. Two feedbacks for the route. One, the distances markers, although present, should be bigger so that it would be easier to see them. I found myself squinting a bit just to try to see the number on the small board. If not, have volunteers physically hold them and tell runners the actual distance. Also, maybe it would be better if 'cheerleaders' were placed throughout the route instead of all being congregated at the finishing line. I'm sure that would be more in-sync with what was presented to us like in the promotional video for the run. Water points were adequate for a short and simple run like this, which was good. The breakfast and massaging area were interesting as well. 

Yea, in short it was successful in the sense that it doesn't overdo things for a simple run like that. However some hindering points such as the Milo truck and the race markers could be improved on. Otherwise it was a pretty good experience, and I think if the event is planned on a larger scale next year, a lot more runners will definitely join in. 

Personally, I hit a PB of 34:34:09 for the 7.5k which is pretty darn sweet! It was far better from my expected timing of 37:30. I am looking forward to this unique 7.5k next year!

QOTD: Running may not add years to your life, but it will definitely add life to your years.

Friday, September 17, 2010

"Honestly, I don't know what's going on"

The above mentioned title just summarizes how we, or I, especially, felt for the past two days.

If you may have already know, I faced a sucky situation in which I wasn't able to participate in the Nicorette Quitter's Run. However, after like 10000 times of things changing here and there, lots of confusion and unconfirmed rumors, I am still able to go for it tomorrow. YAY! 

It is an extremely long and complicated story. And I've learnt one simple lesson from doing Istana; nothing is CONFIRMED until the last SECOND. How true it was for my case. 

If anyone wants a feel of being in Istana platoon, I would describe it as: emo---MORE EMO-----SUPER EMO----SUPER HAPPY!!---nervous---paranoid---SUPER DUPER EMO---SUPER HAPPY AGAIN---SUPPPPPER FREAKING EMO---and the cycle continues. 

Basically, it's all mindf*** stuff. 

Going to cut things short now, as I need my 7 hours of sleep. Back on track, back on focus. I had given up on the run just less than 48 hours ago but now that I can make it, I just wanna remind myself to get serious! Tomorrow is 7.5km! Aiming for 37 min and below, which is tough, but if I break it, I would have reached the next level =)))

Haha...after all that's said and done, after the dust clears...I'm still able to make it tomorrow. 

You'd be the death of me. *Smiles sheepishly*

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What a Change of Events~

Sometimes just a single "OK" can change so many outcomes. 

Yesterday was one of the case. Which was also the primary reason for me to blog about. 

Well, TODAY, Wednesday 15 Sept was supposed to be my duty. But no, it occurred that the situation changed and I ended up not doing today. So I was booking in yesterday night with a heavy heart, and the 3SG had to make things worst by asking me if I could cover THURS also, which was NOT my duty. It was to help a platoonmate, he said. In my mind I wanted to say a BIG NO THANK YOU immediately...but..he was quite pressing. So I was like, "Oh shit...I don't have a choice, do I?" 

I told him to let me consider it and provide an answer tomorrow. As the situation was, the duty HAD to be covered by either me or another guy, so I was mentally adjusting to the case. If I was doing THURS also, it would mean THREE consecutive days. It hit me pretty hard. 

Not just that, it would ruin all my plans. It would mean that I couldn't do a last run before NQR. It would mean that my planned half day on Thurs had to be cancelled. It would mean that I had to do an EXTRA duty this month (though that guy would owe me). Basically it will screw my schedule, my well thought out schedule up! I hated it!! 

Reluctant to accept the fact, I went to sleep anyway. 

Minutes later, two platoonmates barged into my bunk. 


They asked the 3SG if I knew about the situation. I answer, saying yes. But I was going to have to consider if I wanted to do thurs. Then one of the guys asked if I was doing Wednesday, and I said yes. Then came the offer; he was willing to cover my Wednesday if I did his Thurs. 

Without even blinking an eyelid I replied, "OK!". 

That was it. Problem solved. Everything was cleared. All of us got what we wanted. My plans were not screwed, in fact it turn out much better! Although it meant I booked in for nothing that night, but it doesn't matter cos' there's CPFA tomorrow! I could go for the run, and take half day! It was sweet as cherry. It was like what I had intended to do in the first place. 

