Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Finally, my song is UP!

Yes, I've finally managed to upload my song on Youtube and now it's ready for viewing. This is my first completed song with fully written lyrics so I'm quite satisfied with it. It's basically a love song about a guy who writes a song for his fallen love...something like "Sorry seems to be the hardest word". Content wise I mean, my song sounds nothing like it. Anyway, I really put some effort into this one, the whole production is very primitive and amateur, but it was the best I could come up with given my resources. The lyrics are also very simple and might I add, cheesy, so just bear with it haha. Also, the "drums" beat is just recorded with my fingers on a metal tin can. (TOLD YOU it was primitive!) Yea, and in case you don't realise, the initial melody is actually the "piano" riff. (So embarrassing...me no money buy piano can?!) So, here it is, fresh from my "recording studio" (my room), I present to you, "Bittersweet" demo version


The first time I saw you
You were alone
My mind went blank and I had
to wake up
You were the most beautiful girl
I had ever seen
Yet you broke my heart
So many times
Ever since

Maybe I was wrong?
Maybe you were right?
Maybe I was too stupid to know
But in the end
I realised

I gave all of my love to you girl
Yet we are still not meant to be one
And it's so bittersweet

So I guess I have to
Live all alone
But baby I can tell you
It hurts so much
The days we spent together I,
Will never forget
If I can't have you
I just have to
Let you go


I keep this song as our final parting gift
Hope you will find someone
Who suit you more than me
As long as you're happy...woah

Maybe I was wrong.
Maybe you were right.
Maybe I was too stupid to know
But in the end
I realised
This is all of my raw emotions
Put into one simple song for you
And it's called "Bittersweet"

End of Work!

Yo, I'm so tired now after a very long day, so gonna wrap things up quickly.

Today was the last day of work, everything went well, lucky my greatest fear (which was initially gonna happen) didn't appear if not everything will chui. Some crazy impromptu incidents happened and made me ponder about the value of me as a friend and esp a love partner, but ultimately gave me some valuable answers and now I definitely know I'm so much more experienced and confident than before. This working experience I would rate just behind my food fair experience and on par with the NTUC learning hub one...in terms of adding credibility and interest into my life.

"Cheers to the new year with Tiger Beer!
May your glass always be full!"

After work, groceried a while to prep for my dinner/supper.

So after sampling so much different foods during my short stint in IMM Giant, I decided to use some of them, specifically the Tay's Massimo chicken breast fillet and San Remo homestyle pasta sauce to create a totally new (at least to me) food item. Simply enough, my idea was to mix the both together to create like a "Pasta sauced Chicken cubes". <---No creativity there whatsoever, Lab.

Anws, headed home, defrosted the chicken for a while, then started to reheat the chicken using pan fry method. You have no idea how easy this recipe was! As the chicken was already precooked, I just had to follow instructions and pan fry each side for 1-2mins. After the chicken lost it's thick and hard shape and turned tender, I immediately poured a huge dollop of the fine Italian Pasta sauce (as instructed by one of my working buddies) and just mixed both the stuff together. I made extra effort not to over cook the sauce, so I turned off the fire immediately after adding the sauce to let it heat easily and simmer into the soft meat. And WALLA! The meal was done!

I had imagined it to be a super tasty combination, and boy was I right! Damn! The Pasta sauce and chicken just partner each other so effortlessly and perfectly. Both meat and sauce were already so flavourful individually, but when mixed together, OO LA LA! The tasle was FANTABULOUS! The meat was so succulent and juicy and together with the extra sauce (which was slightly simmered into the meat) made it even more juicy and tantalizing! Heaven man! It's really amazing how great precooked stuff, if picked correctly, can taste! And best of all, it's so simple, fast and fuss-free to make! And and and very healthy too! Hehe, I think we found a winner here guys! =)

Pix Pix!!

My stocked up frozen chicken breasts

Massimo Chicken Breast

San Remo Authentic Pasta Sauce

And the final result...


**ST61 is over. I will weigh myself tml morning for the confirmed stats.

Ok, Let's list the major stuff that I've experienced over my 2 short months holiday.

  • Back troo Training!
  • Standard Chartered Maration Volunteer
  • NTUC Learning Hub Temp Staff
  • The Anchorpoint Incident
  • New Haircut
  • Kbox, Steamboat outing
  • New Specs ($208)
  • Stupid accident (Fell into drain =.=''') causing bruised shin and lacerations
  • Class outing
  • Countdown 2010!
  • This BLOG
  • Tiger Beer Promoter (again)
  • Long-D runs
  • Completed "BitterSweet" song
  • Shoes spree
Yup, that's pretty much it. Looking back, I gotta say, I'm really satisfied I completed so much of the stuff that I set out to complete. During this two months, I've learnt a hell lot of stuff regarding all aspects of life, be it friendship, love, family, uni life, physical, mental, etc etc that have morphed me into a more complete person, I'm sure. Now, I'm ready for the next phase of my life, that is ENLISTMENT. In three more days, I will step into the arena of hell called "Army" and find out how they "turn boys into men". Looking forward to dinner tomorrow!

For now, I'm off to sleep. Bed, here I come!

*On a sidenote, Man Utd whipped Arsenal 3-1 at Emirates. Boys against MEN again! HA.

QOTD: Don't try to come up with a quote when you have no idea what to come up with.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Metallica's Top 10 Songs

Well I had quite a fun day from work! Just came back, and my fingers are raring to go!

Let's just update ST61 and my song first. For ST61, no workout today due to time constrains, and I will say I'm definitely cfm plus chop not going to hit 61kg by tml. Instead, I'll be realistically looking for a maintenance of 63kg. Hopefully. One of the freaking reasons why I'm not able to cut is because of THAT DAMN ROTI MUM'S COFFEE BUN WHICH I JUST DISCOVERED!

Oh my god, not only does it smell heavenly, it tastes superb as well! It's just so crunchy on the outside with the coffee crust and all, and the inside is partially filled with melted golden butter that combines so perfectly with the inner roti which is toasted to perfection man! Slurp! I'm just swallowing my saliva as I'm typing, that's just how tempting it is! Must try man!

...And you see, that is why I've not been losing the weight. =X (One coffee bun is 400kcal, can you believe.)

For my song, I'm so stoked to be able to FINALLY SAY, IT'S UPLOADED. But. I won't publicize it yet. Why? The version contains a lot of "zao xia" so I'll be uploading another more refined one without any "zao xia" and presentable de...be patient...By tml, fingers crossed!

*Goes to do big business, BRB!

