Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Sunday, January 24, 2010

How the Fat became the Fit

Today, I will post pix of my transformation from a overweight fatty to my slim figure now. They are from around end of May 2009 to End of 2009. Ladies and Gents, presenting to you, Lab's 09' Cut.

Results Summary:

Starting Stats:
Ht: 174cm
Wt: 82.1kg
BF: 22%
BMI: 27.1
Waist: 37

Ending Stats:
Ht: 174com
Wt: 61.7kg
BF: ~11%
BMI: 20.4
Waist: 28

Weight Loss: 20.4kg

Conclusion: Returning to my old self would be the last thing on my mind now. It's easy to say "Oh, I will never ever go back to being a fatty" but in life you never know what will happen. The only thing I can control now is to maintain this weight for at least the next few years so that my body will finally get used to this weight. Anyhow, I've learnt a great deal of stuff about weight loss, nutrition etc that I know, are skills that will accompany me for a long time. Although this cut was very successful, there was its fair share of compromises. I lost quite a great amount of strength due to rapid weight loss, so consequentially right now I'm considered quite weak for a person of my physique. Also, I completely burned away my chest area so, as much as I hate to say, I have a really pathetic and flat chest now. It's not something a man should aim for. It should be firm and meaty. This is one area I'm really embarrassed at, that's why after my 2 years stint at NS I will be focusing 100% on my chest, and take protein supplement if I have to. (Maybe I will start in the midst of NS, if possible)


Completed another 6.2km reservoir run. This time took me 36mins to finish. Felt quite shiity after that...guess I over exhausted myself. Will be starting another cut tomorrow till sunday. Final prep for army, this. Alright, cheerio!

QOTD: How much primitive can it get?!


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