Then after that I couldn't sleep. I was thinking, wow, from such a somber mood to such happiness, how could I sleep now... But of course, many questions left unanswered, which I don't want to get too technical about cos' it would be WAYYY to confusing. 

In the end, things turned out great. Did the 4.8k run today, took half day off today, caught a movie, hanged out with buddies...and yes, I will be doing tomorrow and Friday, but I have zero complains as I will be doing with my batchmates. =) And best of all, I've finished my training for NQR. 

So the next two days, I will just get it done and over with, then go for the NQR on Saturday. 

I am damn lucky. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

...Aaaand we're back to REALITY.


Can I start to look forward to ORD now? Haha, in my dreams. Still 1 year 2 months to go...

If not for the military life being so uninteresting, I might just complain less. I mean, going back to that boring schedule...the politics, the overdose of unnecessary and toxic MALE hormones collision... Don't like it, never will. 

We are still on schedule, guys. Today was the continuation of my pre-marathon training after my very first AHM race. Strangely I felt extremely weak and unmotivated today. Should I be worried? Is it just fatigue, or could it be that my body has reseted to square one after not doing >15k for so long? I only did near 9k today at a snail's pace, yet throughout I felt like giving up all the time. 

Whatever the case, I am going to have to hit a new threshold soon. Broke 10k, broke 15k, broke the half marathon, now, it is going to be the peak. The highest mileage recommended to clock before embarking on a marathon. 30 kilometres. The great wall. The longest distance possible for a human to cover before his glycogen level runs out. The distance that determines whether I make it or break it.  

Now, if I am going to do this, I will have to take this very, very seriously. Very seriously. This is not gonna be a walk in the park, no joke here. This is actually going to severely test my level of physicality and mental toughness. If I am going to take this challenge I will have to prepare enough. Be it the progression, be it the route, from the food I eat, to the time I run, to the very detailed aspects such as a complete, proper warm-up before the run. If not...I will fail miserably before I can even reach halfway.

But from now onwards I am going to look at things from the brighter side. Starting with looking forward to the Nicorette Quitter's Run on SAT! Let's put it this way, the faster I end duties, the faster I can enjoy. Remember "先苦后甜"? The very reason why I am especially reluctant to do tomorrow is mainly cos' I have to do with all the lao jiao. And they are people I absolutely CANNOT click with. They are your clubbers, players, "cool" type of people. I cannot work with them, to be frank. And I hate it. So let's just look forward to tomorrow night when I book out. Thurs is a half day + gym session, so at least I won't be doing consecutive shit. Friday, friday I don't know, *checks duty forecast*, oh, I'll be doing with all my batchmates YEAAA so it will be okay. 


Monday, September 13, 2010

A taste of the fun times.

Surprisingly, today turned out to be quite fun. It was almost like we were back to the 'sec5/J1 era' where the group of us would just hang out for the entire day and do stuff, and just chill. A day like today are few and far between nowadays, especially with everyone being so busy. So treasure it...

It was weird, cos' both ky and ch said the same thing about each other during our talks about why we were still hanging out with each other even though there is just so much differences and tension nowadays. The answer was simply, '我看开了, 我认命了.' 

Well, if only I could '看开'. 

Jealousy? Bitterness? 

But anyways, just glad that ky lived up to his word and finally made the passport today. I am looking forward to the KL trip! 

Gym session today was great. Did whatever I wanted and more. I am thoroughly aching right now. It's true, doing with ky makes you so much more focused. I think it's because of the pressure removed when ch don't do with me and vice versa.

The chin-up exercise was crazy man, we should do it every time from now onwards. 

Tomorrow is my last off day before duty continues, so gonna use it for a long-d. I'll either do a slow 10k or 15k. 

The races are truly coming in fast and furious! Four more days and it's the Nicorettes Quitter's run! So the most ideal schedule would be to clock mileage tomorrow, thursday and rest on Friday. It is official a fun run, but we will be going for PB for the 7.5k. I'm looking around 36-37 min for this one. 

Alright, see you! 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Army Half Marathon 2010

I feel like shitting now, srsly. 

So let's summarize things up. 