Metallica's Top 10 songs (ITO Lab)

By no order

1) Fade to Black
Wow. This song is renowned for it's dark and melancholic atmosphere. It's a very depressive song, lyrically and musically. "Fade to black" this term has over the years became another term for suicide. And that's what's the song's about. Let's see, the song itself starts with a single haunting note that gradually increases in volume. Then we hear the deep, melodic intro riff. Layers of guitar riffs blankets over the initial one before the famous main riff comes in. After which James Hetfield starts singing in a somber yet angsty tone. This repeats for a few minutes before we arrive at the turning point of the song, which is signified by the "de ne de ne de ne de ne ne, de ne de ne, dig gi di dig gi di dig gi di dig gi di..." riff (If you know what I mean). Hetfield then finishes the last few verses of the song, ending with, (how appropriately) "Goodbye...". Then, the magic of Metallica begins. This is hailed by many as the 3 golden minutes of Metallica's career. The incredibly famous and classic "Fade.." solo played to absolute brilliance by the evergreen Kirk Hammett. In fact, if guitar's could emote, this whole song would showcase it. I've always opined, the guitar in this song sounds like its crying, for goodness sake! Anyway, this happens to be my fave Met song as I said before, so I really can say only good things about it.
Colour: Dark Blue

2) Master of Puppets
Come on..who doesn't know this song? Even non-metal ppl know "Master". It's like the most famous Metal song can? And yes, this is Metallica's Signature song. Personally, I won't say alot bout signature song as so much abt them are already said online. For the song itself, it starts with arguably the most famous Metal intro riff of all time. "ZHE! ZHE ZHE ZHE..." The rest of the song is just like a kickass machine that just, well, kicks you ass! Oh, and also the epic middle easten solo halfway...oh so powerful! "MASTER! MASTER!"
Colour: Forest Green

3) Creeping Death
With over 1000+++ live jams and counting, this is Metallica's most played song live. A absolute masterpiece. IMO, kind of underrated, should be known as their best song really. Definitely in my Top 3. Such a fking regal song structure, superb vocals, brilliant energy, and contains one of my favourite solos ever and IMO the most melodic Metallica solo ever. I mean, just look at the lyrics:

"Slaves! Hebrews born to serve, to the Pharaoh
Heed! To his every word, live in fear"

Like, Damn!
Colour: Maroon

4) Orion
An instrumental masterpiece. First part of the song is a blood pumping, adrenaline rushing, in-your-face-I'm-gonna-kick-your-ass battle riff. PERFECT fit for any WWE wrestler's theme, I might add. Second part, things tone down and from a war-like mood, changes to a spacey, out of this world one. Tons of brilliant chromatic riffs revolves around this part of the song, just like several of Jupiter's moons revolving around it. Ahh...feels so good listening to this classic.
Colour: Green

5) Ride the Lightning
Title track from RTL, man, tell you guys, this song is ELECTRIFYING (pun intended)! It's a 7 min long, freaking buffet man! There are so many epic parts to this song (as most in this list does), from the shocking intro riff to the vocals to the chorus to the first solo to the second mind blowing solo to the end which caps off with the same intro riff. It just takes my breath away, especially the second SHREDDING solo! And the intro riff! I've told a lot of ppl before, it sound just like lightning! Ok maybe not literally but figuratively, you know? Hear. It. Now. The intro riff. Just the intro riff, at least?
Colour: What else, Lightning Blue lah!

Time marches on! LOLOL yea can't believe I just only thought of this! Wahh!!..I can totally sing to it now man. Again, meet the Badass worldwide phenomenon that is the INTRO BASS GUITAR RIFF. Oh man, srsly describing these epics does them no justice man! Just have to listen and experience them, and read this post at the same time! I know I will! It's one of their mid paced hits, so freaking catchy and heavy, such and catchy chorus and...sorry, I gotta say it again. BASS INTRO RIFF. INTRO BASS RIFF. BASS RIFF INTRO. INTRO RIFF BASS. Bah.

*RIP Cliff Burton.

Colour: Brown

7) ONE
How the Fook did I thought of "ONE" only now? Contender for Met's no. 1 song. Every one of their classic songs has a "moment" and this one is no exception. Hardly. How can any fan not know the "Darkness" machine gun riff? Best vocals also, esp after the "Darkness" riff when Hetfield starts barking out the short and sharp lyrics. Definitely, one of the most revolutionizing and innovative riffs ever. And hell, it such a basic riff too. Too basic, even. Or just the geniuses themselves made it seem simple. Then...low and behold, another eargasm explodes to the impeccable, pristine, heavenly solo! (5.55 to 5.57) There is one part, where all the instruments mash together to the Darkness riff. I tell you, better than sex man! "Fade" or "One" solo? I can't decide. But I sure am glad I can have both~!!!!
Colour: no particular one. Heavenly colour...?

8) Enter Sandman
Not my favourites, but surely inside Met top 10. The fact that it has create so much history like being the most radio-played metal song, having its own MTV, winning awards etc, popularizing metal, all done during a time where metal was still quite underground. This was THE FIRST metal song that made its mark onto the pop and mainstream dominated MTV world. Probably even more famous than "Master"? Particularly like it for it's catchy drum beat. You've probably heard it before, even without realising it, haha.
Colour: Gold

9) Nothing else matters
One of my favourites when I was just breaking into metal, now I find it kinda wierd as strictly speaking this is more like a pop song. This song shows Met's soulful and personal side, and the fact that many artists from different genres has covered this song is a truly worthy testament to the greatness of this classic.
Colour: White

10) Whiplash
Yea...this is THE cult favourite song. One from "Kill em all", Met's first album, this song is just pure energy and to a huge extent, encapsulates the spirit of Thrash metal itself. Just goes 1000 miles per hour non stop, no fancy breakdowns or long ass structures and contains another eargasmic solo too. Love the crazy vocal performance of Hetfield in this one, especially when he screams, "WHIPLASH!"
Colour: Red

Yes...I've finally completed my Top 10 Metallica's songs. Even for those nvr listen to metal de, hope you enjoy reading and even more so if you'd just take a little sample of the song to hear. Who knows, may even appeal to you!

QOTD: Darkness, Imprisoning me, all that I see, absolute horror!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

...And the wait is...still on.

Damn it guys, I really wanted to upload my song by today but there are some serious problems. First, to embed songs into blogger, I have to upload the song onto one of the file hosting webs like imeem or lastfm itself. But coming into tt, I found out I can't upload to those either cos' my file type is wrong. (Somehow, even after I converted into the appropriate one) Even If I managed to upload it, the song is not in its entirety as the program tt lets me convert my WAV. file to mp3 only converts 60% for trial version. Sucks, but, really can't help it. Bottom line is, I'm gonna re-record it (AGAIN...) using my phone camera. After tt, upload to youtube or directly to the blog or something. Srsly this is getting on my nerves a bit...anw, I haven't re-recorded it, will be doing it maybe tml cos' right now there are ppl home and the mood's just not right la...

Update on ST 61 ...Completed a timed 2.4km run. I managed to get 11 min 19 sec. Well...not the best of timings, definitely can be improved, but if we look optimistically, it was a great improvement off my previous timing of 12min 30 sec. Moreover, the wind resistance was atrocious today. But all in all I'd say it's a good start! Can't wait to beat this and reach the 10min ++ mark!

Weight seems to have stopped fluctuating. Still highly unrealistic to hit 61kg by Sunday though. Did HIIT today, during the timed 2.4km itself. Today's training marks the end of my running phase of this cut! For the weekends, I will most probably be training pull ups and push ups. Maybe I'll even add in a LISS tml morning, if possible.

