Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, January 11, 2010

How much do you want it?

Hi. Today's post will be on how to lose weight effectively and how to maintain the weight loss. Everything I'm gonna post will only be my own opinions and methods (although largely influenced by/adapted from other proven sources) so you'd be, not say dumb, but advised against following my "teachings" strictly like a hardcore christian trying to memorise every single word in the bible. Seriously though, every single human being's body is different so some things that work for others may not work for you. I will say right now that my training is more catered to a young male mesomorph (Google), as it has been tried and proven on one of my buddies fitting this criteria. Basically, he LOST 20 kg/44 pounds in around 75 days without any professional nutritionist or gym instructor; everything done by himself and with the help of the internet. Friends, this is why they say "Google is your friend". And works particularly well for his case.

Now, there are a hell lot of myths surrounding the topic on weight loss, but I'm not going to go about them directly, (Indirectly, I might) as it is a waste of time. However, I will give you whatever worked for this buddy of mine. Ok if you had notice I am just trying to come up with a respectable introduction to my post but seems like I am straying away..so let's just cut the crap and get started.

Ok. Oh I forgot something I want to add on. Let me tell you. The SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR in a successful lifestyle change is...all in the mind. Yes, it is ALL in your mind! Your motivation. Why? Why do you want to lose weight? What is your driving force? I can't stress this fact enough. If you are not motivated enough, that's it. End of story. You won't get anywhere without going back to your old self again. Period. And the sad thing is, it's not something you can control! You can't do nothing, if your motivation is not there. That is why for many successful "dieters", they have an extremely strong, almost unwavering force or motivation that clings to the back of their brain all the time to fucking nag at them and remind them why they are doing what they are doing. "The Biggest Losers" on ABC call it the "moment". And yes, it is that life changing moment you would need in order to keep you on track, for the rest of your life. So I say again, its not for you to decide. If you are truly destined to lose weight, you'd naturally have an extremely strong urge/desire/motivation to start. That motivation may come in the form of maybe, to get a girlfriend, peer pressure, vanity, or, to put it bluntly, your health sucks and you are dying. But that's too extreme huh? You never know...

So, Take 3 seconds to think. Do you have your "moment"? If it comes naturally and you become uncharacteristically excited, then brilliant. If not, or if you had to force out one, then sorry to say, your "moment" has not arrived and...well, you could continue reading and who knows, in the future it could come to good use.

END OF PART ONE -morning.

Ok...it's almost 10pm at night...now I will reluctantly continue this post for whatever reasons...blindly having faith that one fine day somebody would finally read and be inspired...? It's starting to get depressing and you know why? Cos' as of now, 12/1/10 10pm, 1++ day(s) after my blog initiation (Ya so cheesy huh) , I've only have had 3 readers...so...Yea. So I guess I'm just entertaining myself here...BUT the internet is HUGE, and anybody can just stumble across haha so never say never!

So after all the damn fillers above, after it's all said and done, dust has settled, sun has set, parents gone to sleep..blah blah blah let's START BABY!

Two words, very important here, so take note.

**pre req---strong motivation

Basically, if you get these two right, you're weight loss process would be much more smoother and obstacle free and of course, less painful. Or more. I don't really know haha...

First, your nutrition. In case you didn't know, nutrition is MUCH MUCH MORE important than exercise. Yes. It's a fact. You can don't exercise like a freak and still lose weight, provided you eat properly, and we all love that don't we? However, if you want to lose weight the other way round, (**ie. still eat junk food with minimal or excessive workouts, don't really matter actually.) the chances of you succeeding is as much as a photon passing through a potential barrier. LITERALLY ZERO. Trust me. So moving on, what do we mean by "eating properly"?

Actually you can still lose weight by ** but it will be really really xiong and just waste time.

Most of you would think, "Oh eat properly means to follow the food pyramid...more veggies, more lean meat, less sugar, less processed carbs etc. And you're right! However, guys, and I'm not saying eating healthfully is not important, as it is, but believe it or not, it is NOT the number one requirement or as impt as what I'm gonna tell you.

Herein lies the most important method to LOSE WEIGHT and KEEP AT IT:


end of part two..need a break.

Yea I'm back... whoever's reading. Counting calories. Number one rule and the only rule that i truly believe in. If you don't even know what "calories" specifically mean, please google. Anyway, i'll break this into two catergories and summarize in point form. Easier that way.

For Weight Loss:
>Find out your daily calorie requirement. Eg 2500 kcal
>Create a calorie deficit, buy consuming less calories, say 1200?
***impt, pls do not go to the extend of starving yourself in order to reach absurb targets! You can still be FULL and energized if you choose your food carefully. It is ridiculous to think that creating a calorie deficit equals to eating less. That is true to some extend, but not totally. Eg compare a banana and a packet of sweets, both of same weight. The banana has 150 kcal approx., and the sweets add up to 300 kcal. So, you can actually eat 2 bananas which has the same calories as that packet of sweets. Doesn't it make you fuller, huh? Moreover, bananas are super nutritious.
>From feedback, it can be quite a tedious task to accurately count calories and even more troublesome to do it daily. But, if your motivation is not strong enough to make this small obstacle seem insignifiant, then...you'd have to rethink whether you really want to lose weight, you know?

Damn it im gonna end this right now...will continue this weight loss post once i got the mood cos its really really boring.


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