The most prominent thing I learnt today. You can never run a personal best if you don't start in front. I mean, the crowd was INSANE. OVERTAKING WAS SUCH A CHORE. All kinds of people blocking your route, and the sad thing was, I didn't get my best timing NOT because of my physical limit, but because I couldn't do my best. There were just too many people and it was so freaking squeezy you literally had to nudge and tacticalize your way through the mass of runners. Crazy man! 

Since there's no race bib for 10k runners, I took my own timing. 51:25 min. I am so tired of being angry over the fact that I could have easily broken 50 min if not for the damn crowd, that I will not comment anymore. 

But now I know, the pace for a sub-50min timing. 

Haix. Now we must factor in luck and running size into what constitutes to an individual's personal best. On race day, if you don't start in front, and there's a HUGE no. of participants, especially those slow runnners, you will suffer. No way in hell you will reach your best timing. This, sadly, I learnt today. 

But the experience is great! The atmosphere, the crowd, the spirit of the marathon. And of course to overtake many OCS cadets is also a plus point. It was motivating to run with some 10k runners. Let's see some pix!

Butterflies in my Stomach.

Due to Ky commenting on how I use too much expletives in my speeches, I shall not type any for this post. 

Oh shucks, today flew by too quickly! Done 2/3 of things to do, except for collecting my contacts. Don't know when the optics shop is going to call me, but I don't really look forward to it anyway. =/

This is getting nerve wrecking! It's going to be less than 12 hours to Flag-off tomorrow! The Army Half Marathon! I know many of you are also getting excited since it's going to be quite a large scale event! I was still binging and having fun in the morning, totally forgetting about the run tomorrow. But I managed to come home early today, so as to adjust my mindset and psych myself up for tomorrow. I'm still going for it, a sub-50min timing. *Serious*

Could say I 'carbo-loaded' today. Ate SO MUCH. It was mainly due to food fair at expo today...couldn't resist the temptation, haha. It was too bad I didn't manage to hoot any good running equipment at the Adidas Sales, but at least I didn't waste money on other fanciful items. So today I can say I just let loose and diverted away from normal routines. But it's good. It takes me away from the real world for the moment. At least I followed my plans to hit the gym in the morning.

Ahhh...oh yes, the other thing which was done was the collection of the 'Nicorette Quitters Run' Race kit! It was way more worth it than the price we paid! Only $10 for registration, and we got a whole bag full of useful goodies, including listerine, milk lotion, neutrogena face cream, Acuvue complimentary voucher, and of course, the dry fit T-shirt, which looked awesome! All these for only $10, can you believe! And not forgetting a slot in the race! 

Alright...the sky is dimming, and not before long I will have to sleep. Got to have my 8 hours of sleep tonight. Went through my past photos, and guess what? I chanced upon some Standard Chartered Marathon pix I took as a volunteer last year, which I had totally forgotten about! It was like finding treasure! Although they are poor shots, they just sum up the vibe and spirit of the race! This is good motivation!


Friday, September 10, 2010

Istana Open House!

Before I commence, allow me to say just one word. 


Just could not even bother. There are many kinds of F***ed up friends in this world, but you'd agree with me wholeheartedly that those kind that back out last minute on their word sucks the most. I've got nothing more to say. 

Anyway, let's not dampen the mood too much, I SHOULD BE SUPER HAPPY now. Let's see, for the month of Sep, my 'Hell weeks' are already over, and now I can just clear my offs! I've already done so, from tonight to Tue, meaning Sat-Sun-Mon-Tue I'm free, free as a drunk bird, I tell you! Finally, this is truly the meaning of, "先苦后甜", Yea!!!

I LOVE IT, it feels so much better when you can enjoy so many days off after a crammed duty schedule. I am going to enjoy myself until I go mad!!! 

Today was the much anticipated Open House. Many mixed feelings, but in the end, I think that it's pretty fun, satisfying and tough all at the same time. Those who've never done this can only imagine what it feels like to stand there for 70 mins (x3) straight without ANY movement, while all the cameras are flashing at you non-stop. You get all sorts of reactions, and you see all types of people. Some comment on this, some comment on that, some ponder if you are real human or statue, some scrutinize your turnout, some come to "Ka Jiao" you, especially kids, some tries their best to force a response out of you, some stare at you as if you are an alien, some make fun of you, the list is endless. In essence, we are just mannequins there to 'represent' the SAF, and of course, to let them take a picture with. 