Gonna end abruptly...this song problem is really dampening my mood...

QOTD: What?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Amateur Recce Experience

Yup, will attempt to review Metallica's classic album RTL today (CANCELLED). But that will be later when my day's over. For now, gonna update my "ST 61".

Screw it.

This was not expected. I GAINED weight on day 3. Training has been going well. But, I guess it was the nutrition. I cheated way too much, I guess. Became complacent! Damn. I thought it would be all smooth sailing but hey, sometimes things just don't go according to plan and you just gotta take it into your stride and climb back up.

But srsly, I'm still pissed. I mean, from 62kg to 63kg in a day? That's 1 freaking kilogram gain! Maybe I miscalculated my calories or ate the wrong food or worked out at the wrong time or consume junk during wee hours in the morning, I don't know. Maybe it's the combination of factors. Nvm...so I guess I just have to sacrifice a bit today by consuming less.

Anyway, today will be quite an interesting day for me! Will be attempting a 10km. But, no, it's not gonna be a pure 10km run. Not because I am not ready for it. I want to recce the route first. Btw, I will be taking on the Kent ridge park-hortpark route. Since it's not such a direct route, and quite some distance, I wil need to carve out a suitable and no frills path in order to run with a peace of mind. From internet sources, it will start a kent ridge park itself, and funnily though, I don't even have any clue as to how to even go there in the first place! But I guess I'll find my way there slowly, or just stumble across it, haha. From kent ridge will pass by some itsy bitsy routes before cutting to alexandra road, follow it parallel and I should reach hortpark. By then, things should get easier. There's also a way to carry on the Telok Blangah but it would be really out of my comfort zone...however *one day* I will venture into that unknown too, so to speak.

Will be taking pix of my walk/run, as this is not strictly continuous running, I may stop for water breaks also. But if the route is much more straightforward than I think, I might just complete it without stopping. It all depends on the circumcstances. I will be taking on an unfamiliar route far from my house for the first time, so I want to take it easy. Most important thing today is to scout and plan out the best route for the 10km, so that next time when I run for real, I will already have a grasp of the entire path by the back of my hands.

Alright, back from my recce of the kent ridge route. I managed to create my running path from kent ridge park quite successfully all the way until mount faber but after that I took a wrong turn and ended at harbourfront LOL. Anyways the whole route is about 8 to 10km, but due to the mazy, inclined route and the heaty weather, taking up this running route can be quite a challenge. I've captured some screenshot of my journey throughout, so you guys can visualise better. In brief, the route starts at kent ridge park, linking to hort park, continues to alexandra link (the bridge) then all the way to henderson waves before ending at mount faber. I SHOULD have went all the way to the top of the hill...but as I said, got my orientation mixed up and got lost. Well, sort of.


*ST 61
There's a high chance I will not hit 61kg by sunday...it's too unrealistic given the way I'm approaching this cut wheather physically or mentally. So I'd be quite happy if I hit 62kg. That said, I would still ultimately be aiming for 61kg, so let's just hang on and cheong!


On a final note, my self composed song is completed. Right now, it's only a demo, but given my resources, that's all I could do. Nice or not, let you guys judge. Hopefully I fix some lame bug that's preventing me from uploading the song by tml so that I can put it up.

It's an emo love song, English. That's all I'll say for now. Gotta wash up now!

QOTD: Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

Every Mood for itself

As you know by now, music is my life. No, It does not play as a big factor or that I love it so much or whatever. It's integral to my emotional well being. It's like a life cord keeping me sane. To me, music IS life. That is why I've always said the two most important things in life (to me) are Food and Music. Food is fuel for the body. Music is food for the soul. Simple enough right?

This post would look into the different types of music I listen to, and boy, do I listen to a whole lot of them! Personally, each type of music genre caters to each different emotion that I feel. That is to say, for each mood, there would be a different type of music I would listen to, to accommodate to that particular mood.

Before that, I'd like to dispel one fact about me: Metal is NOT the only music I listen to. Yes, I'm a freaking metalhead, but I do listen to other types of music from time to time.

So let me attempt to categorize mood-to-genre here...

  • Folk/Viking metal like ensiferum, Bathory
  • Trance/Hardcore/Jumpstyle like scooter
  • Chinese Emo Songs from Jay Chou, Tank, etc.
  • DSBM like Xasthur, Silencer
  • Ambient BM like Burzum
  • Mandopop like Jay Chou, Tank etc.
  • English emo songs, boybands etc.
  • BM, only DMDS
  • Doom Metal like sunn 0))), Khanate
  • "Dark Metal" like Bethlehem, Silencer
  • Raw BM like Mutiilation
  • Dance tunes like aqua - love cartoon heroes!
  • Boyband pop like N sync, Westlife, BSB, Boyzone, Mcfly, MLTR
  • Old Mandopop
  • Death metal, like Death (Bite the pain)
  • Epic theme songs like Hero (Mariah Carey), Time for miracles (Adam Lambert), Note to God (Charice), Time is running out (Muse), Collide (David Bowie) etc.
  • Brutal Death Metal like Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Cattle Decapitation
  • Raw BM
  • "Dark Metal"
  • Ambient Music like Burzum
  • Metal Instrumentals
That's probably all that I could think of now, but I'd like to spread the word that listening to music really does help when your feeling down or pissed off or anything, you know? You will feel so much better, trust me. It's like a vast canal for you to channel your feelings and emotions to. Alright, Lab signing off!


Update on "St 61"

Workouts: Pull ups training, 800m LISS, 1.8km HIIT, stair climbing

Nutrition: Pretty Clean, self cook, will cheat a bit on milk tea, etc

Day one, day two...and day three is going to be over soon! Major workouts done, lacking in minor stuff like pushup training and HIIT (anaerobic). Kinda running short of time due to recovery period. Will try to make up during weekends.

QOTD: When it's cold, and when it's dark...the moon can obsess you!
-Per Yngve Ohlin aka "Dead"

Monday, January 25, 2010

Final Prep for Army...

This will be my last preparation week before enlistment. Quite motivated after seeing videos on BMT life and other army stuff so I will use that motivation and channel it into my training. Two main targets for this Prep. One, cut to 61kg. Two, be in tip top form for army training. This programme will consist of runs, interval training, strength training basically. I've recently came to the realisation that there are other areas of army training that I've not incorporated into my workouts like strengthening core and back muscles for route march or putting myself in uncomfortable environments and conditions. Having said that, I will not be making up for them as, obviously, I don't have the time. So, I will just let the actual BMT training work on these areas that I've missed out. Anyways, here will be the run sheet for this event called, "ST 61"!

"ST 61"

Target: To hit 61kg through eating clean for majority of meals and condition myself for Army.

Dates: 26, 27, 28, 29 (Training days). 30, 31 (Rest).

Nutrition: Probably same as "ST 63"

Daily Caloric intake: ~1700 kcal

  • Interval training, both aerobic and anaerobic
  • Long-D runs (6k, 10k hopefully)
  • Fasted AM LISS 3.2km x1 (DONE 26/1, 11pm)
  • 2.4km run timed x1
  • Pull ups/Chin ups/negatives x3 sets daily
  • Push ups (Hit 500?)

