Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Thursday, January 21, 2010

One Small Step For Me, one Giant Leap For My Life

It's very very late now...I feel like I will drop dead any moment (touch wood) cos' I had quite a long day! Today I completed another milestone and freaking owned the 8km run from my house and looping through West Coast Park. Fact is, this 8km is my longest continuous run ever, and definitely a foundation for greater things to come. Managed to complete it at around 60mins, give or take, but truth is I'm just damn satisfied I could finished the whole route. Next step would hopefully to complete my first 10km. Let's just take things one step at a time, shall we?

Established one fact from this run. For long distances, I am unable to run with anyone whose pace and stamina are greater than mine. Why? You will get demoralized, Lab. So much so that it may lead to the downfall of your recently acquired love for running, I'm that sure. So the only way is to be fitter than them (You know who I'm talking about), if not, until that day comes I will choose to complete long distances alone. Cos' I kinda enjoy it anyway =)

So my haywire day was not complete. Normally people would just go home and sleep or relax after a long run right? Stupid me decided to complete a 8km today knowing that I would only have around an hour's rest before I needed to go for work. I mean, that's so bloody ridiculous lor. Who I the right mind who consider to go for an energy draining and exhausting run and then head for work after that? Sometimes I don't even believe myself. But I have to keep up with my semi-deluding "Left hander's pride and ego" image to maximise my life to the fullest so I must say, good job to me for efficiently maxing out my time. Haa...

So now we come to the job. Same old, same old. Nothing much. Working in such a huge ass place like "Giant" (OH, SPARE ME THE IRONY...) can be pretty frustrating AND pressurizing at times. And it doesn't help if the freaking managers of APB and some other "人物"s decided to come pay you a "visit" whilst you were trying to go to the gents! But...as usual, they will check here, check there,...carass the cartons a bit like molesting women...look at you...inspect you...before saying, "You are a great salesman!". Well, at least for ME. =P Frustrating part is when you need to find the division manager who convieniently happen to be at random spots all over the supermarket to get her to sign timesheet. *Sign* Poor old Lab, must have suffered a lot...

Wake up, stop wallowing in self pity!

Anyway, sales was quite ok, environment qqquite ok, scenery qqquite ok haha. Expect a busy weekend man.

Something special for today. I want to reco an American action/drama series called "Burn Notice". Basically it's about an ex spy named Michael Weston who got "burned" (for the uninitiated, no not the physical burn but it's a term they use when a spy is blacklisted) and is seeking out who burned him and their reasons for doing so. The rest you can wiki and learn more but I'm just gonna say, this show is pure entertainment man! It's funny, it's cool, it's got so much action, sleek spy work, brilliant set, etc etc, and I'm not even a fan of spy or mainly action shows myself. The outstanding aspects of the show is IMO the super charismatic Michael Weston, his SMILE, and his ingenuity and creative ways in outwitting the mafia baddies. Also, each epi contains a seperate "case", so every epi brings about something different all the time. His sidekicks are awesome also! Definitely recommended and very good to kill time cos' it's just so so so addictive! Here's the link guys: http://burnnoticestreaming.blogspot.com/

Oh ya, pls tag if you have any suggestions or comments about my blog, I'd really appreciate it...



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