Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Metallica's Top 10 Songs

Well I had quite a fun day from work! Just came back, and my fingers are raring to go!

Let's just update ST61 and my song first. For ST61, no workout today due to time constrains, and I will say I'm definitely cfm plus chop not going to hit 61kg by tml. Instead, I'll be realistically looking for a maintenance of 63kg. Hopefully. One of the freaking reasons why I'm not able to cut is because of THAT DAMN ROTI MUM'S COFFEE BUN WHICH I JUST DISCOVERED!

Oh my god, not only does it smell heavenly, it tastes superb as well! It's just so crunchy on the outside with the coffee crust and all, and the inside is partially filled with melted golden butter that combines so perfectly with the inner roti which is toasted to perfection man! Slurp! I'm just swallowing my saliva as I'm typing, that's just how tempting it is! Must try man!

...And you see, that is why I've not been losing the weight. =X (One coffee bun is 400kcal, can you believe.)

For my song, I'm so stoked to be able to FINALLY SAY, IT'S UPLOADED. But. I won't publicize it yet. Why? The version contains a lot of "zao xia" so I'll be uploading another more refined one without any "zao xia" and presentable de...be patient...By tml, fingers crossed!

*Goes to do big business, BRB!

Metallica's Top 10 songs (ITO Lab)

By no order

1) Fade to Black
Wow. This song is renowned for it's dark and melancholic atmosphere. It's a very depressive song, lyrically and musically. "Fade to black" this term has over the years became another term for suicide. And that's what's the song's about. Let's see, the song itself starts with a single haunting note that gradually increases in volume. Then we hear the deep, melodic intro riff. Layers of guitar riffs blankets over the initial one before the famous main riff comes in. After which James Hetfield starts singing in a somber yet angsty tone. This repeats for a few minutes before we arrive at the turning point of the song, which is signified by the "de ne de ne de ne de ne ne, de ne de ne, dig gi di dig gi di dig gi di dig gi di..." riff (If you know what I mean). Hetfield then finishes the last few verses of the song, ending with, (how appropriately) "Goodbye...". Then, the magic of Metallica begins. This is hailed by many as the 3 golden minutes of Metallica's career. The incredibly famous and classic "Fade.." solo played to absolute brilliance by the evergreen Kirk Hammett. In fact, if guitar's could emote, this whole song would showcase it. I've always opined, the guitar in this song sounds like its crying, for goodness sake! Anyway, this happens to be my fave Met song as I said before, so I really can say only good things about it.
Colour: Dark Blue

2) Master of Puppets
Come on..who doesn't know this song? Even non-metal ppl know "Master". It's like the most famous Metal song can? And yes, this is Metallica's Signature song. Personally, I won't say alot bout signature song as so much abt them are already said online. For the song itself, it starts with arguably the most famous Metal intro riff of all time. "ZHE! ZHE ZHE ZHE..." The rest of the song is just like a kickass machine that just, well, kicks you ass! Oh, and also the epic middle easten solo halfway...oh so powerful! "MASTER! MASTER!"
Colour: Forest Green

3) Creeping Death
With over 1000+++ live jams and counting, this is Metallica's most played song live. A absolute masterpiece. IMO, kind of underrated, should be known as their best song really. Definitely in my Top 3. Such a fking regal song structure, superb vocals, brilliant energy, and contains one of my favourite solos ever and IMO the most melodic Metallica solo ever. I mean, just look at the lyrics:

"Slaves! Hebrews born to serve, to the Pharaoh
Heed! To his every word, live in fear"

Like, Damn!
Colour: Maroon

4) Orion
An instrumental masterpiece. First part of the song is a blood pumping, adrenaline rushing, in-your-face-I'm-gonna-kick-your-ass battle riff. PERFECT fit for any WWE wrestler's theme, I might add. Second part, things tone down and from a war-like mood, changes to a spacey, out of this world one. Tons of brilliant chromatic riffs revolves around this part of the song, just like several of Jupiter's moons revolving around it. Ahh...feels so good listening to this classic.
Colour: Green

5) Ride the Lightning
Title track from RTL, man, tell you guys, this song is ELECTRIFYING (pun intended)! It's a 7 min long, freaking buffet man! There are so many epic parts to this song (as most in this list does), from the shocking intro riff to the vocals to the chorus to the first solo to the second mind blowing solo to the end which caps off with the same intro riff. It just takes my breath away, especially the second SHREDDING solo! And the intro riff! I've told a lot of ppl before, it sound just like lightning! Ok maybe not literally but figuratively, you know? Hear. It. Now. The intro riff. Just the intro riff, at least?
Colour: What else, Lightning Blue lah!

Time marches on! LOLOL yea can't believe I just only thought of this! Wahh!!..I can totally sing to it now man. Again, meet the Badass worldwide phenomenon that is the INTRO BASS GUITAR RIFF. Oh man, srsly describing these epics does them no justice man! Just have to listen and experience them, and read this post at the same time! I know I will! It's one of their mid paced hits, so freaking catchy and heavy, such and catchy chorus and...sorry, I gotta say it again. BASS INTRO RIFF. INTRO BASS RIFF. BASS RIFF INTRO. INTRO RIFF BASS. Bah.

*RIP Cliff Burton.

Colour: Brown

7) ONE
How the Fook did I thought of "ONE" only now? Contender for Met's no. 1 song. Every one of their classic songs has a "moment" and this one is no exception. Hardly. How can any fan not know the "Darkness" machine gun riff? Best vocals also, esp after the "Darkness" riff when Hetfield starts barking out the short and sharp lyrics. Definitely, one of the most revolutionizing and innovative riffs ever. And hell, it such a basic riff too. Too basic, even. Or just the geniuses themselves made it seem simple. Then...low and behold, another eargasm explodes to the impeccable, pristine, heavenly solo! (5.55 to 5.57) There is one part, where all the instruments mash together to the Darkness riff. I tell you, better than sex man! "Fade" or "One" solo? I can't decide. But I sure am glad I can have both~!!!!
Colour: no particular one. Heavenly colour...?

8) Enter Sandman
Not my favourites, but surely inside Met top 10. The fact that it has create so much history like being the most radio-played metal song, having its own MTV, winning awards etc, popularizing metal, all done during a time where metal was still quite underground. This was THE FIRST metal song that made its mark onto the pop and mainstream dominated MTV world. Probably even more famous than "Master"? Particularly like it for it's catchy drum beat. You've probably heard it before, even without realising it, haha.
Colour: Gold

9) Nothing else matters
One of my favourites when I was just breaking into metal, now I find it kinda wierd as strictly speaking this is more like a pop song. This song shows Met's soulful and personal side, and the fact that many artists from different genres has covered this song is a truly worthy testament to the greatness of this classic.
Colour: White

10) Whiplash
Yea...this is THE cult favourite song. One from "Kill em all", Met's first album, this song is just pure energy and to a huge extent, encapsulates the spirit of Thrash metal itself. Just goes 1000 miles per hour non stop, no fancy breakdowns or long ass structures and contains another eargasmic solo too. Love the crazy vocal performance of Hetfield in this one, especially when he screams, "WHIPLASH!"
Colour: Red

Yes...I've finally completed my Top 10 Metallica's songs. Even for those nvr listen to metal de, hope you enjoy reading and even more so if you'd just take a little sample of the song to hear. Who knows, may even appeal to you!

QOTD: Darkness, Imprisoning me, all that I see, absolute horror!


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