Status: Completed 1 Fasted AM LISS 3.2km, pull ups training, HIIT 1.8km.


Thoughts on Army

Well, seems like my friends are saying that Army life basically sucks. No Freedom, very boring, strict regimentation, tough training etc. Honestly for me, I don't know what will happen to me in Army, or will it change my opinion about it, but I just hope that things go smoothly. For one, I can say now I don't fear it nor detest it. On the contrary, I'm quite looking forward to it. But from what I've heard, this kind of positive attitude will slowly but surely dwindle and disappear and I'd eventually succumb to the dreadfulness and negativity of Army torture like everyone else. I truly hope it won't turn out to be such a case, as I want to enjoy Army life and be successful in it. That is why I've been trying to improve my fitness so that I can measure up to the standards of BMT training. If we look at the big picture, do I want to become high rank and get the honour? Maybe, but not necessary and I don't think I'm good enough anyway. But I do want to at least have a respectable status and hopefully, fulfill my utmost potential. Coming from my GESSNPCC background, I may have some leverage on the strict and regimental training, but as they say, things like these would eventually even themselves out after the first few weeks of BMT so I should not "rest on my laurels" and work hard like everyone else. On Army life itself, generally nothing really bothers me except for...let's see, throwing grenade (Fatal consequences if anything goes wrong), Jacob's Ladder (Fear of leg injury) and meeting "friends" from the other side. But hell, I have my black metal so we'll see how I cope if and when obstacles as such happen. This will be a long 18 months for me, and I will continue to self-evolve even in Army itself, whether physically or mentally. I do have some goals I would want to achieve, but we'd have to see if the circumstances allow also. I know, talk is cheap, but I have proven to myself that if I have enough motivation, anything is possible. These are some questions by which the answers will only be completely revealed throughout the whole Army journey.
  • Will I tio a huge injury? Will it change my life?
  • What kind of people will I meet?
  • Will I find lifelong buddies/brothers in Army, and if yes, will it result in my relationship with my NP gang fading away?
  • Will I have any supernatural encounters?
  • Will I be able to acquire Gold for IPPT?
  • Will I have achieved the fitness level of Naval Divers/commandos/infantry/guards (barring the specialised stuff they do like diving/parachute etc)
  • Will I down pes, or become man, or get posted to lousy units?
  • Will I have built a solid physique?
  • Will any other interesting encounters/life changing events happen?
One thing is for sure, as long I have my metal, stay Kvlt and Trve, I know I will be able to bite the pain, move forward, and complete this part of my life in one piece. I am ready.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

How the Fat became the Fit

Today, I will post pix of my transformation from a overweight fatty to my slim figure now. They are from around end of May 2009 to End of 2009. Ladies and Gents, presenting to you, Lab's 09' Cut.

Results Summary:

Starting Stats:
Ht: 174cm
Wt: 82.1kg
BF: 22%
BMI: 27.1
Waist: 37

Ending Stats:
Ht: 174com
Wt: 61.7kg
BF: ~11%
BMI: 20.4
Waist: 28

Weight Loss: 20.4kg

Conclusion: Returning to my old self would be the last thing on my mind now. It's easy to say "Oh, I will never ever go back to being a fatty" but in life you never know what will happen. The only thing I can control now is to maintain this weight for at least the next few years so that my body will finally get used to this weight. Anyhow, I've learnt a great deal of stuff about weight loss, nutrition etc that I know, are skills that will accompany me for a long time. Although this cut was very successful, there was its fair share of compromises. I lost quite a great amount of strength due to rapid weight loss, so consequentially right now I'm considered quite weak for a person of my physique. Also, I completely burned away my chest area so, as much as I hate to say, I have a really pathetic and flat chest now. It's not something a man should aim for. It should be firm and meaty. This is one area I'm really embarrassed at, that's why after my 2 years stint at NS I will be focusing 100% on my chest, and take protein supplement if I have to. (Maybe I will start in the midst of NS, if possible)


Completed another 6.2km reservoir run. This time took me 36mins to finish. Felt quite shiity after that...guess I over exhausted myself. Will be starting another cut tomorrow till sunday. Final prep for army, this. Alright, cheerio!

QOTD: How much primitive can it get?!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Scent vs Stench

Is this blog still alive??!! Hello? Anyone there?? Duh...I'm becoming mental.

Let's cut the crap and get straight to the chase. I F***king HATE BANGALAS. Not Indian's (well, mostly) but those disgusting BANGALAS. AND THE WORST IS THEY KEEP SNEAKING INTO MY LIFE LIKE FREAKING ANTS ATTRACTED TO SWEETS!? ARGH...

Firstly, their smell. Oh my freaking gosh they are SO SMELLY! How the hell do they manage to even live in a body that smell like this??!! It's disgusting, pungent, strong, suffocating, intoxicating, and plain YUCKS SMELL LA. I swear every time I that BANGALA smell enters my nose and into my head, my brain cells starts rotting away one by one. Walao eh can you believe these unhygienic, dirty, filthy pieces of shit! I'm being brutally blunt but it's the horrible truth! THIS is the reason why people come up with all those racist jokes about BANGALA being shit cos' they really act like it! URGH.

Secondly, I think most of them are GAY la! Wad the hell like everytime you pass by some construction site or jurong area you'll confirm see two BANGALAS holding hands. WTF? Some people say they are just brother brother but to me that's just GAY. And the worst is they don't know what is a comfort zone. They will get so close to each other when they are talking like WTF. Which brings me to one incident I cannot forget. Or many incidents of the same nature. When you're taking MRT, then during the peak hours, OH MY GOD suddenly the influx of BANGALAS come into the train. Then because so many ppl and everybody is sqeezing. And the group of them came standing near me. As in, 1cm from my body. YA. Somemore I was at the corner, so I was literally TRAPPED by them. It's already unbearable with their BODY SMELL. BUT. (GETTING HEADACHE NOW AS I TYPE) THEY HAD TO OPEN THEIR MOUTH AND START TALKING. WAAAAAAAAAALALLLLLLLLLAAAAAOOOOOOOO....THEY INSTANTLY RELEASE THAT HEATY, STINKY, ROTTEN, PUTRID, PUNGENT, UNBEARABLE GARANG GUNI SMELL AIYO I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE.

Some of you may say, oh, it's the powder or flower they bath with. It's ritualistic. Whatever leh. If the smell creates a nuisance publicly, then its a major problem and they should be forced to stop.


I hate bangalas. I really hate them. Ya they are the building blocks of our nation (literally). They are required to construct all shopping centres, houses, buildings, structures, I get that. But seriously, the Government really need to make new laws to force them to buck up on their hygiene and teach them basic courtesy. If not just get rid of ALL BANGALAS and import more PRC instead. Not saying PRC are the best, but at least they are wayyy better than BANGALAS.

I am xenophobic against BANGALAS.


