Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why fear the inevitable?

By now...i guess virtually everyone know about it. The biggest event that will happen to mankind. The greatest threat to Earth and all of life itself. The big HOO HA. DOOMSDAY! Yes, you've guessed it, I'm talking about 2012. More specifically, 20th December 2012.

I initially stumbled across this 2012 phenomena on Youtube, in the form of a documentary. (It started as an internet sensation you know?) It may seem intimidating at first, but after a while, you forget about it. Months later, more people start to talk about it and the fear comes crawling back to you again. But years later, after the cycle repeats and repeats again, you start to become accustomed to all of the crap. Right now, I think it's quite stupid, whether it's true or not. Couldn't care less, really.

So, what will happen on that fateful day? Will a huge-ass meteor collide on Earth? Will the polar axes shift so drastically you'd be dead before you can even react? Will we all spontaneously combust due to the solar flares? Will North Korea go berserk and lead to WORLD WAR 3? Will NOTHING happen at all? We will not know until that day. For me, I really believe something, maybe, just maybe catastrophic might happen. But I've come to learn that you don't really have to fear! I mean, if it's meant to happen, it will happen, however much you panic. Let's look at the positives; at least we all die together right? At least there's two more years to it right? And...by golly mothers sake maybe all the doomsayers got it wrong and we all live? What I'm trying to say is you can't change the inevitable so don't try. Instead, what you can do is to cherish what you have now and please, live without regrets. If you have something you haven't do and would probably regret not doing when its just too late, please do it soon. To me, to regret is the most pathetic feeling ever.

Don't say almost , Lab. The very least try. Almost. You remember? You almost lived. There are still some things you haven't done...be a man...balls up...Ai Zai...You're freaking preaching to people not to regret and you are not being a good example yourself...Freaking hypocrite. Yea...

Sorry my "other self" just spilled out as I will getting too emotional haha. Please, darling, don't treat things so seriously? Learn to laugh at yourself la...

Anyway. 2012, doomsday, maybe? Maybe not. Bottom line, just carry on living life to the fullest (God I hate being so cliche) and SMILE =)

Imagine this, if a hopelessly addicted 2012 maniac decided to commit some...ahem, illegal/criminal/immoral actions on the very day itself, thinking that since everything's gonna end might as well, right? What if nothing happens, and the dumb loser still has to pay for his actions? Now, I'd absolutely love to see such a scenario. If you're the dumb loser trying to conjure up a plan like this, well...good luck!

QOTD: A man can only be defeated in two ways; either he gives up, or he dies.




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