Sad this is, that is what we are to the public. Just lifeless mannequins. Only us Istana Guards know how it feels like to be unable to do anything when you want to do everything. 

Other than that, it was a good experience. So many pictures are taken with me, I wonder if it's possible to find any of them online? Especially the ones with the cute girls. 

I am burnt out right now. My planned night run is cancelled. 

Tomorrow will be hitting the Gym (last few sessions before I get my weights) early. If I can include a slow run, I will. But tomorrow is supposed to be the 'rest day' for AHM on Sunday. Ah, how could I forget, AHM. From how my body feels now, I am starting to doubt whether I can achieve my target of sub-50mins. Only time will tell. 

Back to the first sentence. The one word I want to say today. 


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Thoughts on this Sunday's AHM

It's Wednesday today, and I'm finally starting to feel the excitement for my first ever race, the Army Half Marathon. It's only three days away! 

All my work, every blood and sweat has and will come to this day. This Sunday's race will reveal where I stand in the infinite world of competitive running and I hope to garner some positive learning ex

I can't really comment on the route as I've never done it before. But in a race like this, my very first one, do you think I'd be thinking about the route? I'm all for a good run and relishing the experience. Hope the weather is good also, as it would really ruin things if it rains ala Yellow Ribbon run. 

With all that said and done, the most important thing to me is still the timing. Let me put it across to myself now that I want to hit below 50 mins for 10k. I would have to run at a 5min/km consistent pace to hit this timing. I know this is achievable, as I clocked at 52 min for the last 10k and I didn't even give my all. Then again, assuming that I will sail through is downright foolish; sub-50min for 10k is still quite a daunting task for the average human being. I have done enough training, and from now till' Sunday I'm just taking time to rest up and heal my slight injury. 

The most exciting thing to me is to be able to pit myself, FINALLY, pit myself against my peers. There are many good runners in MPEU and in Singapore, and on that very day I will be amongst them, and I will be running together with them. And I WILL be challenging them. And I will fight. Yes, some might be faster than me in 2.4k, but over the longer distance, we will see who can endure more. And I will do my best to show them the fact that I'm the new challenge in town, or at the very least, leave an impression. This is my ultimate aim. 

I won't be back until Friday night due to duty tomorrow and Hari Raya Open House at Istana on Friday. Didn't hit the gym today due to time constrains, so Saturday will include a gym session. Will do my final short distance LISS on Friday night when I'm back, provided my injury fully heals. Then on Sunday, it's going to be the real thing. 

I'm going to book in now, see you on Friday night!


Some shots of me doing COG last sunday.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back To Basics

Phew. What an eventful day. I spent most of my time doing exactly what I wanted to do, which is to me, the best I could ask for, on an off day. 

As I emphasized, I was going to start training again. And I did just exactly that. Today I was going to familiarize myself with the routine workout I always did, so I decided to do both a gym session and a LSD. From how my body is feeling now, I think I've accomplished my aim today. Will be looking to get some dumbbells real soon; I am going to stop going to public gyms for the time being, for personal reasons. 

The run today (10.7k, Home-Jln Buroh-Boon Lay) was quite enjoyable and the pace was relatively relaxing. One very disappointing thing that happened was that my left thigh area suffered a muscle tweak of some sort. It was eating away at my endurance and that was definitely extremely demoralising, after all I've been doing short distances the past few days to try to reel myself back to the harshness of long-d. I don't know why I'm so prone to these small parasitic injuries nowadays. And all of it started after the freaking 24k last month. Did I not rest enough? What went wrong, I wonder. 

Sad to say, I'm going to aggravate the injury even more with tomorrow's CPFA. It should be fine by tomorrow, but if it doesn't heal, then I have to excuse myself from the run, simple as. 

Forecasting, tomorrow I will continue to hit the gym (Yea I just contradicted myself, but tomorrow since I have a companion it's fine) in the afternoon (PM OFF F-T-W***). The countdown is ongoing. Time is quickly ticking away. And my workout days and intensities are increasing. 

No room for shortcuts, no room for laziness. All the way towards my first race, which is the Army Half Marathon on Sunday! 