I'm gonna publitize my self composed new song on my blog soon. By next week. Will try to reach as many people as possible. Stay tuned!

QOTD: Lab hates BANGALAS, period.


**Update on "ST 63"

Verdict? It was a successful one. Managed to step out of comfort zone and routine meals and challenged myself. After 6 days, here is the summary:

Completed Workouts:
  • Fasted AM LISS 4km jog x1
  • HIIT 1.8km/ LISS 800m x1
  • 6.3km reservoir run x1
  • 8.2km home-WCP run x1
  • Pull ups training
  • Stair Climbing
  • Basketball intervals
Incomplete/dropped workouts:
  • 8 min abs
Food intake:
Semi clean diet, though ate junk food at times, but in moderation. Once again, calorie counting proved to be efficient.

Weight review:
Start -> 65.0 kg (BMI 21.5)
End -> 63.0 kg (BMI 20.8)

Hopefully, next week I will cut more before enlistment. If I can, that its. I would be venturing into the 61 kg area, somewhere I've never reached before. (For those wondering, 60kg is my ideal weight.) Also, I want to complete my first 10km run by next week. It's a tall order for a beginner like me, but I will try my best. Alright, time to go!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

One Small Step For Me, one Giant Leap For My Life

It's very very late now...I feel like I will drop dead any moment (touch wood) cos' I had quite a long day! Today I completed another milestone and freaking owned the 8km run from my house and looping through West Coast Park. Fact is, this 8km is my longest continuous run ever, and definitely a foundation for greater things to come. Managed to complete it at around 60mins, give or take, but truth is I'm just damn satisfied I could finished the whole route. Next step would hopefully to complete my first 10km. Let's just take things one step at a time, shall we?

Established one fact from this run. For long distances, I am unable to run with anyone whose pace and stamina are greater than mine. Why? You will get demoralized, Lab. So much so that it may lead to the downfall of your recently acquired love for running, I'm that sure. So the only way is to be fitter than them (You know who I'm talking about), if not, until that day comes I will choose to complete long distances alone. Cos' I kinda enjoy it anyway =)

So my haywire day was not complete. Normally people would just go home and sleep or relax after a long run right? Stupid me decided to complete a 8km today knowing that I would only have around an hour's rest before I needed to go for work. I mean, that's so bloody ridiculous lor. Who I the right mind who consider to go for an energy draining and exhausting run and then head for work after that? Sometimes I don't even believe myself. But I have to keep up with my semi-deluding "Left hander's pride and ego" image to maximise my life to the fullest so I must say, good job to me for efficiently maxing out my time. Haa...

So now we come to the job. Same old, same old. Nothing much. Working in such a huge ass place like "Giant" (OH, SPARE ME THE IRONY...) can be pretty frustrating AND pressurizing at times. And it doesn't help if the freaking managers of APB and some other "人物"s decided to come pay you a "visit" whilst you were trying to go to the gents! But...as usual, they will check here, check there,...carass the cartons a bit like molesting women...look at you...inspect you...before saying, "You are a great salesman!". Well, at least for ME. =P Frustrating part is when you need to find the division manager who convieniently happen to be at random spots all over the supermarket to get her to sign timesheet. *Sign* Poor old Lab, must have suffered a lot...

Wake up, stop wallowing in self pity!

Anyway, sales was quite ok, environment qqquite ok, scenery qqquite ok haha. Expect a busy weekend man.

Something special for today. I want to reco an American action/drama series called "Burn Notice". Basically it's about an ex spy named Michael Weston who got "burned" (for the uninitiated, no not the physical burn but it's a term they use when a spy is blacklisted) and is seeking out who burned him and their reasons for doing so. The rest you can wiki and learn more but I'm just gonna say, this show is pure entertainment man! It's funny, it's cool, it's got so much action, sleek spy work, brilliant set, etc etc, and I'm not even a fan of spy or mainly action shows myself. The outstanding aspects of the show is IMO the super charismatic Michael Weston, his SMILE, and his ingenuity and creative ways in outwitting the mafia baddies. Also, each epi contains a seperate "case", so every epi brings about something different all the time. His sidekicks are awesome also! Definitely recommended and very good to kill time cos' it's just so so so addictive! Here's the link guys: http://burnnoticestreaming.blogspot.com/

Oh ya, pls tag if you have any suggestions or comments about my blog, I'd really appreciate it...


Rubber Burnin', Leg Bruisin', ASS HURTIN'

Phew, just reached home, had a great bath and now I'm ready for today's post! Went cycling from East Coast Park troo Changi Village today with Jing Kai, which was quite enjoyable and best of all, we managed to complete a total around 32km (To and Back).

I just gotta say, Jing Kai today you are damn suay man haha. While we were breezing past the initial few km of the journey, suddenly he lost control of de bike and WHAM got a nasty fall! Lucky you "roll" leh if not confirm worst sia. The result was some freaking abrasions all over his legs and a pissed off Jing Kai. Guys, an angry Jing Kai is not to mess with, trust me, haha. This guy practices martial arts 24/7 for Christ sake! (Joking only, haha)

Anyway, as real MEN we continued our long and daunting task to reach our destination. Quite an easy ride, but the most "sian ji pua" part was the seemingly never ending 7 clique straight route linking ECP and Changi Beach. What else...ya, had the famous Changi Nasi Lemak (SHIT, I CHEATED) and boy, it really lives up to its name, so quite satisfied with that.

Ok, and the worst part of the ride was MY ASS HURTS!!! Let me tell you, you cannot imagine the pain unless you feel it for yourself man. I don't know bout' Jing Kai, but he is superhuman, so I guess it's normal for him. It's just a pressing and excruciating feeling, and I'm putting it nicely here. Really painful can?!

But all in all, I think today's cycling was quite an accomplishment when you factor in all the crap that came along so I think we should give ourselves a pat on the back, shouldn't we?

Some Pix


Now, get ready for "Lab's random thoughts"


Ok, here goes nothing! Sian y must go army aiya tml must start work liao crap sia why work tiger beer again hope can meet xmm to talk so wont be so boring why i havent buy my shoes yet today go c c for one hour nvr buy waste time sia hai ya walao today cycle past changi ferry terminal feel a sense of dread an incoming doom is approaching me arghhhh sian why today i nvr jog damn it i eat alot of crap today dis st63 fail liao la go back to 65kg liao omg omg omg haiz sian all my hard work why my comp so sux so damn slow de like antique sia why ch is so fat ah ha (hope he don't see) why my blog still so deserted lol why my sister so annoying why my passport expire??!!! OMG MY A LEVEL GONNA FLUNK AGAIN dont tink dont tink oh shit will 2012 shit happen why i never 保wo机会 why i don't have metal buddies why i so bo liao post dis shit on blog for everyone to see?

Because I dare to. Because I can.

Trying to act cool but i epic fail la...haha.

Should I end post now?

