Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Amateur Recce Experience

Yup, will attempt to review Metallica's classic album RTL today (CANCELLED). But that will be later when my day's over. For now, gonna update my "ST 61".

Screw it.

This was not expected. I GAINED weight on day 3. Training has been going well. But, I guess it was the nutrition. I cheated way too much, I guess. Became complacent! Damn. I thought it would be all smooth sailing but hey, sometimes things just don't go according to plan and you just gotta take it into your stride and climb back up.

But srsly, I'm still pissed. I mean, from 62kg to 63kg in a day? That's 1 freaking kilogram gain! Maybe I miscalculated my calories or ate the wrong food or worked out at the wrong time or consume junk during wee hours in the morning, I don't know. Maybe it's the combination of factors. Nvm...so I guess I just have to sacrifice a bit today by consuming less.

Anyway, today will be quite an interesting day for me! Will be attempting a 10km. But, no, it's not gonna be a pure 10km run. Not because I am not ready for it. I want to recce the route first. Btw, I will be taking on the Kent ridge park-hortpark route. Since it's not such a direct route, and quite some distance, I wil need to carve out a suitable and no frills path in order to run with a peace of mind. From internet sources, it will start a kent ridge park itself, and funnily though, I don't even have any clue as to how to even go there in the first place! But I guess I'll find my way there slowly, or just stumble across it, haha. From kent ridge will pass by some itsy bitsy routes before cutting to alexandra road, follow it parallel and I should reach hortpark. By then, things should get easier. There's also a way to carry on the Telok Blangah but it would be really out of my comfort zone...however *one day* I will venture into that unknown too, so to speak.

Will be taking pix of my walk/run, as this is not strictly continuous running, I may stop for water breaks also. But if the route is much more straightforward than I think, I might just complete it without stopping. It all depends on the circumcstances. I will be taking on an unfamiliar route far from my house for the first time, so I want to take it easy. Most important thing today is to scout and plan out the best route for the 10km, so that next time when I run for real, I will already have a grasp of the entire path by the back of my hands.

Alright, back from my recce of the kent ridge route. I managed to create my running path from kent ridge park quite successfully all the way until mount faber but after that I took a wrong turn and ended at harbourfront LOL. Anyways the whole route is about 8 to 10km, but due to the mazy, inclined route and the heaty weather, taking up this running route can be quite a challenge. I've captured some screenshot of my journey throughout, so you guys can visualise better. In brief, the route starts at kent ridge park, linking to hort park, continues to alexandra link (the bridge) then all the way to henderson waves before ending at mount faber. I SHOULD have went all the way to the top of the hill...but as I said, got my orientation mixed up and got lost. Well, sort of.


*ST 61
There's a high chance I will not hit 61kg by sunday...it's too unrealistic given the way I'm approaching this cut wheather physically or mentally. So I'd be quite happy if I hit 62kg. That said, I would still ultimately be aiming for 61kg, so let's just hang on and cheong!


On a final note, my self composed song is completed. Right now, it's only a demo, but given my resources, that's all I could do. Nice or not, let you guys judge. Hopefully I fix some lame bug that's preventing me from uploading the song by tml so that I can put it up.

It's an emo love song, English. That's all I'll say for now. Gotta wash up now!

QOTD: Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.


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