Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Friday, January 15, 2010

Lab's Top 5 WWE Finishers!

Yo wassup!

It's a cool breezy friday night, and the weekend's just around the corner (Yay)! Alright, continuing with my random posting habit, today I shall be posting my Top five most deadly and effective WWE finishers. I'm a HUGE WWE fan, so so passionate about it, been supporting since primary school days till' now and never regretted since. Although WWE sucks now, but that would be another topic for another day, so let's just stick at that, hehe.

Man Oh man...so many different finishers we've seen over the years. Some are so cool, some may be so risky, some more intricate than others. But one thing's fer sure, all (or most) of them are designed for one main purpose-to put the opponent down for the three count.

For me, my Top five finishers would be based on effectiveness, meaning how effective it is in doing it's job of putting the opponent down for the count, as well as it's deadliness, ie how painful it is. So let's get right down to it shall we? Starting from number 5, here we go!

*Edit: I want to list the pros and cons too.

No. 5
Brock Lesnar's "F5"

Go for it Brock!

Whoever's watched WWE during Brock Lesnar's short tenure in the WWE would know that he was THE number one beast who dominated the wrestling ring like no other. And one of the reasons why he was so dominant was, to a great extent, due to his super devastating finishing move, the F5. In one swift moment, the monster lifts his victim overhead, gets him on his shoulders, before throwing his victim in with a half swerve and plants him face first on the ground. WHAM! OK! LIGHTS OUT! It looked extremely painful on TV and I bet it felt the same too. Such was the effectiveness of this move that nobody was able to kick out or even counter it for a few months.
Pros: Heavy impact, swerve adds to disorientate opponent
Cons: Difficult to execute on large opponents, but hell, Brock has already done it on the supposedly "largest athlete in sports entertainment" the Big Show, so i guess it's not so much of a problem, is it? Also, quite easy to counter to a DDT, if you get the timing right. Eg, Eddie Guerrero.

Effectiveness: 8/10
Deadliness: 8/10
Ease of execution: 7/10

No. 4
Dave Batista's "Batista Bomb"

What a ride!

This move does not need a lot of description. It's just a simple, brutal, punishing, and damn painful move. It's essentially a normal powerbomb, but Batista's version differs whereby he'd drop bottoms first in a "sit down" motion just to inject more Oomph into this move, what is also known as a sit down powerbomb. Normally, we already know a powerbomb is a very effective weapon. However, what made this simple move convince me to believe that it is one of the most devastating finishers is the fact the DAVE BATISTA is executing it. Look at this guy, at 6'6, 290 lbs, this freak of nature is one of the most physically imposing figures ever to grace god's green Earth! Basically, when he signals for the Batista Bomb in a match, you pretty much know its all over.
Pros: Even greater impact than F5, hard to counter in mid-air due to his tight grip.
Cons: Easy to counter to back drop or double leg take down.

Effectiveness: 9/10
Deadliness: 8/10
Ease of execution: 6/10

No. 3
Kurt Angle's "Ankle Lock" (with grape vine added)

Just look at Bob Holly's expression...

Trust me guys, the ankle lock is one of the rare wrestling holds that genuinely hurts in real life. It's a submission hold, popularized by Kurt Angle and just downright painful. Straightforward move, moderately easy to execute and the damage is direct, and relentless. However, this move makes it to No. 3 in my list because of the added grape vine hold. It's when Angle crosses both of his legs over the victim's locked leg and drops on his back, applying more pressure on the leg. The result is an inescapable, tight, and hellacious move that cannot be countered. The only way to stop it is to force your way (while he's on you) to grab the ring ropes. But admit it guys, there is only one option when Angle applies this sickening move on you, and that is to TAP OUT!!! Oh it's true, it's DAMN true!
Pros: Excruciating, unforgiving hold and doesn't even let you breath for a second.
Cons: Can't think of any, really.

Effectiveness: 9/10
Deadliness: 8/10
Ease of execution: 8/10

Shawn Michaels's "Sweet Chin Music"

Ouch...that gotta hurt.

Yea, guys, this makes it into many people's list, and goes into mine too. Fast and deadly, perhaps the greatest threat of this move is you never know when or where he can hit you with that superkick. In a instant, you could be standing next to the heartbreak kid. The next, you find yourself lying flat on the mat, completely knocked out. Believe it or not, this was once examplified by the man himself on an episode of RAW. I believe the unlucky victim was Jonathan Coachman? It may seem quite unassuming and plain for a normal kick to be a respectable finisher. Some call it a glorified super kick! But for many who has tasted it would know it's the polar opposite, and quite ironically, it's the simplicity of this move that makes it one of the best finishing moves ever.
Pros: Almost instantaneous impact, can be executed easily, area of impact on the chin/head.
Cons: Can be dodged, or stopped with bare hands, but highly unrealistic.

Effectiveness: 9/10
Deadliness: 8/10
Ease of execution: 9/10

The Undertaker's "Tombstone Piledriver"


Yea...finally, we have come to our number one finisher. The cream of the crop. The King of kings. The Ace of spades. The Tombstone Piledriver...
Probably the most famous wrestling manoeuvre, executed by arguably the greatest WWE superstar, THE UNDERTAKER, this move is a timeless classic, and as the saying goes, it gets finer with time. This move, I believe would be classified as a restricted move, had it not been Undertaker's signature move. Why? Well, simply put, after falling prey to the Tombstone (or ANY piledriver for that matter of fact) , if you're lucky, you could, well, suffer a concussion. If not...erm...unfortunately, you could bite the dust! That is probably why Undertaker botches the move 70% of the time cos' if not, half of the entire WWE roster would be gone by now, haha. And the perfect testament to the undeniable greatness of this move would be the fact that throughout The Undertaker's illustrious 20-year career, only FOUR wrestlers have managed to kick of the Tombstone Piledriver. Beat THAT, suckers.
Pros: Almost instant KO if head connects to mat, only one realistic counter.
Cons: Quite tedious to execute, and if countered, it would be a "role reversal" effect and the executor would be in serious jeopardy.

Effectiveness: 10/10
Deadliness: 9/10
Ease of execution: 8/10

So there you have it, my Top five WWE finishers. Hope you enjoyed, and, as Mick Foley would say, Have a nice day!

QOTD: If you smmmelll, what The Rock, is cookin'!


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