Before I end, just let you guys preview some of the things I gonna post next, Since I at least have some readers now...THANKS FOR THE SARPORK!!!
  • Lab's random stumbles across the net
  • Lab's self composed songs =0
  • Lab's favourite food
  • Jay chou album review
  • Ride the lightning album review
  • Love (?)
  • Friends
  • Army
  • Religion
  • FREAKING BANGALAS (can't wait to post this)
  • any other topic/review you guys want, if any, I'm THAT free.
Lest not forgetting, our beloved QOTD: ~That's retardulous!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It wasn't a fluke!!!

Wow, I feel brilliant now, you know why? I stepped out of my comfort zone and completed a 6.3km jog around the Pandan Resevoir loop just now! As you know, I'm currently on my cutting phase so I've been vigorously working out. But this 6km run was not initially on my schedule or plan so I feel pretty damn good to be able to attempt and even complete it. Took me around a good 40mins to complete, which is a pretty average time, and I will be looking forward to improving this timing the next time! Although 6km is not something to brag about to long dist. runners, to me it was quite a challenge and the most important thing is I managed to finish it without stopping or feeling too shack after it, AND proved to myself that my first and only completed run around the resevoir last time was not a fluke.

Today is day 3 of "ST 63" and the ship is still sailing smoothly baby, and the added 6km run would only serve to aid in the success of this cut. Yea...

Going off for some delicious Yong Tau Foo, can't wait man.

Oh ya, I googled and found some stunning pix of the resevoir, so decided to post them here. Enjoy!

You rise, you fall, you're down and you rise again.
What don't kill ya, make ya more strong!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Misanthropy

You have no idea how pissed off I am now. Until now, the number of people who has read my blog is pathetic. I might sound like a jackass now, but I don't really care. But no, I will not feed your hunger. Instead I bite the pain, like I always have. I will not wallow in self pity. Life is unfair guys. Not so much for me, but for you, and you know it.

It's all about LOVE isn't it? Right now I am going to tell all of you a FACT. For everyone, especially teenagers, ALL OF YOUR LIFE PROBLEMS WILL BE SOLVED OR DEEMED INSIGNIFICANT ONCE YOU HAVE A LOVE PARTNER. ITS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. And no matter how much you disagree, deep down you know, you are just deluding yourself from this fact. So why am I so pissed off? Because I don't have a girlfriend? Is that it? This is a question quite frankly, I don't really have an answer to. But, this is me I'm talking about! Gonna stop here.

Bottom line is, there are some people in life who are just born more talented, better looking, more intelligent, fitter, luckier, sexier, got six packs, got pecs, can sing, can draw, excellent command of English, can write over 100 songs, damn charismatic, one of the top Chinese soccer players in SG, pool pro, psychological analyst, chick magnet, mature, musically inclined, will get the most chio girl ever to be his wife, a LEFT HANDER, and most importantly, just better than each and every single one of them out there! And the list goes on...

Let's take a look into the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. More specifically, the top of the triangle.

"Self Actualization"

Ask yourself. Ask yourself now. Have you had any self actualization in your life? That life changing event than morphed you into a better person, physically and mentally? Or are you, sadly, just one of the common people? Those pathetic people? Do you belong to that group, huh?


Those camwhores who take pix all the time and think they are so pretty and so sociable and so many friends leh. Come on so what? Continue being a whore, better yet, make it a professional job if you can!

Or those freaking party animals who go clubbing every single day just to grind chicks or get to know pretty girls and just play and play and dance all night before eventually achieving their target of putting his key into her lock! Or the other way round.

Or are you a gamer freak who has no life all you know is games games games...psp...dota...maple...wad l4d...xbox....can play until addict...wow and your appearance that stupid dishevelled unshaven wear nerd specs skinny boney never brush teeth no hygiene look that you portray to others that shouts, "LOOK AT ME, I'M A GAMER FREAK, MY USERNAME IS TYLERKILLS1922 AND I AM RANK #1 OUT OF 102202404290 PLAYERS!!! ADD ME!!!"

For those who has actually tired to at least change for the better, or just acknowledging that fact that a change in your life is required to make you happier, instead of hiding behind masks and putting on a facade to pretend to be happy, good for you. Majority of you would turn Christians and find God for help. I encourage that. God bless you! For the minority, unless you're a LEFT HANDER, chances are you'll fail and go back to that pathetic life of yours again. People like these, you are just born to make up the countries population. Blunt. Straightforward. BUT, ITS THE UGLY TRUTH.

Hahahahahhahahaahahha....so enjoy now people, enjoy life now. There's a saying that goes something like this: "He who laughs last, laughs the most."

I'll see you at the finishing line. =)

**Update on "ST 63"

  • losing weight well
  • pretty clean breakfast.
  • consumed some sweets...can't help it
Alright, I'm running pretty late (no pun intended), so I'm gonna head off for my HIIT now! Good luck to me!

UPDATE: Jesus christ, what a hell of a workout! I'm still panting and sweating buckloads as I type, can you believe! I'm so happy I was trve to myself and completed my workout! And what a workout it was! 8oom LISS/ 1.8km HIIT/pull ups/stair climbing! Damn, feels g00d troo be AALIVE!!! Yea!!! My keyboard's getting sweaty! yEA!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Songs of my life: A special look

I'm back, hope everyone's doing well with your life! Guys, there are some things in life that once acquired, stick to you forever! Call them indispensable assets, if you will. Now, one of these would be music! Especially in our globalized world today, music has definitely become part and parcel of one's physical and mental being and just brings out so much more significance in a person's character.

To simplify things, let's just say the type of music you listen to in some ways be it big or small influence the type of person you are. Let's look into some genres, say many Americans are very into hip hop and rap music, and what does this kind of music revolve around? Sex. Sex. And more Sex. That is why, the American culture is so open and sex is just part of the norm! Then we have Asians, whereby majority of the music circulates around love ballads, or more specifically "breakup" songs. Adding to this generic theme is the even more generic song structures. This leads to the traditional Asian being conservative and tame. So now you see my point.

That is why today I will be bringing you some of my favourite songs, and slowly but surely through these songs I will reveal to you what Labmunstyr is all about! Unless, if you're a psychologist, you would be able to analyse and see through the myriad that is yours truly easily =)


1) 黑色毛衣/ Black Sweater by Jay Chou

This is my absolute favourite Mandopop song. It was probably this song and the album "November's Chopin" than truly got me into music. Having said that, I believe it is my "most listened" song ever, think I have played it over 3000 times or more... Why do I love this song so much? Well, I guess it's the super relaxing vibe it exudes. The vocals, rhythm, instruments and structure just blends together so perfectly to create this R&B masterpiece. But perhaps the most influential factor is the fact that it is my "Sleep song". Yes, it's my bedtime lullaby and never fails to put me in a sleepy mood when its played. Kudos to Jay Chou for creating this classic!

蒲公英的约定/ Dandelion's Promise by Jay Chou
Yes! Another one by Mr. Jay himself! (fave Mandopop artist, btw) Ok, I'm not gonna say much, but my dogpound would know why this ballad is one of the songs that revolve around my life.

