Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Do yourself a favour; wallow in self pity


Please, I'd rather be an extremist and impose and opinion or impression on others than be indifferent. Look at most of the pathetic people out there, especially in my country Singapore. Too many of them are conformists. I use this word "conform" a lot, but it is due to the fact that so many people really do conform. They are scared. They do not dare to be the odd one out, so to speak. They will be scrutinized, criticised remorselessly. And that is "so called" the society. I tell you, society is a virus. It is degrading people of their thoughts and individualism. People want to be in a group so they feel "safe" and "normal". Well, FUCK them. I'd guess being pigs and dogs or generally animals would have more of a usable brain than these pieces of shit, whom are (ironically) supposed to be THE most intellectual living creatures known to Earth. And to think animals are just following basic instincts. The human being can be a really retarded and pathetic race, really. Look, in any area or aspect of life, we see conformism happening. You name it, You'd find it. Religion? Sports? Politics? Science? Check check check check. But this is not to say life is totally bounded and restricted by conformism. Let me examplify; Albert Einstein. Most important human being ever, by far. And yes, the utterly brainless and pathetic dogshits would think, "Oh yea, that crazy old scientist that keeps appearing in our textbooks! His crazy hairstyle!" To a lesser proportion, "...E=mc^2?" If you belong to this certain lesser population, there is hope for You, and help will arrive soon. But the undeniable fact is that, he was himself, he did not follow society's norms, and he invented the most important scientific theory ever known to man. And he's dead. Ever wonder why our generations after his do not have our own "Einstein"? If you're smart, You'll get it. If not, I couldn't be bothered to explain. I live in Singapore, a super conformed society where little acts or daringness or simple individualism sparks up a whole lot of attention. I could speak forever about this, and life in whole, but I'd like to end soon, so as to fill this white piece of paper. What kind of person am I, You'd think. Well, I would say obviously, better than You. Oh, and a Left Hander.

~Thats Retardulous.

:::I'm not done yet:::

QOTD: I will not feed your hunger, instead, I BITE DA PAINN-AA! Looking not back but forward, I bite downnn! (Riff)

The Truth: How do you know if a straight man is NOT a trustworthy one? When he says he doesn't masturbate to porn.


Lab said...

From the unconscious mind...

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