Just like a rifle without it's bolt carrier and bullets. The potential within it is unquestioned, and when the parts are assembled together, this 'toy' turns into an invincible weapon. We just have to find our 'bolt carrier' and 'bullets' to fulfill our potential... -Your's Truly

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Misanthropy

You have no idea how pissed off I am now. Until now, the number of people who has read my blog is pathetic. I might sound like a jackass now, but I don't really care. But no, I will not feed your hunger. Instead I bite the pain, like I always have. I will not wallow in self pity. Life is unfair guys. Not so much for me, but for you, and you know it.

It's all about LOVE isn't it? Right now I am going to tell all of you a FACT. For everyone, especially teenagers, ALL OF YOUR LIFE PROBLEMS WILL BE SOLVED OR DEEMED INSIGNIFICANT ONCE YOU HAVE A LOVE PARTNER. ITS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. And no matter how much you disagree, deep down you know, you are just deluding yourself from this fact. So why am I so pissed off? Because I don't have a girlfriend? Is that it? This is a question quite frankly, I don't really have an answer to. But, this is me I'm talking about! Gonna stop here.

Bottom line is, there are some people in life who are just born more talented, better looking, more intelligent, fitter, luckier, sexier, got six packs, got pecs, can sing, can draw, excellent command of English, can write over 100 songs, damn charismatic, one of the top Chinese soccer players in SG, pool pro, psychological analyst, chick magnet, mature, musically inclined, will get the most chio girl ever to be his wife, a LEFT HANDER, and most importantly, just better than each and every single one of them out there! And the list goes on...

Let's take a look into the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. More specifically, the top of the triangle.

"Self Actualization"

Ask yourself. Ask yourself now. Have you had any self actualization in your life? That life changing event than morphed you into a better person, physically and mentally? Or are you, sadly, just one of the common people? Those pathetic people? Do you belong to that group, huh?


Those camwhores who take pix all the time and think they are so pretty and so sociable and so many friends leh. Come on so what? Continue being a whore, better yet, make it a professional job if you can!

Or those freaking party animals who go clubbing every single day just to grind chicks or get to know pretty girls and just play and play and dance all night before eventually achieving their target of putting his key into her lock! Or the other way round.

Or are you a gamer freak who has no life all you know is games games games...psp...dota...maple...wad l4d...xbox....can play until addict...wow and your appearance that stupid dishevelled unshaven wear nerd specs skinny boney never brush teeth no hygiene look that you portray to others that shouts, "LOOK AT ME, I'M A GAMER FREAK, MY USERNAME IS TYLERKILLS1922 AND I AM RANK #1 OUT OF 102202404290 PLAYERS!!! ADD ME!!!"

For those who has actually tired to at least change for the better, or just acknowledging that fact that a change in your life is required to make you happier, instead of hiding behind masks and putting on a facade to pretend to be happy, good for you. Majority of you would turn Christians and find God for help. I encourage that. God bless you! For the minority, unless you're a LEFT HANDER, chances are you'll fail and go back to that pathetic life of yours again. People like these, you are just born to make up the countries population. Blunt. Straightforward. BUT, ITS THE UGLY TRUTH.

Hahahahahhahahaahahha....so enjoy now people, enjoy life now. There's a saying that goes something like this: "He who laughs last, laughs the most."

I'll see you at the finishing line. =)

**Update on "ST 63"

  • losing weight well
  • pretty clean breakfast.
  • consumed some sweets...can't help it
Alright, I'm running pretty late (no pun intended), so I'm gonna head off for my HIIT now! Good luck to me!

UPDATE: Jesus christ, what a hell of a workout! I'm still panting and sweating buckloads as I type, can you believe! I'm so happy I was trve to myself and completed my workout! And what a workout it was! 8oom LISS/ 1.8km HIIT/pull ups/stair climbing! Damn, feels g00d troo be AALIVE!!! Yea!!! My keyboard's getting sweaty! yEA!!


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