3) Bedshaped by Keane
It's for the same reasons as above, so I ain't gonna reveal much. However, I'd like to talk bout' the song itself. What a wonderful song! It is the epitomy of Romance! I know Keane didn't write this as a love song, but to me it is one. The first time I heard this one was during some radio airplay at anchorpoint I think, and the intro piano riff just clung onto my mind, as it was justttt so...so...so...sexy...romantic...and perfectly fitted as a "theme song" for what was happening during that point of my life. Wow.

*These songs next are for the same event

4) 如果我變成回憶/ If I became a memory by Tank
The title just sums it all up about why it was so significant in my life. It is one of the most recent song to join my "Songs of my life" club...ya so lame. Basically, it's a song about the consequences of letting yourself disappear forever from a loved one's life and you in turn become just a memory in his or her life. Very very sad.

5) Eye in the sky by The Alan Parsons Project
The actual content of the song has negligible representation as to what occured in that period of my life, but it is one of those songs that you just kept listening to at that point such that it ingrains itself as part of the memory of that particular event. The result? When I play this song, it reminds me of that event. That is its only purpose. But hell, for those living under a rock, this song is one of the popular songs ever, IMO on par with Eagles' "Hotel California", so if you hadn't hear it, do yourself a favor, hear it ASAP!!!

6) Plug in baby by Muse
Gives me the same effect as EITS, so, ya. Contains a very famous and needless to say, melodic intro riff, it must be said.


I know I said non metal, but I just had to include this one. Strictly speaking, it's a metal ballad, so if you asked me, I think you shouldn't click the X now. At least not for this song. Even few of my anti metal buddies said the metal song was beautiful! So come on man!

7) Fade to Black by Metallica
Let's see. My no. 1 Metallica song. Beautiful instrumentals. Dark, melancholic, depressive atmosphere. Countless, beautiful, epic riffs. This was the song that connected with me through my darkest times and made me realise I could not live without music. Now, I don't listen to it as much, but I know I can still count on "Fade" to sympathise with me when I'm down.

So after all that, hopefully you'd have a better insight as to what kind of person I am, although I know I probably didn't reveal much, but srsly, did know really believe I was going to post my whole live on a public blog? Please. Hehe.

To sidetrack; today was DAY 1 of my "ST 63" (read previous entries) and everything is going brilliantly. Ate pretty clean, controlled calories and sweated A LOT. That basketball game, phew!

More interesting stuff will come soon I promise! (Hopefully) ...And I'm gonna end my post here, take care everyone.

QOTD: Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Time to get motivated!

So i had quite a fine day today, hanging out with ch and stuff. But the most important thing I think I acquired today was, not the Havaianas flip flops (which was pretty sweet though), but getting the wake up call that I was getting fat.

Yea, I know at 174 cm and 65kg I'm know I'm considered pretty slim relatively but...as they say your greatest opponent is yourself and I tell you, when I saw those pix of me a few months ago with those abs, DAMN, it really did hit home quite hard and ultimately made me realise I had to do something-that is to regain the elusive sexy 6 pack chocolate bar, babey!

So whatever I'm gonna post next isn't really gonna perk your interest radar but if you'd like to read, by all means!

Event: "ST 63"

Dates: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.

Target: To hit 63kg in five days by eating clean and working out everyday according to planned schedule.

Requirements: Chicken breast meat 2kg ($16.00), chicken bouillon, YTF, Mr Bean, banana, honeydew, porridge.

Restricted: Any flavoured drinks, cheat meals, snacks.

Workout: Fasted AM LISS 4km/ 3 days, HIIT 1.8km 200/100/ 4 days, Pull-ups training, 8 min abs (complete 2 sessions minimum), 5km WCP run (once minimum).

Daily caloric intake: ~1700 kcal

*everything is tentative, subjected to changes.

Phew, seems like a pretty tough schedule, and I'm kinda regretting now. Such a loooong time I've not followed a diet plan of such high standards so I'm quite uncertain if I would be able to succeed. The most important thing is to avoid injuries and hope that I won't hit a plateau. That said Lab, please put in 100% commitment to this cutting phase, it's a short one, only 5 days, please, you've been through worse, so I don't need to motivate you more, you know what you're capable of man!

QOTD: Pain is temporary, glory is forever.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Wobbly Bobbly Syndrome

Hi guys, welcome to another addition of Kvlt/Trve blog post Volume 1.0, providing you with the most random stuffs to read about!

Let's see, tonight, I shall post about Interval running & how it directly results in Fat Loss. This post was inspired by a friend of mine, and was in conjunction with the Weight loss posts I was trying to complete, so I thought, why not?

Again, I will try to the best of my abilities to dispel some common myths about Fat loss.

Myth #1: Spot Reduction
I've said it before, and I say it again. There is no way to spot reduce! We see people asking all the time, "How to lose belly fat?" or "How to lose my fatty cheeks?" or "How to slim my legs?" and frankly it's becoming really annoying and nonsensical. The fact is, when you do your cardiovascular exercises, you are burning your fats proportionately. It's an overall process, so putting in simply, when you cut, you burn fat from every possible body part simultaneously.

Myth #2: I will only start burning fats after "xxx" amount of time.
As far as I know, this is natural fallacy that people tend to believe. Yes, it seems logical, but it is not true. I'm not completely sure of the explanation, as I'm not a certified trainer or "burning fats 101" dictionary, so if you really want in depth explanation, google is your friend. For now, just knowing that statement is false will do.

Ok so now that we've cleared the common misconceptions about Fat loss, let's get straight into, how do we actually lose the fats then? The answer for me is, doing interval running. Sure, I know there might be other ways to lose fat, but from gathered information after months of intensive studies, most athletes do believe that interval training is the best way to not just burn fats in the shortest amount of time, but also in body conditioning. In layman's terms, it means that if you just keep doing interval training for your aerobic part of your workout, you will remain in tip top condition for the rest of your life! (that is, if you succeed in the other aspects of a healthy lifestyle too.)

Which begs the question: What exactly is interval running? It is actually a form of aerobic exercise involving short sprints combined with steady jogs. For example, consider 400m distance. Normally you'd run through 400m with a steady pace right? For this, you will do intervals instead, meaning you do a steady, consistent pace for, say, 300m and increase speed for the remaining 100m. This will be considered a single set, and doing around 5-6 sets, for example, would complete your interval training.


How does interval training work? Basically, two things. Excess post oxygen consumption (EPOC) and hormonial response. Again, I'm not qualified enough to provide a accurate explanation, so do a search if you're interested, ya?

Personally, I am doing what is known as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Now, this is some crazy shit right here, and recommended for seasoned runners only. Let's just say I've been doing it for half a year frequently and it still hurts as much as it did when I started. For more details, don't hesitate to contact me anytime!

Pros of interval training:
1) Fastest way to burn fats
2) Perfect for conditioning
3) Require less than 20min
4) Feels shiok after completing!

1) Hurts a lot, both mentally and physically!
2) Not suitable for unseasoned runners
3) Really, really hurts a lot!!
4) Could vomit after a session
5) Hurts a lot!!!
6) Did I mention it hurts a lot?

