Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Album Review: De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

This wasn't supposed to be the planned post for today, but somehow I wasn't really in the mood to write about the normal stuff so I thought why not do an album review? At least it got me interested...

Ok, if you haven't known by now, black metal is my kind of music. I ain't gonna dwell deeper in and turn this into a "why am I a freak who listens to this satanic shit" so let's just get into the music. Maybe I'll leave that for another day, ya? (I know you'd love to read that =))

DE MYSTERIIS DOM SATHANAS by the infamous MayheM. What I'm gonna say would have already been said. A black metal classic. The album that defined black metal. NOT gonna go about the band's super controversial history, search it yourself if you're interested. So, this album, 8 tracks, almost half of them are crazy outstanding, absolutely no fillers IMO and just fun to listen to.

I'll just summarize the album as a whole before doing individual track review. Imagine you're in a dark and creepy forest somewhere in Norway. It's midnight, and everything's pitch black. You do not know your way out. You feel paranoid. Seems like the deformed trees are staring at you. Suddenly, some dark shadows fly past you and scares the shit out of you. It gets worst. Out of no where, a mysterious fog appears and engulfs your surroundings. You feel as if you're dying. Demonic, inhuman chantings creep in to mess with your already vulnerable mind. You smell the stench of rotting flesh everywhere. You feel as if you're in the middle of some satanic ritual. It's like a never ending nightmare!

Folks, this is the premise of "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas". Play this album, and you'll feel EXACTLY what I mentioned above. I mean, its surreal, really, listen to this album. It's not just something you listen to to buy time or whatever. Its an experience. A spiritual experience. And that is one of the many reasons why I love metal and why this particular genre of music shits all over the mainstream stuff. That said, right now De Mysteriis is my favourite BM album. Although I'm still a noob, I believe I've gotten a good start by listening to this album. It's just...40 minutes of pure enjoyment. Trust me, this album, at least for me, defines what it means when they say "Music is food for the soul". Damn I'm gonna listen to some DMDS right now!

Track 1
Funeral Fog
ARGHHH...one of my absolute favourites and irresistable must plays in my mp3. This song is such a great opener. Starts off with some frantic drumming and menacing guitars. Nothing particularly catchy, but hell, the atmosphere is SMACK right there from the start. After that the freaking inhuman vocals from Attila Csihar creeps in and just hooks you and drags you into the music. It sounds so dark, so raspy, like a freaking zombie man!!! And the emotion! Sooo much emotion in his vocals. It's like a possessed dark priest hahaha!!! The song has 3 riffs I think, and the at the end whereby the 2 riffs start recurring, OH MY GOD it becomes golden. Just a damn brilliant black metal classic. "Fuuuuuuuuuu-nehh--rrrraaaaalll....FOG!"

Track 2
Freezing Moon
Everything that needs to be said about this song probably has been said, but I'm still gonna give my take on it. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is MayheM's signature song. Freezing Moon. Well, to the best of my knowledge it's about some suicide cum zombie cum eating humans stuff. But let's just talk bout' de music. Starts off with arguably the most famous black metal riff. This is the song I would recommend to anyone who wants to venture into black metal. Even for those who don't listen to metal at all, I'm telling you, if you want to feel a dark and creepy atmosphere, just listen to the first 30 secs of the song, or just the intro riff. There's so much atmosphere and feeling you wouldn't believe it! Of course, it's not just about the opening riff that this song is famous for. It's also the vocals. The other riffs. The structure. The lyrics. And of course, THE SOLO. ALL I CAN SAY IS, THAT SOLO. THE FREEZING MOON SOLO. Just an intangible, unexplainable feeling you get. You just have to listen to THE SOLO to feel it. Overall, this song is the prototype for every single BM song after. It's just that good.

Track 3
Cursed in Eternity
This is probably one of the lower tiers in the album, BUT still a very strong number guys. I remember it particularly for it's one riff. One word. Sinister. That sums up the riff. In fact, it sums up the whole song now that I think of it. Nothing outstanding, but nothing shabby at all.

Track 4
Pagan Fears
One of the few fast paced tracks in the album. Starts off with a super catchy intro riff. Sounds almost thrash-metal like but sinister enough to be black metal. After that...the rest of the song is just average, really. I've grown accustomed enough not to play the skip button whenever the intro riff is over, but really, there's not much variation thereafter. Still, provides a fresh sound to the other more mid-paced tracks, so yea, not bad.

Track 5
Life Eternal
I'm trying not to get too carried away here, but...I cant helped it but start to feel DAMN EXCITED AS IT IS MY FAVOURITE SONG IN THIS ALBUM!!! Man! I know to many others this is just an average number, but this one, man it just clicks with me, you know what I mean? No.1, that super subtle bass+guitar riff. I don't know how to describe but it's just awesome. No. 2, the lyrics. It just resonates with my life...man...just so fittingly, so aptly describes how I feel. Kind of depressive, yea, I know, but whatever.

Track 6
From the dark past
Ok, this was the first song that I really found nothing special to gloat about. Its not that bad as a stand alone track, but when you put in an album full of juggernauts, it seems really weak and insignificant. That's the truth. However, the drum solo really deserves a mention. It sounds so epic, so masterfully crafted. Props to hellhammer. Nothing fancy, but he manages to make it sound so simple yet majestic. YEA.

Track 7
Buried by time and dust
This is the other song that initially sounded plain to me. But, it's appeal grew exponentially the more I listened. Now, I really dig it. How do it put it, kinda of like Kris Allen, you know? From the underdog...to the dark horse...to winning American Idol itself. Yea. Oh, did I mention it was the fastest song in the album? Yup. Certainly contender for one of the fastest black metal songs ever, in terms of sheer, relentless drumming. Heard one guy from youtube saying like, "I bet hellhammer must be lying in a pool of his owning sweat after recording that!" Totally agree man.
Also, there are 2 main riffs here, the first one sounds kkkinda cutesy and stuff but the second one is just sick man, especially how it comes in after the cymbal clash and all that. Epic epic epic man. Although it is a varied version one of "Funeral Fog"'s riff, it must be said.

Track 8
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Ah yes...the title track. Strangely, mayhem puts it as the last track. I wonder why? But folks, this is certainly saving the best for the last. I know I've used "epic" so many times you've become bored. But if I could only use epic to describe one song, it would be THIS. Here's where you'll finally hear Attila's overly dramatic and demonic chanting. Like an Opera singer possessed by Satan himself. Oh man, everytime I listen to it, just sends shivers down my spine...and gives me the chills. And I love it, haha. Other than that, the opening and main riffs are fantabulous as well, and the song is consistent throughout. If there was a soundtrack to the infamous "Black Mass" ritual conducted by Satanists, DMDS would be the perfect fit.

So that's it, my detailed album review on MayheM's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas. Hope you enjoyed, lab!

To release the soul
One must die
To find peace inside
Your must get eternal

-Life eternal by MayheM


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