Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rubber Burnin', Leg Bruisin', ASS HURTIN'

Phew, just reached home, had a great bath and now I'm ready for today's post! Went cycling from East Coast Park troo Changi Village today with Jing Kai, which was quite enjoyable and best of all, we managed to complete a total around 32km (To and Back).

I just gotta say, Jing Kai today you are damn suay man haha. While we were breezing past the initial few km of the journey, suddenly he lost control of de bike and WHAM got a nasty fall! Lucky you "roll" leh if not confirm worst sia. The result was some freaking abrasions all over his legs and a pissed off Jing Kai. Guys, an angry Jing Kai is not to mess with, trust me, haha. This guy practices martial arts 24/7 for Christ sake! (Joking only, haha)

Anyway, as real MEN we continued our long and daunting task to reach our destination. Quite an easy ride, but the most "sian ji pua" part was the seemingly never ending 7 clique straight route linking ECP and Changi Beach. What else...ya, had the famous Changi Nasi Lemak (SHIT, I CHEATED) and boy, it really lives up to its name, so quite satisfied with that.

Ok, and the worst part of the ride was MY ASS HURTS!!! Let me tell you, you cannot imagine the pain unless you feel it for yourself man. I don't know bout' Jing Kai, but he is superhuman, so I guess it's normal for him. It's just a pressing and excruciating feeling, and I'm putting it nicely here. Really painful can?!

But all in all, I think today's cycling was quite an accomplishment when you factor in all the crap that came along so I think we should give ourselves a pat on the back, shouldn't we?

Some Pix


Now, get ready for "Lab's random thoughts"


Ok, here goes nothing! Sian y must go army aiya tml must start work liao crap sia why work tiger beer again hope can meet xmm to talk so wont be so boring why i havent buy my shoes yet today go c c for one hour nvr buy waste time sia hai ya walao today cycle past changi ferry terminal feel a sense of dread an incoming doom is approaching me arghhhh sian why today i nvr jog damn it i eat alot of crap today dis st63 fail liao la go back to 65kg liao omg omg omg haiz sian all my hard work why my comp so sux so damn slow de like antique sia why ch is so fat ah ha (hope he don't see) why my blog still so deserted lol why my sister so annoying why my passport expire??!!! OMG MY A LEVEL GONNA FLUNK AGAIN dont tink dont tink oh shit will 2012 shit happen why i never 保wo机会 why i don't have metal buddies why i so bo liao post dis shit on blog for everyone to see?

Because I dare to. Because I can.

Trying to act cool but i epic fail la...haha.

Should I end post now?

Before I end, just let you guys preview some of the things I gonna post next, Since I at least have some readers now...THANKS FOR THE SARPORK!!!

  • Lab's random stumbles across the net
  • Lab's self composed songs =0
  • Lab's favourite food
  • Jay chou album review
  • Ride the lightning album review
  • Love (?)
  • Friends
  • Army
  • Religion
  • FREAKING BANGALAS (can't wait to post this)
  • any other topic/review you guys want, if any, I'm THAT free.
Lest not forgetting, our beloved QOTD: ~That's retardulous!


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