It's 1.34am now and I'm pretty tired. Can't think straight now...serves me right for blogging so late. I admit, this is a pretty crappy post so I shall not let it degenerate any further and put a full stop here --> .

Hoped I helped!

Oh yea, this is just for motivation. Whenever you feel exhausted midway through the run, tell yourself, why? Why are you putting yourself through this pain and torture? Take it all into your stride. Channel all your anger and focus it on completely your workout! Discipline yourself! It's all about controlled insanity! Come on! Your have 168 hours in a week and you're only taking 3 per week to maintain your fitness so shut the F*** up! Damn it! Be a man! If you want to do it, give it 100% if not don't do at all! Push yourself! It's all or nothing! ENDURE!!! Don't be a pussy, BITE THE PAIN, SUCK IT UP!

QOTD: Pain is weakness leaving the body.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Lab's Top 5 WWE Finishers!

Yo wassup!

It's a cool breezy friday night, and the weekend's just around the corner (Yay)! Alright, continuing with my random posting habit, today I shall be posting my Top five most deadly and effective WWE finishers. I'm a HUGE WWE fan, so so passionate about it, been supporting since primary school days till' now and never regretted since. Although WWE sucks now, but that would be another topic for another day, so let's just stick at that, hehe.

Man Oh man...so many different finishers we've seen over the years. Some are so cool, some may be so risky, some more intricate than others. But one thing's fer sure, all (or most) of them are designed for one main purpose-to put the opponent down for the three count.

For me, my Top five finishers would be based on effectiveness, meaning how effective it is in doing it's job of putting the opponent down for the count, as well as it's deadliness, ie how painful it is. So let's get right down to it shall we? Starting from number 5, here we go!

*Edit: I want to list the pros and cons too.

No. 5
Brock Lesnar's "F5"

Go for it Brock!

Whoever's watched WWE during Brock Lesnar's short tenure in the WWE would know that he was THE number one beast who dominated the wrestling ring like no other. And one of the reasons why he was so dominant was, to a great extent, due to his super devastating finishing move, the F5. In one swift moment, the monster lifts his victim overhead, gets him on his shoulders, before throwing his victim in with a half swerve and plants him face first on the ground. WHAM! OK! LIGHTS OUT! It looked extremely painful on TV and I bet it felt the same too. Such was the effectiveness of this move that nobody was able to kick out or even counter it for a few months.
Pros: Heavy impact, swerve adds to disorientate opponent
Cons: Difficult to execute on large opponents, but hell, Brock has already done it on the supposedly "largest athlete in sports entertainment" the Big Show, so i guess it's not so much of a problem, is it? Also, quite easy to counter to a DDT, if you get the timing right. Eg, Eddie Guerrero.

Effectiveness: 8/10
Deadliness: 8/10
Ease of execution: 7/10

No. 4
Dave Batista's "Batista Bomb"

What a ride!

This move does not need a lot of description. It's just a simple, brutal, punishing, and damn painful move. It's essentially a normal powerbomb, but Batista's version differs whereby he'd drop bottoms first in a "sit down" motion just to inject more Oomph into this move, what is also known as a sit down powerbomb. Normally, we already know a powerbomb is a very effective weapon. However, what made this simple move convince me to believe that it is one of the most devastating finishers is the fact the DAVE BATISTA is executing it. Look at this guy, at 6'6, 290 lbs, this freak of nature is one of the most physically imposing figures ever to grace god's green Earth! Basically, when he signals for the Batista Bomb in a match, you pretty much know its all over.
Pros: Even greater impact than F5, hard to counter in mid-air due to his tight grip.
Cons: Easy to counter to back drop or double leg take down.

Effectiveness: 9/10
Deadliness: 8/10
Ease of execution: 6/10

No. 3
Kurt Angle's "Ankle Lock" (with grape vine added)

Just look at Bob Holly's expression...

Trust me guys, the ankle lock is one of the rare wrestling holds that genuinely hurts in real life. It's a submission hold, popularized by Kurt Angle and just downright painful. Straightforward move, moderately easy to execute and the damage is direct, and relentless. However, this move makes it to No. 3 in my list because of the added grape vine hold. It's when Angle crosses both of his legs over the victim's locked leg and drops on his back, applying more pressure on the leg. The result is an inescapable, tight, and hellacious move that cannot be countered. The only way to stop it is to force your way (while he's on you) to grab the ring ropes. But admit it guys, there is only one option when Angle applies this sickening move on you, and that is to TAP OUT!!! Oh it's true, it's DAMN true!
Pros: Excruciating, unforgiving hold and doesn't even let you breath for a second.
Cons: Can't think of any, really.

Effectiveness: 9/10
Deadliness: 8/10
Ease of execution: 8/10

Shawn Michaels's "Sweet Chin Music"

Ouch...that gotta hurt.

Yea, guys, this makes it into many people's list, and goes into mine too. Fast and deadly, perhaps the greatest threat of this move is you never know when or where he can hit you with that superkick. In a instant, you could be standing next to the heartbreak kid. The next, you find yourself lying flat on the mat, completely knocked out. Believe it or not, this was once examplified by the man himself on an episode of RAW. I believe the unlucky victim was Jonathan Coachman? It may seem quite unassuming and plain for a normal kick to be a respectable finisher. Some call it a glorified super kick! But for many who has tasted it would know it's the polar opposite, and quite ironically, it's the simplicity of this move that makes it one of the best finishing moves ever.
Pros: Almost instantaneous impact, can be executed easily, area of impact on the chin/head.
Cons: Can be dodged, or stopped with bare hands, but highly unrealistic.

Effectiveness: 9/10
Deadliness: 8/10
Ease of execution: 9/10

The Undertaker's "Tombstone Piledriver"


Yea...finally, we have come to our number one finisher. The cream of the crop. The King of kings. The Ace of spades. The Tombstone Piledriver...
Probably the most famous wrestling manoeuvre, executed by arguably the greatest WWE superstar, THE UNDERTAKER, this move is a timeless classic, and as the saying goes, it gets finer with time. This move, I believe would be classified as a restricted move, had it not been Undertaker's signature move. Why? Well, simply put, after falling prey to the Tombstone (or ANY piledriver for that matter of fact) , if you're lucky, you could, well, suffer a concussion. If not...erm...unfortunately, you could bite the dust! That is probably why Undertaker botches the move 70% of the time cos' if not, half of the entire WWE roster would be gone by now, haha. And the perfect testament to the undeniable greatness of this move would be the fact that throughout The Undertaker's illustrious 20-year career, only FOUR wrestlers have managed to kick of the Tombstone Piledriver. Beat THAT, suckers.
Pros: Almost instant KO if head connects to mat, only one realistic counter.
Cons: Quite tedious to execute, and if countered, it would be a "role reversal" effect and the executor would be in serious jeopardy.

Effectiveness: 10/10
Deadliness: 9/10
Ease of execution: 8/10

So there you have it, my Top five WWE finishers. Hope you enjoyed, and, as Mick Foley would say, Have a nice day!

QOTD: If you smmmelll, what The Rock, is cookin'!

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