Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Monday, January 25, 2010

Final Prep for Army...

This will be my last preparation week before enlistment. Quite motivated after seeing videos on BMT life and other army stuff so I will use that motivation and channel it into my training. Two main targets for this Prep. One, cut to 61kg. Two, be in tip top form for army training. This programme will consist of runs, interval training, strength training basically. I've recently came to the realisation that there are other areas of army training that I've not incorporated into my workouts like strengthening core and back muscles for route march or putting myself in uncomfortable environments and conditions. Having said that, I will not be making up for them as, obviously, I don't have the time. So, I will just let the actual BMT training work on these areas that I've missed out. Anyways, here will be the run sheet for this event called, "ST 61"!

"ST 61"

Target: To hit 61kg through eating clean for majority of meals and condition myself for Army.

Dates: 26, 27, 28, 29 (Training days). 30, 31 (Rest).

Nutrition: Probably same as "ST 63"

Daily Caloric intake: ~1700 kcal


  • Interval training, both aerobic and anaerobic
  • Long-D runs (6k, 10k hopefully)
  • Fasted AM LISS 3.2km x1 (DONE 26/1, 11pm)
  • 2.4km run timed x1
  • Pull ups/Chin ups/negatives x3 sets daily
  • Push ups (Hit 500?)

Status: Completed 1 Fasted AM LISS 3.2km, pull ups training, HIIT 1.8km.


Thoughts on Army

Well, seems like my friends are saying that Army life basically sucks. No Freedom, very boring, strict regimentation, tough training etc. Honestly for me, I don't know what will happen to me in Army, or will it change my opinion about it, but I just hope that things go smoothly. For one, I can say now I don't fear it nor detest it. On the contrary, I'm quite looking forward to it. But from what I've heard, this kind of positive attitude will slowly but surely dwindle and disappear and I'd eventually succumb to the dreadfulness and negativity of Army torture like everyone else. I truly hope it won't turn out to be such a case, as I want to enjoy Army life and be successful in it. That is why I've been trying to improve my fitness so that I can measure up to the standards of BMT training. If we look at the big picture, do I want to become high rank and get the honour? Maybe, but not necessary and I don't think I'm good enough anyway. But I do want to at least have a respectable status and hopefully, fulfill my utmost potential. Coming from my GESSNPCC background, I may have some leverage on the strict and regimental training, but as they say, things like these would eventually even themselves out after the first few weeks of BMT so I should not "rest on my laurels" and work hard like everyone else. On Army life itself, generally nothing really bothers me except for...let's see, throwing grenade (Fatal consequences if anything goes wrong), Jacob's Ladder (Fear of leg injury) and meeting "friends" from the other side. But hell, I have my black metal so we'll see how I cope if and when obstacles as such happen. This will be a long 18 months for me, and I will continue to self-evolve even in Army itself, whether physically or mentally. I do have some goals I would want to achieve, but we'd have to see if the circumstances allow also. I know, talk is cheap, but I have proven to myself that if I have enough motivation, anything is possible. These are some questions by which the answers will only be completely revealed throughout the whole Army journey.
  • Will I tio a huge injury? Will it change my life?
  • What kind of people will I meet?
  • Will I find lifelong buddies/brothers in Army, and if yes, will it result in my relationship with my NP gang fading away?
  • Will I have any supernatural encounters?
  • Will I be able to acquire Gold for IPPT?
  • Will I have achieved the fitness level of Naval Divers/commandos/infantry/guards (barring the specialised stuff they do like diving/parachute etc)
  • Will I down pes, or become man, or get posted to lousy units?
  • Will I have built a solid physique?
  • Will any other interesting encounters/life changing events happen?
One thing is for sure, as long I have my metal, stay Kvlt and Trve, I know I will be able to bite the pain, move forward, and complete this part of my life in one piece. I am ready.


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