Interesting tips on running:

QOTD: *Perfect*. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Stalling and Recuperation -End-

This is the final day of "Stalling and Recuperation". 

The 'hiberating mode' has stopped. I have done minimum exercise. I have ate a lot.  

I'm glad I have gone through the past 7 days and survived.

Guys, have you taken this time to catch up? Did you train your hardest? I know I went into a deep slumber. And my fitness has dropped ten folds, indeed. Did you cease your chance, these last 7 days, to overtake me?

Today, the F***king stalling ends. I am restarting my training tomorrow. I am going back to where I left off. 

I have recovered from  this illness, and things are back to normal now.

It's going to be brutal. I am going to rage. With AHM this Sunday, I am going to kill it, starting tomorrow, with my first gym session for a l-o-o-o-n-g time. 

I have stalled enough. I have recuperated. 


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Stalling and Recuperation Pt. 6

This is day six of "Stalling and Recuperation".
...is it ending?
Yes...soon it will.

Until 1 day later, I will be in a 'hibernating mode', doing minimum exercise, and eating a lot.
I can hardly take this lifestyle anymore.
Just a bit more...

I do not want this, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I am powerless to do anything.

Guys, take this time to catch up to me. Train as much as possible. For I know I am going into a deep slumber. And my fitness will drop ten folds. This is your chance, this six days, for you to overtake me. So train hard.
You better catch up...
I have given you enough time.

But come the day after tomorrow, I will rage. I will re-start my training. I will go back to where I left off. 
I can't wait.
Tick-tock-tick-tock -- The bomb is going off soon.

I succumb to this 'illness' that is Istana/MPEU life right now, but fret not, soon, things will turn back to normal.

...I will be back.
As a prove of how weak I've become, my pull ups have dropped to 4. =)))

Stalling and Recuperation Pt. 5

This is day five of "Stalling and Recuperation".
...is it ending?

Until 2 days later, I will be in a 'hibernating mode', doing minimum exercise, and eating a lot.
I can hardly take this lifestyle anymore.

I do not want this, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I am powerless to do anything.

Guys, take this time to catch up to me. Train as much as possible. For I know I am going into a deep slumber. And my fitness will drop ten folds. This is your chance, this six days, for you to overtake me. So train hard.
You better catch up...

But when the 2nd day ends, I will rage. I will re-start my training. I will go back to where I left off.
I can't wait. 

I succumb to this 'illness' that is Istana/MPEU life right now, but fret not, soon, things will turn back to normal.

...I will be back.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Stalling and Recuperation Pt. 4

This is day four of "Stalling and Recuperation". 

Until 3 days later, I will be in a 'hibernating mode', doing minimum exercise, and eating a lot. 

I do not want this, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I am powerless to do anything.

Guys, take this time to catch up to me. Train as much as possible. For I know I am going into a deep slumber. And my fitness will drop ten folds. This is your chance, this six days, for you to overtake me. So train hard.

But when the 3th day ends, I will rage. I will re-start my training. I will go back to where I left off. 

I succumb to this 'illness' that is Istana/MPEU life right now, but fret not, soon, things will turn back to normal.

...I will be back.

Performed as guardsman in 72 man GOH contingent for Prince of Liechtenstein at Istana today. Shit happened during the rehearsal, as I caught a incredibly painful gastric flu. My twisted eating habits has lead to this, I confirm. But luckily I was ok by the actual parade. I MUST consume breakfast early next time... Caught a near view of PM Lee today, boy, is he a tall guy! But scary thing is, the Liechtenstein Prince is even taller, like 1.9m! What's up with these VIPs?! 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Stalling and Recuperation Pt. 3

This is day three of "Stalling and Recuperation". 

Until 4 days later, I will be in a 'hibernating mode', doing minimum exercise, and eating a lot. 

I do not want this, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I am powerless to do anything.

Guys, take this time to catch up to me. Train as much as possible. For I know I am going into a deep slumber. And my fitness will drop ten folds. This is your chance, this six days, for you to overtake me. So train hard.

But when the 4th day ends, I will rage. I will re-start my training. I will go back to where I left off. 

I succumb to this 'illness' that is Istana/MPEU life right now, but fret not, soon, things will turn back to normal.

...I will be back.

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